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Everything posted by Mert

  1. We're currently doing WWE narrations a couple times a week and maybe 1 or 2 a month with FFL. We'll be adding in SotW in the fall so I figure we'll be doing a couple more a week with that. Do you do more than this with your early elem kiddos? We are reading so much more than that. I do have ds do a drawing kinda worksheet to either illustrate some questions like name and draw one character, one place or setting in the story and a fav part OR something from the beg, mid and end of the story. So what's a good amount for children this age or what has worked at your house?
  2. A close friend had almost miraculous results using this. Glad you mentioned it!
  3. You can't actually because there just aren't enough tiles. We did them orally at first and then switched to typing them on the computer. Ds had been picking letters out on the keyboard anyway so this was just a natural progression for us. I do have to disagree with everyone that's saying that a child won't be able to utilize this program if s/he can't write. My ds is doing really well with it. His inability to use a pencil to write the phrases and sentences isn't affecting his ability to use and learn from the program. That's just our experience. I know different things work for different children/teachers.
  4. We used the tiles to do the spelling in the beginning and moved to typing when there weren't enough tiles to spell the phrases and sentences.
  5. We played with cuisinaire rods and used Miquon and RightStart games in Pre-K. For kindy we started Singapore and continued playing with Miquon and RS on the side.
  6. Great question! Thanks for all the links and suggestions! :001_smile:
  7. We found ours through a psychologist's office. You could probably google it with your location or maybe the dr who diagnosed your son might know of something in your area.
  8. I don't think it's unusual for children with your son's dx to have trouble socially. Have you considered a social skills class or play group?
  9. We're going to continue with the things we used in kindy moving on to the next level as needed: Singapore, Miquon, FLL, WWE, AAS. In the case of history when we finish Adventure in America, we'll start SOTW1. We'll also continue trampoline class for PE and might add a sports class. We're adding a mix of BFSU & RSO life science either on our own or with a group of friends in a weekly kinda thing. Other things being considered... violin, cello or drum lessons (Yes, I will be purchasing ear plugs!!), Lollipop Logic, Song School Latin, Wordly Wise and Leading Little Ones.
  10. Singapore as the spine with Miquon and RS games.
  11. Since you're not sure, you might want to try the meds first. If that clears it up, then you'll have your answer. Do you have a relationship with an OT already? If so, a phone call to her/him would be my next step if you decide that it's not allergies. Sorry that you and ds are dealing with this. Hope it clears up quickly.
  12. Gagging was an indication to the OT that ds had sensory issues. It happened when he touched "squishy" foods like applesauce or yogurt to his mouth and even once when he was touching something with his hand. Is this the first time you're seeing any texture issues?
  13. A friend told me she's doing all new bathing suits, flip flops, towels and such for her girls. Last year was the set of Seeds worship cds
  14. I found that Amazon's 4for3 made most of my books cheaper or at least as cheap as used at betterworldbooks or Amazon's used prices. Granted I was purchasing history readers and other paperback books for a kindergartener. Our library had several of the books on my list, but I did spend around $150 on Amazon.
  15. OK, I have to change my opinion... I just googled family portraits as Twigs suggested and found a fab set of family pics in white, gray and shades of blue with everyone in jeans and flip flops. Now I want to get our family together for professional photos.
  16. I was just reading on a photog blog the other day that this is the current trend in photos as opposed to everyone in the same color top and bottom. The photographer was saying that the photos are nicer when there are different patterns and textures. 2squared, I really liked the idea of the black, grey, red that you guys are already thinking about. I'd add in some white and call it a day. :) Hope it comes together easily!
  17. Are these lists based on suggestions in SOTW or a supplement to or just titles you've gathered on your own? :bigear:
  18. Slightly OT: Bill, can you expound on this a bit and maybe make some book/curricula suggestions? :bigear: Thanks!
  19. I clicked 3, but I guess officially I pull from 4 different curricula... Singapore is our spine. We dabble in Miquon pages and RS games, and we're reading LoF apples.
  20. I've done my AAS teacher guides and had them spiral bound. I didn't do it myself, but apparently the Singapore TG I bought used was spiral bound by a previous owner. We moved up to the next level, and I'm still trying to decide if I want to do it to this TG, too. I wouldn't hesitate to cut up an ETC book if it would help ds. Oh, I cut up a couple Kumon wkbks... one just to make it easier for ds and the other was a tracing book. I put the pages into page protectors to make it reusable with wipe off crayons. ETA: I do the same as bookfiend for all the teacher guides.
  21. We wear pjs until we have to go out of the house. Sometimes ds will change into "in the house clothes" such as sweatpants that are too short or have holes in the knees and/or less attractive over sized shirts like the one he "tye-dyed" in VBY last summer. PJs go back at on bedtime... his at 8ish, dh and I whenever we're actually getting into the bed.
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