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Everything posted by bethben

  1. The water line for water goes through the freezer door on a side by side fridge. It keeps freezing about 5 inches into the line. The water for ice is a different line. Hearing about how all water lines have issues is making me rethink water in the fridge at all..[emoji848] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Ice maker—just not in the door Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I am finding that it's almost $1000 cheaper to get a fridge without an in door water dispenser. I may just do that and install a good RO system with minerals under the sink. It will be better filtered water and be cheaper.
  4. Exterior wall. It usually freezes overnight although it did a couple of days ago in the middle of the morning.
  5. We are considering getting a bigger fridge. Here’s the question—our water line freezes 2-3 times a week. Is this a common problem? If so, we may just forget the water in the door and just install a water filter elsewhere. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If she's doing GoMath, she may also be doing tests on the computer (if not now, probably later). If they progress toward the computer testing (my dd is in 4th grade), she will eventually have to explain in words (no pictures because it's on the computer) how she got to her answer. This process is going "really" well with children who have not been taught to type yet. My dd's math tests take over an hour for less than 15 problems because they have them explain in words hen peck typing how they got their answer. Knowing where this curriculum is going would make me advise that you have her write down how she got the answer. Eventually, it will catch up to her if she doesn't get into the practice of being able to write down "why". Go Math is one of the many reasons I am not sending my child back to this particular public school. DD has come to the conclusion that she is stupid in math due only to this curriculum.
  7. Can you find someone at Mayo who can do co-ordinated care? I have found someone like that for my son who often needs multiple providers to figure out muscular/skeletal issues. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. If you think about it, common core wanted to set up a national curriculum where kids could move from state to state and not have a break in learning. From what I can see, public schools still vary widely in what and how they teach. CC has made a product that can have a kid move anywhere there is a community and not miss anything because the curriculum is standard across the board. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. You and I must have the same child...mine is 13. He has school part time (one day a week and 2 other outside classes on T/TR). He also may be an aspie and I have NO IDEA HOW TO MOTIVATE HIM!!!! He doesn't write down assignments correctly if they're spoken to him and doesn't even write them down correctly if they are on the board. I asked him why can't he do that simple thing. He responded, "Why should I have to pay attention to something I'm not interested in?" I don't want to homeschool this child but in no way do I see him being successful in a public school setting without an IEP or modifications. I'm about ready to scream right now. He's a nice kid overall, but I have no idea what to do.
  10. I did look into CC when we moved to a new state. Two main things kept me from it. #1–I absolutely hate having to sit in the foundations classes. It is soooo boring. #2–I still don’t believe most challenge directors can do a great job. I find it hard to homeschool my own children much less plan for six separate classes that I’m supposed to teach well. I tried just learning Latin with my oldest learner and I couldn’t even do that. I know there are some good tutors out there, but there are also some very bad ones. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. My son “hugged†our last refrigerator with the french doors on top saying, “I love you for who you are insideâ€. He was 14 at the time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I was just looking into this yesterday. Someday, I plan to get a fridge with the french doors on top AND french doors on the bottom. I had a freezer drawer in our other house and it worked perfectly fine for that house, but in our current home, we have an island sitting next to the fridge and I would always have to stand on the side of the freezer in order to get into it. Also, the french doors on the bottom seem like they have a better way to organize food into shelves and interior drawers. But, if I didn't have this configuration in my kitchen, the drawer at the bottom worked perfectly fine and the cost is better. Still, it's an expensive refrigerator. I figure by the summer I will have saved up enough for it. Is it weird to look into a new fridge even if your old one still works? It's just not big enough for our family and side by side fridge/freezer just doesn't handle the amount of food I have to shove in there for our family (we like fruit and vegetables). Also, the water line freezes when it changes from mild to cold outside temperatures here. I have NO IDEA what the connection is. Am I totally wasteful?
  13. I have found a pretty good GF bread at Costco. I think it's less than $4 a loaf. Small loaf, but it's pretty decent for GF bread.
