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Sherri in MI

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Everything posted by Sherri in MI

  1. You can't get it clean? Or you can't keep it clean? I would have tried things you've already mentioned to get it clean: Comet or Scrubbing Bubbles. Once it is clean, I heard car wax on the doors and tile walls helps repel the water & thus the stains. Never tried it, but heard about it lots! Just don't get it on the floor of the shower or someone may fall!
  2. I picked 12-13, but it depends on the child. It's a disturbing novel, not purely for entertainment, and I think a child needs to be mature enough to understand and discuss the themes.
  3. Comet Cleanser for the toilet bowl (and kitchen sink), Clorox wipes for the toilet seat and other parts. (I also like Clorox bathroom cleaner for the toilet seat and other bathroom surfaces). Scrubbing Bubbles for the shower/bath. Love Scrubbing Bubbles! 409 works great on general surface cleaning: kitchen counters, cabinets and appliances & walls. It's the only cleaner that seems to take off serious dirt without scrubbing or taking off paint.
  4. Yuck! I hate Pine Sol, even though my Mom used it. I can't stand the smell!
  5. Poor little guy! My ds, 13, went through this a few months ago. They couldn't get the vein, then they did, then they couldn't get enough blood from him, so tried to stick him again and kept missing the vein. It was awful! We were both so upset, we had to stop and come back on a different day. They had enough nerve to charge me $10 for the venipuncture even though my insurance is supposed to pay for it. The doctor ended up having enough to run the tests, but one of his labs came back high, so she wanted another run a few months later. So, I made an appointment, asking for their best person. I was told it was Jessica. We got there, waited about 10 minutes, then Jessica came out. It was the same gal as the first time! I almost left, but we gave it a shot & it went much better. Don't understand the difference. I have been stuck many times with no problems, but I can think of 2x that the phlebotomist had a hard time. Once was while I was in labor. They ended up sticking me in my hand. Another time I was going to donate platelets & the woman stuck me all over to no avail & I started to faint. I am not squeemish either. Never did know what the problem was. So I don't know if sometimes I'm a hard stick or it was just the phlebotomist. All I can say is lots of water, but you already did that, and ask for a butterfly & ask them to try the hand. Sometimes the hand is easier.
  6. My son is going to be 14 & wants email & FB. I resisted for a long tim, but he wants to keep in touch with his friends & I'm okay with it now at his age, but, I fear I do not know all the ins and outs of parental controls & keeping him safe. My concerns are: 1.) predators 2.) inappropriate content on internet or in ads in his email account 3.) his personal information being out there 4.) Too many opportuntities for wasting more time gaming. I don't want to even open the door to the possibility of gaming addiction. I see so many kids & adults that are addicted. (I mean that in the serious use of the word, where it affects their life & relationships. Not the light use of the word). He already plays games on his iPhone. He got it for free from my dh's friend. He doesn't have phone service - he just uses it as an iPod. FB is always pushing the games. Even I spent too much time on Farmville the first few months I had FB! :blush: Do you have a fav resource that addresses these issues? One rule will be we have his password to everything. And no internet purchasing under his own email account. He will still have to do that via one of our accounts. We don't have filtering software at home & that concerns me. I don't usually have a problem with it, but my search subjects are usually rather narrow & safe. Right now he uses the internet at the library, which does have filtering software & I'm usually nearby.
  7. I worked in downtown L.A. for a few years & saw many homeless & people asking for money. One woman I got to know a little bit and got her a place in a shelter, but she never showed up on the day I was supposed to give her a ride there. I didn't see her for a few weeks, when I did again, she told me she was in the hospitial. Eventually she just stopped showing up. She wasn't well, but I didn't think she was dangerous, but I do cringe now when I think of the risks I took. We sat in my car talking a couple of times. I don't recall if I gave her money. I try not to give money became many will use it for drugs or alcohol, but I have given a little change to people. I did give her a coat, which she lost (but I'm still glad I gave it to her), and food. She had a very sad story, and I had hoped to be able to see her get on her feet. A different woman scammed me at the bus stop once, saying she left her change for the bus at the office. She was dressed nicely. But the minute I gave her change, she took off & a few weeks later I saw her asking people for money at a corner. I wasn't angry, I don't know her story. You have no obligation to help more than you want to. And have no expectations. Only give what you are willing to never see again.
