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Posts posted by M&M

  1. I really didn't think that there was that much for grammar stage, SOTW with the activity guide was a better fit. I saved it for the logic stage thinking that we would use it.


    But here we are in logic stage, and now we are using TOG. TOG offers me things that Bibiloplan does not. The main things are, preparation for Rhetoric stage, and guidance in teaching using socratic discussion.


    The bottom line for me is that TOG offers me a plan everything I need for K-12 for history, geography, philosopy/worldview, history of science, writing, and church history/Bible. It allows me to take what I learned in WTM and implement it for all of my children without all the work.

  2. I drove (and picked up) dd to a get together, a two minute drive normally...unless there are hoardes of cars trying to get into and out of the park. We live on a quiet street two blocks from the park. Well it wasn't quiet last night. I drove two miles out of my way to get there to pick up dd. And what did she say..."Thank you darling mother for giving up your peace to drive in circles?" No, I got..."Boy, you are really running late today!"


    Poor dh left a cranky wife at home and went to the park only to come home to a cranky wife. I guess I have some 'splainin' to do.:blushing:

  3. NOT a dumb question!

    In fact, if someone would post a chart, and algorithm, a PLAN for math, I would rep them every day as much as possible! It's a mess in my brain, and I need a chart: title, level, pros/cons, what it follows, what it proceeds, etc.


    The gauntlet has been thrown (or the carrot dangled, if someone wants my little bit o' rep!).



    On pages 523 - 526 there are possible sequences listed for Saxon, Abeka, MUS, and Singapore.


    Got to put littles to bed or I would post more. I really need the rep :blush:....LOL!

  4. I'm not really asking what "reformed" theology is (I know that I'm not reformed ~ tho', I'd have a hard time labeling what exactly I am!). I'm more asking how does TOG weave that worldview into the curriculum.


    I'm just still uncertain how being "reformed" affects how literature and history are studied, if that makes sense. Where does it come out? Is it easily skipped, or is it pervasive?


    I figure this would probably be more of an issue in the rhetoric levels - since that is where it delves into philosophy. Is that a correct assumption?


    Any hints on what to expect - or what kind of disagreements you had with that POV and how you dealt with them - would be greatly appreciated!





    I could be wrong, but my understanding of Tapestry is that they tried very hard not to focus on theological differences between denominations, there is a great emphasis on the Parent, led by the Holy Spirit disciples R level (and younger) students. I just don't think that you will find such questions in a lit discussion...you might find something like, What does the Bible say about xyz? How does that relate to the decision abc character made in the book you read this week? The teacher's notes would have verses relating to whatever the topic was with some guidance for discussion.


    We are not Reformed either, and I have had no problems with Tapestry, we have not used the R level yet, but what I have seen of the Pagent of Philosophy there is not a problem there for me either.


    I joined the Tapestry Catholic Yahoo group (I have Catholic hsing friends) and I was surprised at how little they have had to change it only seems that the Reformation/Counter Reformation periods needed the most tweeking.


    To me that says that TOG works for all Christians, because it is designed as a tool to aid your teaching, not something that controls you.


    I hope you get more help from others who have taught R level. Maybe you could ask on the TOG forum as well.


    I hope that this helps you some.

  5. For some reason , this is such a big issue for me. I love the idea of WTM cycle where all children study the same period. Especially when they are older, I can see how great this would be to allow for discussion, interaction, group work etc. BUT. Last year I read what Ambleside says about having all the kids working on the same things (age appropriate of course) - and it really has stuck with me. They point out how hard it is for the younger one, since no matter how well they do, the older one will do better. I can see this with my oldest 2, they are only 2 years apart, so it would be so easy to do the same things with them for history, science, geography. But, I don't want the younger one always comparing her work to big brothers. Especially since they both love to draw and color and do projects, and of course it is obvious which pieces have been done by the younger one.



    When we do discussions, I work with the younger ones first and then let the older ones fill in the details. We don't all do the same projects very often so we don't have a lot of problems there.


    My first grader this fall may be the first to have this problem, since she has the tendency to compare. I think that I will continue to consider this a charater issue and not let if affect our schooling. She must learn that we all have different abilities and that you must do your best not be the best.

  6. We are going to do something similiar, 13 yo will be doing Apologia General Science in a co-op for labs, and I still have to decide what to do with the younger ones. Definately CM stlye nature notebooks and maybe Considering God's Creation or one of the elementary Apologia. WTM style science may work even better.


    This past year we used Rod and Staff, just because we were not getting science done.

  7. I just realized that UG does not have any accountability questions!! How do you handle the discussions with an UG? I want to make certain she is reading and retaining the info, but am not really sure what is being covered in "her" reading. She really wants questions to answer too. She is my very over achiever 9yo! Boy, sure with they were all that way:)







    I think the reason there are not any questions, is that Marcia believes that you should trust that UG are getting something out of the reading assigned. That "something" can be reinforced with some of the other elements of TOG -- activity pages, projects, writing assingments, etc. I like to do narrations with UG.


    That said, if dd really wants accountability questions, could you adapt D questions for that level, or just give her some general questions and include her in you discussion with yor older children?

  8. are in an unhealthy marital relationship. There is nothing wrong with what John wants and there is nothing wrong with Jane's concerns. These are things that in healthy realationships, couples work out. But it doesn't seem like that is happening with John and Jane.


    I have no problem with trusting GOd for your family size, but I do have problems when it is one-sided trust, meaning only one spouse on that page and the one spouse making it a measure of spirituality. Quiverfull is not a "thus says the Lord." I repeat. . .nowhere does God say in Scripture that couples are to have babies til they drop in exhaustion and fatigue. It isn't there. Yes, children are a blessing. Yes, we are commanded to multiply. But some people take it way to far and make it a measure of a person's spirituality. That's legalism and God detests that. THe number of kids a couple has makes them no more spiritual than one that has less. It isn't a measure of faith. It is a calling, that is between and husband, a wife, and the Lord.


    That's all.


    Jane needs to go to John and together they need to go to a pastor or trusted individual and get this worked out before it is too late. They need to get on the same page before too much bitterness and anger wells up on Jane's end and it is too late to heal.



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