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Posts posted by M&M

  1. I think the problem is just with me!

    I do have a schedule ala MOTH printed out...

    It is just STAYING ON IT... having major trouble over here.

    We have so many discipline issues, disruptions, distractions...


    I am combining curriculum. I think it is just all these URGENT things seem to take over my life...


    And also- is a die-hard, strict schedule ala MOTH really THE WAY I HAVE TO GO TO MAKE MY LIFE WORK? Tell it to me straight. I need it. We are chaotic over here.





    You have a lot going on. I would step back and check my priorites. You have just added a new little person to your house, in my house that means a lot of re-teaching and re-adjusting. If you have discipline issues and chore issues (we do), I would work on those first. Your children are still young, you can step back from some of the minor subjects and work on some of the major (math, phonics, reading).


    Since you like Charlotte Mason, why not focus on read alouds ( for us it takes some time to get little ones to learn to sit and listen), narration, and nature study.


    A frazzled mom is not an effective teacher or mother. Ease into a schedule, take some of the pressure off of yourself, you do not have to be supermom!!


    Start small and work your way up, your oldest will not suffer if you ease off of some things for a little bit.


    Remember, homeschooling is a marathon not a sprint ( someone here taught me that:) ).

  2. Our house is very small and the formal diningroom is the largest room on the first floor. This summer we have turned it into our dining/library room where we have school.


    We lined one wall with bookshelves, put a computer stations in two corners and I have a smaller table smooshed in between for the littles (that was not part of the plan but the littles balked at not having a workspace their size). I have a cabinet in the den that holds school supplies, teacher's manuals, binders, math manipulatives, etc.


    There is not a lot of room to move around, but it is working better than when we used the small den to have school.

  3. We were getting ready for storytime, I was watching the tv and talking to a friend. We watched in horror the live coverage.


    We live very close to Manhattan, we have neighbors that commute. It was a hard day as many close to us waited for loved ones to get home. One neighbor did not go to work that day, and his whole staff was lost. One friend saw the first tower fall from his office and ran...it was hours before he was able to contact his wife and let her know he was ok.


    I will never forget the silence of no planes flying over, no cell phone service and being without power. There are memorials to those lost in the park where I walk, and a large memorial very close to here where you can see the skyline of NYC. It is still strange to not the towers. I am thankful that dh was not called to work in the city that day, as he often worked right across the street from the WTC.


    We try to focus on ds's birthday and not dwell on what happened, but it is never forgotten.

  4. You could try it, but you'd get sick of the repetitiveness in very short order. Whine, whine, pout. Whine, whine, pout. At least that's how it is here, and me main perp is the nine year old girl!


    Today she threw a huge and very long hissy fit because I asked her to help bring vegetables into the house when we got home from the farm. And then when she had the fit I told her she could clean out the whole van, and that resulted in more fitfulness. Unflippinbelievable, I tell you.


    And school starts on Thursday.

    And I'm not totally ready.

    Lots o'Circa punching must happen between now and then.


    So in other words, I'm feeling your pain and will be here Thursday night saying very similar things. Oh the joy!


    Too bad you don't live close enough to run away for a few hours and indulge in something yummy, and totally fattening!


    Ok, tell me about the farm...what farm? I LOVE FARMS!!

  5. We started school today :glare:. My 4 yo whined all day long, my 1st grader is not interested in school, my 2 yo would like to be held all day long, my 4th grader is ...well an almost 10 yo boy ..nuf said?...


    I know we should not start school the morning after getting home late from a trip, you'd think I would know better.


    I spent part of my weekend planning school while the family went to the beach and played mini golf...why do I feel like I spent hours planning so that we could accomplish NOTHING!!


    The homeschool in my head works so much better in my head than irl. The day ebbs and flows, learning happens during the day ...robins perch on my finger and sing songs..ok, sombody slap me I'm losing it :lol::lol:!


    Ya think Michelle Duggar would fly up to NJ and teach me how to make it all work?!!

  6. I did hop on the page protector train and I'm getting off. I made the mistake of buying heavyweight page protectors and Year 1 is in three 4" binders- huge, heavy and cumbersome. I'd rather have four 2" binders without page protectors for each year.


    :( Now to go back and undo over 400 protected pages, lol. Maybe when I get bored...



    I put one unit in page protectors, got the binders from Costco, sat for hours filling this binder and....I HATE IT!! The binders don't close tightly enough and all the pages start coming out.


    What was I thinking? These HUGE binders are going to take up all of my new bookshelves.


    So, you have just given me permission to ditch the whole idea and go back to my 2'' binder.:hurray:





    They aren't cheap up here, either! I'm amazed how much more they cost this year than last. We paid $1.70/pound to u-pick these! But they're organic (not certified) so that was a bit of a premium.





    Now I am jealous! U-pick orgainc blueberries are $2.50/pound here and we have to drive over an hour to get there. Sigh, with the price of gas this summer, there are no blueberries for us this year :tongue_smilie:.

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