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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Ha! I just asked DH where he learned it and he said it was in a Peanuts cartoon when he was a kid!
  2. No. I never watched the original show either. And that would be true even if we did own a TV. I might be tempted to watch if Jinger really left for NY and cut all financial ties with her family.
  3. That's rather more polite than what I was thinking. We played instruments through high school level. Given the quality of our marching band, I doubt I learned it there. :) I don't know much about DH's orchestra experience in school.
  4. Today I started The Vicar of Wakefield. It's an upcoming read for the Classics and the Western Canon goodreads group but I'm getting it done so I have more time to devote to House of Leaves in October. It's quite short.
  5. DH and I both knew what it was without looking it up. I'm not sure where I learned it, but he's read all the Patrick O'Brien books.
  6. I have never heard this construction but I wouldn't blink if it was from an elementary-age child. Beyond that, I think it's strange unless someone comes from a place where there is no homeschooling and their confusing it with a small cottage school in someone's home.
  7. They would probably feel differently if it were their house on the front page. Did you move forward with doing anything about it?
  8. I finished Anansi Boys. I enjoyed it but it wasn't my favorite. I liked it much better in the beginning and less as the book went on, although I could see how clever Gaiman was in the way he wove all the threads together. Spider reminded me too much of some people I have known and I found him really irritating. Any redemption was not enough to cover it, in my view. I was hoping for something closer the The Ocean at the End of the Lane.
  9. I would be very upset and he would have a new crisis to manage. If the vulnerabilities are about security, I would feel less safe. If they are about natural disasters, I would be upset that this speculative article would possibly show up if I put my house on the market. If my insurance agent were located nearby and could see the paper, I would be upset about that too.
  10. I haven't left my kids anywhere but I was left when I was an infant by my ridiculously wonderful, competent, and loving parents. Also, one time my brother got out of the house when he was a toddler. He was napping and woke up and left while my mom thought he was still asleep. A trucker brought him to the door after finding him on the side of the highway. (We lived in a rural area at that time.)
  11. I haven't seen it, but my comment was referring to a man with a mis-buttoned shirt coming out of Miss Piggie's trailer or whatever.
  12. There is nothing on the planet that makes me want to think about Muppet-Muppet sex or even worse, Muppet-human sex. Ew. If only they'd tapped the market of people who want to pass on a new Muppets to their kids, instead of thinking they needed to be edgy.
  13. So to you the intention is what matters and not the outcome. Honestly, I used to think that too, in my 20s, but then I grew out of it and realized that plenty of bad things have been done by people with good intentions.
  14. Her point was that if a kid is misleading people by saying he invented something he didn't, what else is he lying about? Nobody has yet to explain what else he has said that they now refuse to believe due to this "deceit."
  15. I'm 3rd in line on Overdrive for The Martian and now I'm wondering how it's going to go.
  16. Reading the documents, it sounds very likely she could end up back in jail.
  17. We bought these for ~K-3. The pouch is handy too.
  18. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure someone at the school had a personal connection to Mr. Bradbury. When he or she told the other teachers he could come for a visit, I think my homeroom teacher thought we should have at least read something by him and assigned it as outside reading. I'm pretty sure she had not read it herself, but since we weren't going to discuss it in class and were saving our questions for the author, she probably didn't worry about it. She may have been unfamiliar with his works but figured if he was coming to an elementary school, he was fine. I recall soon after this we had to use her new last name, so planning her wedding had probably added to the lack of time for proper research.
  19. If you get a copy we could read it together.
  20. Yes, sorry. My post wasn't directed to you. I blame Balloon Boy's parents.
  21. When people are using a bomb as a hoax, they want people to think there's a bomb. That's the whole point. They don't go around saying it's a clock. And if someone is disguising an actual bomb as a clock, they don't tell anyone about it or point it out. They're hoping it's not found out but if it is, it will look like a clock. When that happens, "hoax" is the farthest thing from the truth. Are people saying he made something that would look like a bomb, but rather than hoaxing people into thinking it's real, he tried to pass it off the fake bomb as a clock? Occam's Razor.
  22. This book has a soft spot in my heart as we were assigned to read it before Ray Bradbury came to our school and we got to meet him and ask him questions! Somewhat hilariously, we were assigned to read this in 4th grade. In retrospect I'm thinking the person who convinced Mr. Bradbury to visit and the teacher who decided we should read F 451 in 4th grade moved in very different circles. I think I got a little further along than you did before giving up. Maybe page 75? I didn't give up because I was creeped out, I gave up because it was a lot of effort keeping track of the loose notes, 3-page long footnotes, different font colors and styles to represent different origins of information, etc. I just got busy, I guess. It's been sitting on my bedroom bookcase for a couple of years. That said, DH is out of town this week and for an insane moment I thought I might get a jump start and I realized that was crazy talk! I didn't know about the poems, will have to look into those. Oh no! I'm so sorry this happened. I'm glad they found the problem and corrected it. Hopefully he sleeps well tonight. :grouphug:
  23. I'm pretty sure Muslims are getting enough grief without deliberately bringing it upon ourselves for hijinks.
  24. I keep thinking of the "I invented Post-Its" scene from Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.
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