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Everything posted by MeganW

  1. I have each kid read a beginning reader book each day, draw a picture to go with it, and then bring it to me to read/show. I have one kid who started out doing 5 minute drawings. I just had to ask questions to get him going. "Tell me about your picture." "It's a dog." "What's he doing?" "Playing catch." "Maybe you could add some grass, and a ball, and a boy playing with him." I also have to let them know I want them to use at least 3 different colors. For whatever reason, that gets them going! :) I don't punish for doing a chore or schoolwork half-heartedly, I just keep sending them back until it is done properly. If someone is really having an attitude, the others go outside to play until that person finishes their work, as well as the others, b/c "I hate for the other kids to have to be around you when you are acting this way". I also take work along to afternoon activities, and anyone who didn't do all their work that morning finishes it while the others are having fun. Again, any work not done properly is re-done until it is their best. I often think work gets done half-heartedly b/c the kids don't know exactly what the expectations are. Give more guidelines, and more praise. "I LOVE the way used up the whole piece of paper for this drawing! You put in so many details so I would really know what was going on, instead of just scratching something out as fast as you can to get it done. This is great - we'd better put that work over by the mail so Daddy will see it when he gets home!" (Leave sticky note on it telling Daddy you knew he would want to see what a great job X did of their work today, so he will praise as well.) It's amazing how much a little praise of something specific impacts their future work.
  2. How many kids are going to be using them at the same time? Supposedly, 1 set of 155 is enough for a group of 4. I have 4 kids using them at the same time, and 2 sets of 155, and we do run out on occasion. Not enough to make me buy a 3rd set, but I definitely wouldn't turn down a 3rd set if I was given one.
  3. My kids have some developmental/learning challenges, but were able to easy integrate the rule "capital letters at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns". But they are 7 years old, maybe b/c we were older than many when learning these things initially? As much as my kids have struggled with the lower case letters, I can't imagine starting with them.
  4. We did kindergarten graduation with the homeschool group, and my youngest had preschool graduation, so they are definitely done with the old grades. I told them they were "in transition" until we start CC & co-op back up in the fall. So they will be the new grade mid-August. Or for the summer you could say they are "rising 1st graders" if they are moving from kindergarten to 1st grade.
  5. Haven't used it myself, but I hear a lot about BiblioPlan.
  6. Ditto! I had 2 year old special needs triplets & a 7 month old when my DH moved to Charlotte, leaving me behind with the kiddos to sell the house. I would not have survived without my BabyHawk mei tai. (Freehand is another great brand.) My baby quickly acclimated to being carried & LOVED being in that thing. It was so comfortable for me that I could wear it literally for HOURS and not be sore. A mei tai is fully adjustable, so despite the fact that my torso is VERY short, I could make it fit comfortably in a way that I never could with a standard baby carrier like a Baby Bjorn. (As a side note, my 6'4" husband was also able to get the mei tai to fit very comfortably, if that tells you anything!)
  7. Great. The chicken mummy is the one that I was a little squeamish about, and looks like I have to do it! Thanks so much - off to mark the best activities in my book!
  8. Two other families are coming here every other Friday in the fall to do SOTW activities. Obviously we will only be doing about a third to half the activities as we are only meeting once every other week. Which activities were your kids' favorites? If you had a top 3-5, which were they? ETA: Volume 1 - Ancients
  9. Reading / Phonics - we like Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading (OPGTR) Handwriting - we like Handwriting Without Tears Math - we like RightStart A (which is very teacher-intensive), and Miquon (which is much more student-led / discovery based) Readalouds - we are using Sonlight's P4/5 reading list Common advice is not to start spelling until they are reading well.
  10. HELP! I loaned my Miquon Lab Annotations book to a friend, and haven't been able to get it back. I REALLY need the first few F pages. Can some sweet and incredible kind person scan them and email them to me? Please please please please??? megan.welfare@gmail.com I seriously will owe you one! THANK YOU!!!!
  11. I ordered Level 1 & art print kits on 4/18. I ordered Level 2 on 4/27. Level 2 came last week, but I am still waiting on Level 1 & the art prints. :001_huh:
  12. Readalouds to cover prehistory? We are Christians, but do NOT subscribe to the literal 7 day view of creation. Thanks!
  13. I was in denial yesterday. I really thought I would wake up this morning and the harddrive with all my pictures would somehow have magically revived. Thousands of pictures, neatly organized & titled with child's name, date, and event. And not backed up in the past few years. I am trying not to panic. Any suggestions for data recovery?
  14. In our house, extracurriculars are not a right, but a privilege. We have something scheduled every evening. Finish your schoolwork during schooltime, or do it while everyone else is in their lessons. I don't warn often or beg or threaten - they know. So far, each kid has had to sit out exactly once since we started in Sept. :)
  15. Is art one of the required subjects? I wouldn't put anything in there that you don't have to!
  16. We used: Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading Handwriting Without Tears Explode the Code readalouds from Sonlight P4/5 memory work from Memoria Press K & Classical Conversations I guess that covers everything you would normally label "Language Arts"?
  17. Did anybody use these last year? If so, what age would you say they are most appropriate for? Are 7 year olds going to be able to complete them somewhat independently, or is this just another project for me? How much handwriting is required? Also, how crafty do you have to be? Are the instructions fairly easy to follow?
  18. Awesome - thanks! I was just worried that they might get much more detailed in the higher levels. If not, I'll just buy the higher level!
  19. Y'all are making me feel so much better! I feel like I *must* craft just b/c my kids are kindergartners, but I HATE it and avoid it whenever possible!
  20. Tell me about the stick figuring in Grapevine studies. I was thinking that as part of our Bible studies during the upcoming year, I would try to incorporate drawing via stick figures using the Grapevine Studies Old Testament Overview materials. I would ONLY be using the drawing portions of the materials. Thoughts or comments about the Grapevine materials? Are the Level 1/2 drawings different from the drawings at Level 3/4? Or is it just the questions that would be at a higher level? If the drawings are the same, I am just going to get the Level 3/4 teacher's guide, as I may use it down the road. But if the drawings are more appropriate for 1st graders in the Level 1/2 manual, I'll just get that.
  21. Thank you thank you! We spend a lot of time going to appts in the car - this will give us something productive to do!
  22. Is this child going to be a first grader or a kindergartener? For kindergarten, you would need to add: - phonics/reading - handwriting - math - readalouds What else does your state require? Mine requires science & social studies. That could easily be satisfied by just doing a little reading about each geography, history, and science memory fact. (You don't even have to get books - the cards have info on the back if you would prefer to use those.) If first grade, also add: - spelling - grammar - writing - I am planning to beef up the science & history a little more this year by using actual plans rather than just readalouds.
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