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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. That was nice news to wake to :)
  2. My ideal summer day (note I only have one highschooler at home, and I'll have one college kid living at home this summer): --exercise early with or without dh (gym or hike or long walk) --quiet time w a cup of coffee (iced or hot) and my ipad to catch up on news --daily picking and weeding session in the garden; talk to the plants --a lunch full of flavor and color --some school planning for the fall --fiction reading on the deck (I love the canopy overhead for the sunny hours) --try a new recipe --relaxed dinner with whoever is home to eat --enjoy conversation and a glass of wine with dh, also on the deck (we have lights integrated in the railings)
  3. I am out of likes, but I want to say I agree with almost all the above posters. I had to get offline last night for a cleansing funny book because anger and frustration and sadness, between this thread and thise poor little "homestead" children :(
  4. Sunshine!!!! :) Today: --exercise, type unknown --school w dd: math --daily things --Friday-specific tasks --garden: weed as needed, dd plant flowers --yard: finish weeding perennial beds, decide when to have mulch delivered --go clothes shopping with both girls :) --dd ballet 6:30-8
  5. With a mother from Sacramento and a father from San Diego, I used to spend weeks of my childhood driving from relative's house to relative's house. I swear there was a relative or an old friend for every single meal or overnight from way north of SF to San Diego :lol: Most of my cousins (and dh's, too!) are now clustered from Napa to Davis to the Sierra foothills :)
  6. Thanks guys :) HR will offer oodles of help. I cannot believe the benefits! They have a free shuttle from SF and also offer a free Caltrans (?) pass. He has a very generous relocation allowance, which is good because he was trying to figure out how to get his stuff there in Corolla :lol: He's been to a friend's apartment in the area and knows how much rent will be for something comparable (a decent 1 br). I don't know how far from MV he will end up living. Arcadia, I'll pass on that map to him. He loves biking :)
  7. My boy will be moving to California. He just accepted the job offer. I am :party: and :( all at the same time.
  8. He just accepted the (omg way generous) offer from a company in Mountainview. He was contacted by a recruiter last month, had two levels of phone interviews, and then flew out for a killer interview session two weeks ago. He is thilled. Dh and I are thrilled that he will have such a good start to his career. Dd15 pulled up the Southwest website to check on airfare to San Jose :lol: But but but but That's so far away *pouts* However, he has friends from high school in the Bay Area. All of my relatives (except my sisters) live in California. My aunties are so excited to see more of him :) For those who don't know, ds is a computer science major at the University of Delaware (will delete this later). CS is part of the College of Engineering which ranks highly for at least one "flavor" of engineering, ChemE. I don't know how the CS dept is ranked. Ds followed the merit money to UD so as to graduate without any loans :D He has worked on-campus as tech support for one of the other colleges. Last summer he held a well-paid internship with a major tech firm at their Baltimore-area location. Choosing merit money at a state university worked very well in his case :party:
  9. The Girl comes home today! Her poor brother, the graduate, has a final during the very last final period, the day before he graduates :eek:
  10. 15 min elliptical, workout w trainer, 30 min bike I've come to rely on the walk to/from the gym :(
  11. Cold and rainy :( Weather-dependent: --walk to gym --water garden thanks, rain! --finish weeding perennial beds --start to mulch those beds --help dd plant her flowers And not: --training at gym --daily things --Thursday-specific tasks --move dd out of her dorm :D
  12. I am just so sad for those kids :(
  13. Laura, do you know the approximate volume of that mulch? I have to order more for next week or the following week. I need to beat the fruit garden into submission before we have ds's graduation party on June 7 :D My fingers are crossed that it will not be rainy tomorrow morning when I want to walk to the gym.
  14. Our local high school offers a Cambridge program for ninth and tenth grades, with 40-50 kids per grade level. My nephew is in this program, which is basically the way to get the highest level courses possible in 9/10 grade (the school offers only two levels of college-prep classes otherwise). This year he is studying Cambridge English, maths, history (world), and earth science. Next year he will have English, maths, and biology. He had a boatload of summer work to do before the start of ninth grade. He gets loads and loads of homework. My sister is happy that he is challenged. He's only had his history exam (3 parts, all essays of various lengths) so far. I think the others will be closer to traditional finals time.
  15. Uh oh, I was considering changing my avatar since it's four years old :lol: I dislike when names are changed without notice/reference, especially when I see someone with a name I don't recognize but with oodles of posts. I feel like I'm missing backstory to their posts, you know?
  16. My priorities were straight this morning---I exercised and then finished my book :lol:
  17. Good morning :) Jean, what the heck is a death plant?! My day: --exercise: go for a walk in a bit --school w dd: math, chem --garden: plant --yard: finish weeding perennial beds? --daily things --Wednesday-specific tasks --stretch shoulder --make haircut appointment --take dd to eye dr to get glasses repaired --physical therapy 3pm --dd ballet 6-8 --finish library book :D
  18. I didn't get my walk in yesterday. I really should know better than to save exercise for the evening! I'll be going for a walk in a bit, 3-4 miles depending on which way I turn at the first light :)
  19. Ouch, Laura! Hope the antibiotic kicks in quickly :grouphug:
  20. My non-unusual list (zone 6b/7a): broccoli, cauliflower (not until the fall though), 3 types of lettuces, rainbow carrots, 2 types of small sweet peppers (orange, red), jalapeños, onion, pole green beans, pole wax beans, zucchini, golden zucchini, tiny watermelon, a Chinese melon similar to honeydew, cucumbers for pickling :)
  21. I didn't get to everything yesterday, but that's ok :) Today: --exercise: walking later today --shoulder exercises 3x --school w dd: chemistry, math --daily things --Tuesday-specific tasks --garden: weed veggies as needed, thin carrots, plant cukes/parsley/dd flowers --continue weeding perennial beds --return phone call to hospital --continue working on Comparative Government syllabus
  22. Interesting--thank you. Dd will have taken 3 subject tests by the endof sophomore year, because of how the timing works with completed classes. Something to keep in mind.
  23. I'm trying broccoli rabe this year :) helena, what zone do you garden in?
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