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Everything posted by bethben

  1. Why seal them and not just take them out? Sealants don’t last a lifetime and wear down. I rarely hear of people with wisdom teeth who haven’t had problems. My sister for example never got hers out and now has a rotating infection in one of them. She has a chance of getting nerve damage if she gets them taken out now because wisdom teeth can really be invasive so she just goes on antibiotics when it flares.
  2. The woman may also be in the "flustered" leadership stage. There are rules and regulations that they are supposed to follow (like perhaps "teachers get priority for classes" and "registration fees are non-refundable") and then get into a situation that is an outlier and don't know what to do. I've been in a homeschool leadership position where I probably did the wrong thing, but was listening to leaders up stream from me so I did what they suggested because I was a newbie. I would try calling her back. Tell her that since your partially disabled son did not get into the age appropriate grade (per his social nuances), you didn't feel comfortable putting him into an older grade class where he couldn't do as well. If she still gives you the non-refundable registration fee thing, I would ask to speak to whoever is over her or who else serves on the leadership board with her and ask to contact them. The more appropriate response for the class mix up is that she should have told the teacher the class was now full and there were no more openings. She obviously had some confusion as to what to do since she prayed about it. She most likely heard her own anxiety about it all.
  3. I have a kitchen table with black chairs. The chairs have a lot of turned spindles with a lot of groves. Sanding everything down is not going to happen just because there are so many crevasses. Can I just use a chalk paint spray paint without a primer? How would I finish this? It needs to be pretty durable. I'm looking to paint it an antique white. I would have to refinish the top of the table because it's had 15 years of scuffs and scrapes. I would also keep the chair seats the color they are which is stained wood.
  4. Not that what she did is "evil" but this video explains "Taking the name of the Lord God in vain". What she did is going down that road a bit. https://www.prageru.com/video/do-not-misuse-gods-name/
  5. Is this one of those kitchen gadgets that I will use a few times and then put in a closet only to forget about it? I've been thinking about it because I bought some spiralized butternut squash (it was not cheap considering how much butternut squash actually is), fried it up with some butter and parmesan...SO GOOD! I thought to myself that I'll just cube veggies and it will taste the same, but the thinner texture really helps. I figure I could make coleslaw cheaper and my own french fries easier. But will I? I'm getting some cookbooks from the library to see if the recipes in them tempt me.
  6. My son is in the very/ obviously disabled category. We had gobs of paperwork upon application and had a "random" review a year later where I had to provide more paperwork. It's not like I've been purposely dishonest or trying to fly under the radar. With the questions this person was asking initially, it made me think somehow the law changed and they failed to tell me.
  7. Never mind--- It got cleared up. She actually read the paperwork before talking to me this time around. Does anyone get benefits for their adult disabled child? We are under SSID review (they flag random people). On a brief call that will be followed up later, they seemed to suggest that we shouldn't be receiving benefits. In their files, my husband left the house (never did) and he's not working (always has). This could really stink since we purchase equipment for him and do house modifications based on his benefits.
  8. I'm GF already and have been for a while. I've had sleep issues starting when I was 36. It's been 14 years and during that time, there have been more times than not that I've had medication of some sort to help me sleep.
  9. No- That was the extent of it. He also gave me a prescription for an anti-depressant if the gabapentin didn't work on it's own. I never filled that prescription. There was no suggestion of follow up. That particular sleep center felt like a place where you get your oil changed. Very conveyor belt. I do want to get off of the prescription. Staying on it for 30+ more years just doesn't appeal to me because your body does develop an intolerance. I guess I'm just trying to see if I can attack the restless leg thing another way. If it's genetic, I may not be able to though. For some reason, the supplements messed up my sleep. I was sleeping OK before I started the supplements. There is no good reason why they are interfering with sleep. I'm also a redhead. I have found that just that factor seems to make me more of a mystery - there are times when I don't respond the same as the general population.
  10. I'll ask the doctor about doing allergy testing. Could I also have a histamine intolerance? There is a list of foods to avoid with a histamine intolerance and all of my intolerances that show up on the list happen to be on the don't eat with a histamine intolerance list. She doesn't know if I have a MTHRF mutation. She is just trying her next best guess. Yes, I did go to a doctor who specialized in sleep disorders. He prescribed a drug for restless leg. That was the extent of that appointment. My gut feeling is that sleep (and restless leg) is a brain issue with a possible genetic component unfortunately. The eczema is probably unrelated to the sleep and the adrenal glands are plain old stress.
  11. My eczema is on my lower arms/hands and face mostly. The places least likely to be touching fabric. And no personal care products are used on both so that doesn't lead me to believe that they are cleaning/self care products. My bigger problem is sleep.
