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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Definitely "how to". I feel I can do art appreciation w/ library books and books we already own. He def. wants a how to curriculum. Thanks!
  2. Yes, covetousness. That "green-eyed monster" called jealousy has been running rampant around here lately and getting worse every day. It's a tough thing even for us adults to handle. But, my kids have been horrible lately when it comes to coveting. How do you teach someone to be grateful and content? That's a heart issue. My boys, for instance met a new little boy last week (the brother of my dd's friend). This kid had lots and lots of Star Wars stuff. My ds10 gets the nifty idea to "trade" Star Wars stuff. Ds10 (my lawyer) gets this little boy (7yo) to "trade" a star wars figure for a huge Star Wars SHIP! :001_huh: I said absolutely not. I explained how it all stemmed from a covetous heart. He wanted what the little guy had. Heck, *I* wanted what this whole family had (gorgeous home, pool, landscaped backyard, 2 swingsets, movie-theater in basement, etc.). BUT, I did my very best to model a grateful and content heart and I think I did a good job. So, how to rid them of that green-eyed monster...:confused:
  3. Okay, I'm feeling better about this now. I was truly worried I was sick or something. PP hormones make sense although I've not experienced this before. Could it be my thyroid as well? I am on meds for hypothyroid, but I know they need to be adjusted. Could it be that?
  4. I have read that book. Very good and it has helped us a lot around here. I'm still implementing a lot of the strategies, but it is working. My favorite phrase around here re: fairness is "Life's not fair, get used to it now and you won't be disappointed later." My dh HATES that phrase b/c he thinks I'm being pessimistic. Nope. Just realistic. I like the blessing idea. Any suggestions on how to implement such a thing? Thanks.
  5. My last curriculum purchase...art. Ds10 wants to actually do art this year. Not just arts and crafts and free-painting/drawing, but an actual curriculum. So, I've looked at AP, Feed My Sheep, Phonics of Drawing, God and the History of Art (which we already have) and some others. I'm no closer to deciding, but am leaning towards AP or Phonics of Drawing. It will probably come down to cost. Can anyone compare AP vs. Phonics or Drawing or give some reviews of each? I've read the other threads on AP and many seem to really like it. It looks really good. So does Phonics of Drawing. Any preferences? I'd be interested in hearing from your dc perspective as well!
  6. Okay, let me explain this a bit. My dc seem to have a really big issue with fairness. Everytime one child gets to go to a friends house and they don't go..."It's not FAIR!". If one child gets to stay up later than another (an older child vs. a younger child)..."It's not FAIR". If one child spends the night at a friend's house...you get the picture. Everything is not fair around here, according to my dc. I'm.so.sick.of.it! We don't cater to this and cut it off as soon as we hear it. But, I'm wondering...how do you teach fairness and explain it in situations like this? We always tell them they are different children and are given different opportunities. It's not about fairness, but simple differences. Our oldest SHOULD have more priveleges simply b/c of her age AND b/c she helps out a TON at home, usually w/ a good attitude. Our oldest SHOULD have a later bedtime if she wanted it (she doesn't btw). Okay, any suggestions on how to handle this or explanations of how YOU handle it? Thanks!
  7. You are so not alone. My dh says I do this sort of thing all the time and I guess he is right. I want him to read my mind and when he doesn't, I get all upset. Sort of the same situation. Just wanted to tell you you are not alone. :grouphug:
  8. God is good. I'm so very happy for you! Have fun tonight if you go out!
  9. We have a 15 pass. Dodge Van. It's horrible on gas as you can imagine and I really hate that we need a vehicle that size, but we do. 7 kids, 2 adults, plus additional cargo, the occasional friend tagging along, etc. It has served us well. I don't think they make them anymore though. :001_huh: I don't know what we'll do when this breaks down. Dh has a Lexus (purchased way, way used and way, way cheap) and so errands are usually run in that vehicle to save gas.