  8. http://www.artvan.com/Furniture/Store/Product_Triple-Loft-Bed_10051_10052_-1_200042372_20002_20000 I saw it in an Art Van Store display & it looked really nice. They had a small dresser or desk & a comfy chair under the loft. It's not real clear in the picture, but the top is 2 twins, one right above the bottom bunk, then a 90 degree turn & there's the other twin. You'd put it in a corner
  9. This looks good: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes-and-cooking/5-cold-weather-weeknight-dinners/pictures/index.html
  10. I like breakfast for dinner, but alas! my family does not! And we do have eggs for breakfast almost every day. Pancakes & bacon sound good to me, but my hubby & son won't buy it.
  11. Same problem here. We have had the opportunity to get 3 different free pianos over the last year, but dh couldn't find enough help to move it & we can't afford to pay someone to move it. So sad & frustrating! I want a piano (for ds & for me) so badly.
  12. I know I'm not the only one. Right? :001_unsure: Looking for affirmation or suggestions.
  13. And if so, how do you do it in terms of 1) schedule & 2) record keeping? Do you count your son's work on merit badges as an elective? I'm just not sure how to incorporate it into our school lesson plans/schedule and record keeping. I feel like he is learining some great stuff and should get some academic "credit" for his knowledge. My son is in 8th grade. Starting next year, can I give him any high school credit for his Merit Badge studies? If so, how does that work? When I refer to record keeping I am referring to his high school transcript/resume for our own records and for college applications, scholarship applications, etc. Our state does not require record keeping.
  14. Yes that is the one. Thanks for the suggestion. I guess I had just hoped they had a separate answer key. I didn't realize I'd have to get the entire teacher's manual just to have the test answers. This is the first time I've used a text that was written specifically for schools!
  15. That is the right version. I didn't know I needed the Teacher's Manual for the answer key. Thanks for the Follett link - it is much less expensive. You are right - it is more economical to work it out myself - I hadn't really thought of that! :glare: Thanks for the suggestion! I'm not sure I could toward the end of the book though. I'll have to look. I went through Trig in high school but that was eons ago & even some aspects of Algebra 1 are a bit of a strain now.
  16. Anyone know? Amazon & ebay don't have it. I can't buy it from the publisher (Holt McDougal) because they don't sell to individuals & they don't seem to support that version anymore. I acquired the book for free at a Homeschool book sale. A private school was giving them away, but just the student books. No support materials. The student book has tests for each chapter, but no answer key for the tests. Any ideas anyone?
  17. My son (Grade 8) is doing Algebra 1 (McDougal Littell 2001) & they introduce functions right in Chapter 1! The way they are explaining it is a little confusing. We need a little extra explanation. Any recommendations? I looked at a Khan Academy video & he seemed to complicate even further! Help!
  18. I am one of the clueless parents. We just started Scouting last year and I still don't get everything. I'm not sure where to find the list of merit badges and how to get a merit badge book. The troop was working on some badges together last year, but ds would like to work on some independently and I'm not sure where to start. I did read part of my son's book last year, but I haven't had time to read it all. Really, there should be a parent guide! Our troop does use Scoutlander to send out reminders of upcoming events which is a huge help. I also don't understand why there are so many adults on our board that do not have a child in Scouts. Really, we have more adults involved than kids! Which sounds good, but most of them did Scouts eons ago and are grumpy with the kids. We really need some younger parents to help out to balance us out and bring some energy to the group. My son says it's boring. Scouts should not be boring. I'm pretty sure it's the presentation and the lack of patience some of the leaders have. They also don't seem to provide much instruction or guidance, they just expect the boys to get it.
  19. My son is 13, & if left to self-educate he would choose read comic books, play with his action figures, read easy fiction, watch t.v. and play video games all day. He does a lot of work independently, but I still have to provide the structure. And discuss the assignements, etc.
  20. An update on my homeless friend: She has 3 p/t jobs now & is moving in with a relative for a few months. Not the best situation, but it's a place to stay for really low rent, which should enable her to save for an apartment. Thanks for your suggestions & concern.
  21. There seem to be a lot of SAT & ACT prep books out there. How does one decide which is the best for your student? My ds is 8th grade & will be taking one of the the two tests. Would the College Board guide be the best one for the SAT? I have no idea.
  22. My son can take the SAT or ACT this year through NUMATS. I plan on his taking one of them every year until he takes it "officially" in his jr. year. My question is should I start with SAT or ACT? Does it matter?
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