  14. I’m reading this book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0385495242/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1516284377&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=the+schools+we+need+and+why+we+don%27t+have+them&dpPl=1&dpID=51j%2BlxSVNAL&ref=plSrch A lot of the arguments about school reform I’m reading in this book. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. We have to be careful with medication. There are some extended family issues with bi-polar and the wrong anti-depressants can trigger that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The only reason why he is still allowed Minecraft is that he doesn't have a good replacement - something that he loves just as much. We know it needs to be replaced by something that brings him joy but we have tried for two years to find ANY interest and are turning up nothing. I remember reading teen romances around the 14 year old mark. I would get a huge stack from the library and read them when ever I could. I was much like my son. The difference is that I truly believe computers and technology change a growing brain. We originally let him have all this tech so he could learn how to manage it. He has utterly failed and I feel like we can't backtrack with this particular child.
  17. Ds lies. He’s very good at it although I’ve started to pick up his body language a bit. I don’t trust what he says any more. It’s not just this but everything he doesn’t want to do and still needs to (proper hygiene right now). I’ve desperately been trying to find anything he may be interested in. Hence the two co-op thing. The second has a robotics club and course. I’m totally lost here. Most of the time, I’ve been able to follow my gut /God’s voice to figure out what my kids needed. I’ve got nothing with this child. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I know!!! That is the tension I have. I’m seeing total addiction. I feel like my mommy gut was taken away by the therapist. The only reason we went to the therapist was because I had a child who slept all the time and was more than mildly depressed. What happened with the therapy sessions for the most part was my son negotiating with me through the therapist for more computer time. I feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I negotiated an extra 1/2 hour in exchange for the second co-op. He was good with the exchange. But still—he’s been up for two days straight on his sneaked computer. He hides it really well—on the other hand, he was starting to slur his words. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. We are also going to a psychologist to get a possible autism diagnosis but that’s still two months out. It’s near impossible to get those appointments in less than six months. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. He has no friends. He has no desire to be around others. He is going to two different co-ops right now because he needs to be around other people more. We set up forced “play dates†(I shouldn’t have to do this at 13) and his only friend at one co-op he only interacts with through email. Their only shared interest is computers. We tried tai kwan do and the having to express himself with some verbal force made him want to hide. He will participate in what we ask of him, but there is no joy there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. He’s 13. His therapist was suggesting he be allowed to use Minecraft as his “medication†since it was helping to regulate his mood. The therapist kept convincing us to up the time he was allowed the computer. We would let our kids play on weekends and due to the therapist, this child is on the computer programming Minecraft for 1 1/2 hours per day. It would be ok if he didn’t sneak it and think about it constantly. The computer is all he thinks about. He refuses to do any physical activity because he’s introverted and they all involve being around people. We need to give him something else that gives him joy but there is nothing that he even wants to try. It’s harder to make a teen boy do something than a 7 year old. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I know this has been spoken of before. I have a ds with mild depression. We’ve been giving him 1 1/2 hours of computer time per day. Once again (the fifth time), he found a device and has been doing programming stuff all night. As far as I can tell, he hasn’t slept for 2-3 days (browsing history). If we take the computer away, instant moderate to severe depression. The therapist seems to think if he’s sneaking the computer (he found his brother’s old computer that was not password locked), he needs more time in the computer. I think the only way his desire would be filled is 24 hour access. What do we do?!?! New therapist? This has been an ongoing problem for a year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I would agree with the above. No one tutor can be excellent at all the subjects they are supposed to teach. I went to college and became a secondary math education major. I had to have a math degree as well as an education emphasis. No way is every CC tutor going to be that well trained in every subject. The reason CC even exists in the upper grade is that homeschool moms realize there is no way they can teach all high school subjects well. CC challenge levels are supposed to be a “learning together†thing anyway from what I understand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. You know the CC logo? “To know God and make Him known� That’s the Youth With A Mission mission statement and has been since the 1960s. A group of actual missionaries that actually makes God known. If you follow CC in the younger grades, a director has to purposely add in the Christian aspect (per the guide, but not included in daily memory work) because at least in the former years, memory work/Christian worldview stuff is very much absent. Again, trying to make people feel like it’s a ministry at the lower level. I know CC fills a need for many homeschoolers. Much like Tupperware gave a bunch of moms a part time job. But like Tupperware, the real money was made at the top levels. I just want to call a spade a spade. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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