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Sherri in MI

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Everything posted by Sherri in MI

  1. Hi, I just found out at the last minute that I can go to the convention, but I need a cheap, clean, safe & easy-to-get-to hotel within approximately 15 minute drive of the Convention. It's hard to know these things unless one is from the area. I've had bad experiences & don't want to end up in the wrong part of town or in a filthy hotel. Nothing fancy is needed (tho a frig would be nice). I'm willing to drive a little further if necessary to meet the other criteria. Thanks!
  2. If this is open to everyone on the forums Elizabeth, I'm thinking it might be a good idea to start a new thread to post the final plans so people don't have to sort through all these posts to get the info. Just a friendly suggestion.
  3. If I make it to the convention, I'd like to attend the meetup. I'm still not sure.
  4. That's for sharing that for the rest of us. I was worried when I read the other post. As a Cincinnati native, can you recommend a hotel in the area that is cheap but safe and clean & within 15 min drive of convention site? I don't need amenities, (though a frig would be nice). And I don't have to be downtown. I don't mind driving 15 min to get to the Duke Center as long as it's not a complicated drive. I'm worried about choosing a hotel at random off the internet in terms of safety, not knowing the drive time & not knowing if it's clean.
  5. Welcome to Michigan! It's been a couple of months, so maybe you found some contacts by now - I hope! I think you meant SE Michigan since you said Macomb County. I know the INCH (state homeschooling org) website lists homeschool group. http://www.inch.org Also try homeschoolingindetroit.com They have a list of organizations, some might be near you. Homeschool Connections meets in Rochester and Oxford. Don't know how close they are to you. They are paid classes. Can't think of anything else right now. I'm in Lapeer County, north of you.
  6. Not sure where I'm staying yet. Probably some place further out, since I can't afford a $100+ room. Any suggestions? This will be my first time in Cincinnati.
  7. Due to crazy family situations, no ds's ability, we are behind in grammar (among other subjects) with my ds, Grade 7. We did FLL in 1st and 2nd grade, R&S in 3rd, 4th, R&S5 in 5th & 6th. We have done no grammar this year at all. I'd like to restart grammar right away for the rest of this year, maybe even through the summer and I'm also planning for next year. Ds always does well with grammar. He has an intuitive sense for using correct grammar in speech and writing. He has to work at learning, remembering & explaining formal grammar, but still it is not hard for him. So, do I just pick up again with Rod & Staff 6 & keep going through it sequentially? Is is ever okay to skip levels in Rod and Staff or will ds miss too much? I like Rod and Staff because it is so systematic, thorough, in-depth, incremental and easy to teach. I like their method of teaching grammar and the review that is included. I think it is a little boring in presentation, most especially in the content it uses for practice. Other Grammar curriculum that I kind of like are: KISS Grammar, Analytical Grammar, Hake English. But I keep coming back to Rod and Staff. Really Rod and Staff with a more literary approach or classical flavor would be ideal. I also really like Editor-in-Chief type supplements. Honestly when I look at other grammar curriculum, compared to Rod and Staff, they seem too light and too easy for ds. What are your suggestions for getting back on track? TIA!