  12. I have gone to a therapist for about 9 months. That is why I'm less stressed than I was. I have come realized that there is a lot I cannot change and some things that I have to do differently. I am a small town girl living in one of the fastest growing cities in the country. Just being in my backyard being able to see everybody's back yard for 5-6 houses and what they are doing is very fishbowly to me (I am making plans to fix that). I am working with my therapist on how to be able to do the things I need to do while reducing the stress of "people people people/ traffic traffic traffic" that exists in where I live. We are thinking of moving at some point, but that's in the 10 year plan right now due to a lot of factors. I have also learned how to listen to myself. My ferritin is normal - my iron was too much. I was taking a lot of supplementation of iron for restless leg. I had to back off.
  13. I got rid of milk and cheese and the eczema is still getting worse. I've quit a lot of foods lately and have been eating more vegetables (butternut squash, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts...) My stress levels are less than they were a month or more ago for example. I'm taking it easy. I haven't exercised much lately mostly because I feel so wiped. I am going to start again in a week or so. No, I haven't done traditional allergy testing. Would environmental allergies also cause restless leg syndrome and insomnia? The eczema is just one of the things I'm looking at. My insomnia issue is much much bigger. I have eczema year round.
  14. Vitamin D is in the "great" range. All my vitamin levels are great.
  15. So, I started going to a functional medicine doctor to help me clear up my eczema and help me get off of a drug that reduces restless leg syndrome and helps me sleep. She did blood work and found a few food intolerances (Cashews, Almonds, pineapple, avocados, and eggs) along with some inflammation that was just into the moderate category. My intestine permeability was just into the moderate category and on another day may have been normal (it's basically just over the line between normal and moderate). My adrenals were pumping out half of what they should have been. So, she put me on vitamins/herbs to help the gut heal, a bovine adrenal supplement for the adrenals, some methyl b and an herbal mixture to help with the autoimmune. The autoimmune supplement made my knee pain go away but the adrenal supplement, while helping me feel like an awake person during the day, seems to also keep me awake at night. The doctor basically told me we're in the "gray area". Basically, every doctor I've gone to to help clear up my sleep and eczema issues gets to this point. The "I don't know what's wrong with you" level. My labs look really good for the most part. My thyroid looks perfect. Everything except my adrenals looks pretty healthy. But, my eczema is getting worse and I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. I do have a lot of stress in my life and am getting a lot better at managing it. So, anyone want to help me get out of the gray area?
  16. He’s 18 and is flossing like the dentist told him to. I did get him a nice electric toothbrush. I will try the vitamin c and if that doesn’t work, I’ll look into different floaters or waterpick. Thanks!
  17. My son has bleeding gums. He has gone to the dentist multiple times and basically was told to brush better and use a mouthwash (not prescription). They are still bleeding. Where should I be taking him now? New dentist? Doctor? I “googled” but that’s really too broad.
  18. I have gotten these for my kids and they last about 2 years before they get shredded.
  19. So, I was able to read a tag off of my old sheet set. Apparently, it's a 50/50 blend percal sheet. It has lasted 25 years. Every other sheet I buy is a nice all cotton and they wear out quickly - usually getting thin fast or tearing. Apparently, there's a market for my old sheet sets because they do last. I think I may just repair them or buy the clips for the outside. They are cool and crisp. I wish I could find similar now.
  20. I am looking for a good set of sheets that will last. What am I looking for? I have some sheets from 25 years ago that are not threadbare and haven't gotten holes in them. The elastic on the sides of the fitted sheet is worn out. I'm almost tempted to just buy those sheet straps and keep using the old ones since anything I buy currently lasts about 2-3 years before it wears out.
  21. YES!!! I recently found out that I have trouble eating eggs. It makes eczema flare up for me. So, I was happily eating some great gluten free bread I found at Costco for two weeks after I found out about my egg thing. My skin kept flaring up. Turns out, the yummy gluten free bread had eggs. No wonder--it tasted good. I LOVE bread. It doesn't love me. That's what bums me out the most. I did find a cauliflower pizza crust at Costco that isn't too bad. Roast some peppers, mix them with garlic and olive oil and place on top of the pizza with some dairy free parmesan, it gives a pizza vibe.
  22. I did sell something here thankfully. I have not had much luck selling overall ANYWHERE. Even for things like All About Spelling which I think is still a good seller? My prices are for gently used materials for at least 50% off retail. I'm even having trouble just giving stuff away for free - just pay shipping. Do you know where to sell things now? I have tried listing on homeschoolbuyerscoop.com and even there stuff is moving pretty slow.
  23. My son has to read this during the summer for school next year. What translation of The Odyssey is easier to read?
  24. I don't have that article, but I do have this article: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/healing-from-food-allergies/. It does have some information about the mice and allergy test
  25. I KNOW!!! I haven't leaked through stuff since I was 16 or 17 and now it almost happens monthly. I have no idea what it's going to do anymore and that's frustrating. Also, I have started noticing elbows on women my age and older. Sometimes, their face can make them seem much younger than they are, but the hands and elbows always give away age. It's me too. I've never felt the need for lotion on my elbows but it's my nightly routine now.
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