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Everything posted by idnib

  1. I saw a book of postcards at our local bookstore by the same artist. They are basically mini versions of the same style, with a place to address and write on the cards on the flip side. Very nicely done and good for smaller projects.
  2. I still have houseguests until tomorrow so reading is still only happening late at night. I'm almost done with Acceptance, the third book of the Southern Reach trilogy. I am really liking it after not enjoying the second book very much. Some things about the series are still confusing to me but I'm leaning towards not researching those and re-reading the series at some point, using the new knowledge from the 3rd book to figure out some of the confusion. The entire series has a sense of bewilderment about it, so it's difficult for me to figure out if I'm missing something or if it's deliberately vague and will never be explained so we can experience what the characters themselves are going through. It really is a different kind of series, at least to me. I'm sure those of you who are more well-read could tell me it's a lot like ___________. I received my first books from Archipelago. The sent me Vladislavic's The Folly, along with a copy of Book 1 of My Struggle. The Folly looks so much quicker I am thinking of reading it first. Jane, have you read it? I can't remember.
  3. I think that's it in a nutshell. I find it interesting that she was unwilling to have anyone under her do the licenses, but was willing to pass it off to another department. I'm not sure how passing it on to some ones makes her less culpable in the sin than passing it off to another clerk, even if that clerk is under her. In order to be consistent, you'd think she would not suggest a different department at all, lest those folks lose their souls as well.
  4. Yeah, I didn't understand that either. Was she at all worried that she would burden someone else who has the same beliefs she holds?
  5. Yes. I'll stop now. Sorry. Ditto. Apologies again. :blush: Back on topic, is the son going to be left alone as others are doing his job for him?
  6. Can you comment on a man/woman marriage if they are unable to have bio children and also don't adopt? Are they a family, in your view?
  7. Agreed. And when Shariah law takes over, I'll get a clerk position and approve those marriages, but only for men. I'm sure nobody will mind Shariah law, right? It's up to the clerk, after all. ;)
  8. Let's follow this to its logical conclusion, using the example of a woman who had her uterus surgically removed in her 20s due to uterine cancer. According to your logic, she must forever remain a virgin because she should not get married due to her lack of reproductive capability, but she also should not have sex outside of marriage. Stop me if I'm wrong here.
  9. Apologies, but I can't tell if your "no" is answering my question or your own. :o
  10. So if one swears an oath to do a job, that job can never be redefined without their personal approval?
  11. It puzzles me that this is so difficult to grasp. I guess you missed that part. She had that option and refused. Yep. I absolutely would have been against anyone in the government denying her personal decision to pursue her divorces and remarriages.
  12. There are plenty of examples in which people are told to stop what they are doing and are not sanctioned for past acts. It sounds like the nullification of 4000 marriages was sanction enough. He wasn't physically beating anyone. Anyway, she's not in jail for breaking the law and not giving the licenses, she's in jail for contempt for not following the ruling after the fact. He did follow the ruling. They are not parallel. Yes, this. He believed he had legal standing and he went ahead and let the courts decide. They did.
  13. And when Newsom was told to he had overstepped his bounds and the 4000 marriages were declared void, he stopped. Therein lies the difference. A person can challenge a potential gray area and force a court ruling. Davis was given a ruling and chose to defy it. Again, she's in jail for contempt, not for her moral stance. While I don't agree with her behavior, I do believe people have a right to challenge the law and get a court's response. She got that and made her decision. While I have no doubt this thread has already been brought to the attention of TPTB and they have (so far) allowed it to continue, please report it if you feel it is breaking board rules. That's preferable to taking about the boards on the boards.
  14. Thank you for sharing more about your dad. :grouphug:
  15. Outta likes, but I wanted to thank you for asking. I was wondering the same.
  16. We like to go to the marsh and see the birds come down for the winter. We miss them all summer when they're in the north.
  17. Finally read the entire thread. The irresponsible parents are taking 6 kids to regular dental checkups. OK then.
  18. To call it "dragging" would be generous. I have many books with just a few pages left, some from years ago. :leaving:
  19. We have two Gaiman books here too, Smoke and Mirrors and something else that I'm forgetting right now. I picked them up for DH but I might read them too after he's done. Currently I'm reading Acceptance, the last books of the Souther Reach Trilogy. This series has been quite confusing and I'm hoping this third book clears up some confusion. I have houseguests this week so i'm only getting a bit of reading done at night, once everyone is in bed. Oh, I'm also pre-reading How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare. Great book, and I'm grateful someone has taken the time to list passages in order of ease of memorization for children!
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