  8. I've been a Christian 26+ years and sometimes I feel like I still do not know where I fit in. I have been a member in or attended a United Methodist Church; PCA (Presbyterian Church of America); a non-denominational (previously Baptist) very conservative church; an Evangelical Free Church; and now a non-denominational church (previously Baptist). There were things I loved about the churches and things that concerned me. It's not issues of doctrine I struggle with. I finally figured out after all these years that it's the individual church culture that I struggle with. But I don't know how to describe a church culture that I would fit in with. The main thing for me seems to be that all the churches I attended had good doctrine and Bible teaching (from a Protestant perspective). But it was issues of love (or lack thereof); judging and criticizing; conformity; relationship issues; pride; arrogance; leaders that like good ideas and being in control more than they seem to love people; emphasis on doing things "excellently" or professionally and "biblically" versus emphasis on relationships (treating one another with love) and true spiritual growth... etc that always bothered me. I'm so tired of seeing power issues and control issues in the church when we are supposed to be examples of loving relationships. I am not referring to any present particular situation. I am struggling to further express what I mean. For instance, in how many of the churches I attended would an abused woman feel at home, understood or cared for? A divorced person? An adult who came from a broken home? A person married to an unloving person. Would the practical and emotional needs of these people be met and their particular spiritual needs be addressed? I don't think so. But I think if I found a church where these questions would be answered yes, I would find them too "liberal" leaning doctrinally for me. Does anyone know what I mean? Can't we have good doctrine and compassion for those who don't meet our idea of God's ideal? Isn't that most of us? Do you know of any books or websites or discussion boards or pastors that address these issues?
  9. No, he died in 1985. I feel just awful that I can't remember. I thinks it's Feb 3, she said it was Feb 11. I think she's confusing it with my birthday which is Oct 11. I tried internet searches, but they all lead to subscription websites. Even all the newspaper's obituary archives are managed by Legacy.com which wants your credit card info even for a free 7 day trial. I don't want to give that info.
  10. For free? On the internet? I need to verify my Dad's exact birthday. I think I know it, but my Mom said it was something different. I think she might be confused. It's important because it affects when she receives her social security benefits. She doesn't remember that either.
  11. Thanks for advice & hugs. Regarding durable power of attorney - I live out of state, my sister lives 20 min away. Should it be my sister? I think she doesn't want the responsibility & my Mom trusts me more, but I live far away.
  12. :iagree: In fact I would recommend getting a bachelors in an unrelated field, esp. one in which one could get a secular job if one ever had too. Speaking as a former pastor's wife whose husband is unemployed.
  13. This is new territory for me and I really need the prayers and advice of the hive mind! I know this will all sound very weird & it's very distressing to my sister and me. My Mom is 69, an LPN, and has a Bachelors degree in Biblical Counseling. She has faced many life trials (including abuse) with grace & strength. She has a strong faith and has always enjoyed helping others. She is intelligent, soft spoken, sensitive, giving and fiercely independent. In the last 2.5 she has gone through major life changes: Moved July 2009; lost her job Dec 2010; her brother died Jan 2011; she has been on a fixed income since July 2011 & having a tough time making ends meet; my 33 yo sister moved in September 2010 & moved out after a bad arguement Sept 2011. Also, this Christmas we couldn't afford to go see her. She was alone Christmas Eve & part of Christmas Day due to a snafu in plans with my aunt, but did go over my aunt's house & her friend's house for visit Christmas Evening. I don't think my Mom could endure another move, but her apartment is too expensive. My Mom likes to help people and give advice, but is not too good at taking advice herself. She does not respond well to being pushed. The best approach is to speak your mind gently & give her some space to think about it. Normally, my Mom would have mourned her job loss (it was an ugly event - very poorly done by her awful boss) for a few months, & then reviewed her options and searched for a new job, even if only part time, or looked for a roommate or both. She has discussed both options, but has done very little to nothing about either. Neither my sister or I have an adequate income ourselves. I live 600 miles away from Mom. Two weeks ago my Mom had two "episodes" in the same day in front of each of my two aunts. This is new for my Mom - never had anything like this before. I don't know how to explain them except to say she was talking out loud to someone in her mind, as if she were having a conversation on the phone. She did it 6 days ago in front of me. She has gone looking for the "man" she's been having "conversations" with several times. (By the way the "conversations" have