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Everything posted by m0mmaBuck

  1. Now to just make it all happen.... That... is the challenge!
  2. Re: LoF, we will start off next year with Elementary Physics (did Fractions and Decimals and Percents this year) and probably work through Pre-Algebra. Re: Speedy Spanish, DH is in charge of teaching Spanish. He bought the program to start with the kids this year and as of yet it hasn't made it out of the box. So the short answer is.... No, we haven't used it. :closedeyes: I went back to TWTM for my logic pick. There are just too many choices so I decided to let SWB pick for me.
  3. Re: LoF, we will start off next year with Elementary Physics (did Fractions and Decimals and Percents this year) and probably work through Pre-Algebra. Re: Speedy Spanish, DH is in charge of teaching Spanish. He bought the program to start with the kids this year and as of yet it hasn't made it out of the box. So the short answer is.... No, we haven't used it. :closedeyes: I went back to TWTM for my logic pick. There are just too many choices so I decided to let SWB pick for me.
  4. OK. Thanks. I went ahead and bought it used from Amazon and figured if there were things I didn't agree with we could just skip over them. I'm feeling pretty good about my plans for science at this point. Thank you for your help.
  5. I started both kids this year. DS is 5th and DD is 1st. I wanted to wait until DS's handwriting improved but after watching him hunt and peck while using Google I just couldn't take it any more. We started with BBC Dance Mat and DD wanted in on the fun. At this point, DS uses Typing Instructor to work on speed and DD still plays around on Dance Mat. Both know proper hand/finger placement.
  6. She will read Lit and history suggestions from SOTW as well as science-related selections as they apply to our studies. We do geography via SOTW but I may also buy Evan Moor or some other geography workbook (she's already done EM's Beginning Geography) if she wants more.
  7. The procedure went well. She's sleeping now. They drained about 400 CC of fluid and the drain will stay in a few more days so she'll probably be in the hospital over the weekend. I will mention Child Life to my SIL. Thank you.
  8. Math: finish CLE 200 and move into CLE 300, supplement w/ Life of Fred LA: CLE 200, Spelling workout B; cursive; cartoon vocab; WWE2 Science: earth science/astronomy---Usborne Science as spine History: SOTW2 Latin: SSL Music: Story of the Great Composers and Story of the Orchestra; Pianimals Art: projects as they arise Typing: BBC Dance Mat
  9. Math: CLE 600, supplement with Life of Fred LA: LLATL Tan Vocab: Vocabulary Cartoons Spelling: Spelling Power Writing: IEW Science: Astronomy (Intelligo unit study) and earth science ala WTM History: SOTW2, SOWC3 Latin: GSWL Spanish: Speedy Spanish Music: Instrument and composer studies Art: various projects based on history lessons Logic: Building Thinking Skills 2 Typing: Typing Instructor
  10. Bought this as a cart filler. The kids had fun with it. The flying machine was the best part: http://www.amazon.com/The-Vinci-Kit-Mysteries-Renaissance/dp/0762427876/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  11. I always assumed my coworkers would put me up to be on an episode. My "favorite" makeover was one where they put a preschool teacher in low cut blouses and heels. Yeah. That's what she needs to wear.
  12. My 8 yo severely autistic (does not speak, communicates through pictures and can understand simple 3-4 work instructions) neice was hospitalized Monday for pneumonia. She was extremely lethargic until the IV antibiotics seemed to start working and then she became a little more active (self-stim behaviors returned, watching videos with family,etc.). Last night she was restless/combative and pulled out her IV's numerous time. Today her fever is back and the newest set of xrays showed an increase in plural effusion and her O2 sats are dropping so she is in surgery to have chest tubes placed. I am wondering if they will sedate her to keep her from pulling at the tubes vs. restraining her physically. It seems like they will have to do something to keep her from pulling them out. Neither has been discussed with my brother-in-law or his wife yet. And if you are still reading, could you maybe say a prayer or send good vibes their way? Thanks.
  13. BS in Psychology, MS in Physical Therapy
  14. I bought this book from Amazon and it looks amazing. I'm excited to use it!
  15. I am capable of doing this. I got 100 pages into "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and just couldn't care so I took it back to the library. Same thing with the second book in the Chaos Walking series.... I got through the 1st one and about 1/3 of the way through the second I just didn't care any more. If a book doesn't grab me within the first 100 pages, I just take it back to the library. Is it possible she isn't engaged in the books enough to care if she finishes? I have forced DS to finish books because, quite honestly, he would never read anything if he wasn't forced. DD, on the other hand, will articulate why she doesn't care to finish and if I see it as a valid reason I will let her stop.
  16. I have plans, ideas, hopes, and dreams. I would like DS11 to finish CLE Math 600 and DD7 to finish CLE LA 100. I would like both of them to get through one Life of Fred book. I'd like each of them to spend 30 minutes reading each day. Oh, and I'd like to work on Astronomy since summer is the only time the skies are clear enough for any reliable stargazing. Reality is that we will spend a lot of time swimming, at the park, taking day trips, and hanging out. And we will start back up in September with what we should have finished in June.
  17. Have you reviewed the Tiner book? I have it in my Amazon basket but am wondering how Biblical it gets based on review there.
  18. I almost feel compelled to do Astronomy over the summer since it's the only time of year that you can actually see the night sky here.
  19. I know me well enough to know that I need some sort of guide. Suggestions?
  20. My DS enjoys using the SOWC worktexts alongside our history spine of SOTW. Is there a similar reading workbook-style program for science?
  21. I've only been in the Social Security office twice (2006 and 2010) but to my knowledge the armed guard and clerks behind glass are not new. I would agree with aug17girl's assessment of why these things would be necessary.
  22. During the regular school year, the kids' outside commitments are as follows: Monday--AHG 4:00-5:30 and BSA 6:30-8:00 Tuesday--DD dances from 4:00-5:00 Wednesday--DS has D&D and DD has AWANAS from 6:30-9:00 Thursday-- Friday--DS has Football/baseball (seasonal) 10:00-11:00 Weekends we have scouting activities 1-2 weekends/month. DS is considering joining a regular football league in the fall which would mean 2 more evening commitments plus an additional weekend commitment for 8 wks. I try to keep all activities in the afternoon/evening so we can be sure to get school done. I really dislike the Friday football/baseball thing because it really messes up our day, but it is a homeschool activity that the kids enjoy so I let it go.
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