  10. More agreement with everything that was already posted. Your girls are young. At this age, Science, History, Art, Music is all "gravy" anyway. If you got the basics done...you did fantastic! I was pregnant last year, gave birth in May and so from around Jan. - now we didn't do much History, Science, Art or Music. And, some of my kids are much older than yours. You have not failed. Not one bit. I agree w/ using what you already have if you only did about 25% of it. Lots of women on this board are super duper planners. Why don't you post what you have been using or are thinking of using and let some of us help you plan? I'm so much better at "fixing" everyone else's "problems" than fixing my own! You'll give me something else to do so I can procrastinate planning my own year! :D
  11. We used K12 with a cyber for 2 years before going independent last year. I like K12 a lot. LOVE the phonics program for K and 1st grade. As for our cyber...it became a bit too "public schoolish" for me and that's why we went independent. I also wanted a more Christian worldview in our history and science curriculum. I loved how History and Art went together, loved how SWB wrote the History curriculum for grade 1 and some of grade 2 (I think) so it was very "SOTWish". Best part? It was all FREE! Free computers, printers, support, curriculum, supplies, etc. I might be talking myself into going back here. Nah. I love our freedom and flexibility too much for that. But, K12 is great.
  12. What could cause hot flashes besides menopause? This is the second time I've had what I think to be a hot flash. I'm sitting here in the room w/ the A/C (so it's relatively cool) and I'm sweating. Just sweating! First time was at my mother's house in her very cool house. I was sitting on the couch and all of a sudden I started getting very hot and sweaty. I KNOW I'm not approaching menopause. I just had a baby for goodness sake! And I'm only 36. So, is there anything else that could cause this?
  13. Okay, I'm really depressed. I thought our energy bill was "okay". We don't even have central A/C, just 3 window units (one in the main area of the house, one in my bedroom and one in dd11/2's bedroom. Our energy bill as $250 this past month! That's W/OUT central A/C that runs all the time! I'm moving!
  14. Sounds like you are describing Usborne's Art Treasury! We love that book and have done several of the projects. You could use that and then check out more library books if you want more in-depth.
  15. Dd11 read all 13 in about a month. :001_huh: She couldn't put them down. I guess she likes odd humor and gloom and doom. Actually, she told me she thought it all funny and didn't really take it all "literally".
  16. Just food or food plus household supplies, cleaners, hygiene items, etc.? If you are talking just food...we are a family of 9 and never spend less than $600/mo on food and that's lowballing. Counting household supplies, diapers, cleaners, hygiene products, etc. and you are talking closer to $800 if not more. Let your dh do the shopping for a month...he'll get the idea. My dh asked me once if "this" was all I got for $150. I stared at him dumbfounded and said, "next time...YOU are doing the shopping!". Food prices are rising as is everything else. 8 bags of groceries used to cost us $100, now it's more like $150.
  17. With first baby...I lost my plug 2 wks before I delivered. I can't recall ever losing it with the subsequent babies except my last. I lost my plug several months before I was due. Then, it sort of grew back. I didn't lose any again until I was truly in labor. Good luck!
  18. Somebody on this board made her own cards and places to hang them. She used little cup hooks for the cards and just made her own cards on the computer similar to the ones in the Accountable Kids System. She email me her templates. Forgive me..I can't for the life of me remember who it was. I'll search my emails when I get home. Maybe she'll respond before I do that!
  19. :iagree: I've heard that many people who win the lottery lose it w/in the year. They just go on a spending binge or lose it in unwise investments, etc. I'm reading a Dave Ramsey book and am loving it. It is so true that you can give people expensive homes, cars, lots of money, etc. but if you don't teach them how to KEEP that money and invest it properly...they'll lose it before you can blink. Sad, but true. We've btdt and we're learning. Very sad.
  20. You have all the :grouphug: and prayers that I can give. Words aren't enough to express the gratitude I feel for soldiers like your dh and wives like you. My dh only travels a few nights each month...I can't imagine him being gone for months AND having a baby while he is gone. :grouphug: to you and apologies for all my silly complaining. I don't know how you do it!
  21. No baby yet, right? I've been thinking about her...I had an August baby and that last month in the middle of the summer was simply horrible.
  22. Just wondering b/c I hadn't seen a post from her. You still hanging in there girl? :)
  23. You'll get an opinion on both sides of this question! With Saxon, there are a variety of different types of problems in each lesson. You have word problems first, then some review of previous material, then you'll get to the current lesson's material (just a few problems) and then some more review. To do just odds/evens, I was always afraid my dc would "miss" something. It is quite possible. Instead of assigning odds/evens, I would take the time to go through the lesson and circle each problem I wanted dc to do based on where I thought she needed the review. I would always have her do all the problems pertaining to the current lessons and all the word problems. Many do assign odd/evens w/ no problem, though. HTH
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