involved the "Holy Spirit." I think it's all in her head). One time I took her to find him & of course he wasn't there. This seemed to spark some awareness of her delusion on her part & she was asking me to be honest with her. Since then we have openly discussed her delusions & the confusing stories she has fabricated around this man. She acknowledges that it doesn't make sense but she has some "memories" that seem real to her & she is very perplexed. Since that night she has talked to "him" though he has "talked to her once or twice, but I think she sent him packing. She still feels he was real, at least to a certain extent. She thinks he was someone the Holy Spirit sent her to help, but he died on 12/27. She seems confused after she talked to this "man" the one time with me and during and after each conversation we have had about this "man" and her delusion. Otherwise she seems mostly herself. A little tired & sometimes a little vague, but her personality has been one to seem vague even though she is an intelligent person. Her house looks nice, she seems to be taking care of herself daily just fine, she drives fine, her sense of direction is excellent, she keeps her calendar & doctor's appointments straight. She has been a little forgetful, but no worse than I am! She hadn't been to her GP for 3 years! But then, neither have I. She's been paying most of her bills on time, & her checkbook & bank records seem organized (I sneaked a peek) but there are a couple of bills she is behind in because she comes up short every month. All things considered I think she's juggling pretty well, but she keeps telling us and friends she's okay. I think she's embarrassed. She won't discuss it with me because she is a very private person. She let me buy some food while I'm hear & give her $20 but that was it. She has agreed to let my sister start paying for her cell phone next month. I took the liberty of arranging a payment plan for her with the electric company (she was way behind) & she's not going to be happy with me. But she seems to be putting it off & will not talk to me about it. She said our requests to discuss her finances are an invastion of privacy. We just want to help & don't want to ignore the problem of her income v. expenses. Plus we don't want to wait until disaster strikes to do something. I came out & we have been tring to get my Mom to go to the doctor and she at first resisted, but has had one new patient visit with her GP, a routine cardiologist visit (I had informed the cardiologist of the situation) & is scheduled for labs this week with GP & a follow up appointment next week. Two professionals (a counselor she had seen long ago, & her cardiologist told her hearing voices isn't normal (of course!) & she should see a psychiatrist). She told me since the weekend she would make a psychiatrist appointment Monday, but hasn't yet. Then today she said she is going to wait for the lab results (3/15). Well the cardiologist told us yesterday that it can take several weeks to get in. I know she wishes for someone familiar and is worried about her Medicare copay for all these doctor's visits and she wishes to find someone who is Christian or at least understanding of her faith. I understand all this, but she needs to get evaluated already! I am trying to be calm and patient, but my younger sister keeps calling me & yelling at me to take care of the situation. She also seems to think Mom is even worse than she is. I realize that this may be a long process and I myself am frustrated with how long it takes. I am worried my Mom won't make the appointment and I am worried about her expenses being met. I feel so helpless to help her adequately. My visit does seem to be doing her some good, though it's annoying to her at the same time. We went hiking the other day. She does spend time with friends every week or so, but she mostly stays indoors and reads Christian books & says she is very happy doing that. My sister and I think that she is more lonely and isolated than she will admit. My questions are: How do get my Mom to the psychiatrist sooner? (So far, her GP has not been a resource). How do I help her pay the medical bills when we have no money ourselves. How much do your parents share their affairs/finances with you? How do you get them to when you are worried about them without being stepping on their toes? TIA!
  14. Some of you said yes, but didn't elaborate. I'd be interested in your thoughts. If I do let my son read it, there will be lots of discussion.
  15. Thanks so much for the thread! I haven't been here in a long time & missed that discussion!
  16. Would you let your 13 yo son read "Hunger Games"? I'd be interested in your reasons. I just finished reading it & while I found it to be very intriguing & really want to read the sequels, some of the scenes were disturbing (teens killing each other, the one teen getting gored by wolves & screaming for his life & the heroine killing him out of mercy) & I found myself not really wanting my son to read that. I liked the theme of compassion in the face of horrible circumstances, but still, what awful circumstances! My son really wants to read it & see the movie. He has heard it talked about by older teens & a few friends his age & says he's curious.
  17. I'm new to the accelerated board. I really feel the need for a consultant or advisor to help me plan my son's academics. I've also never had him tested (except the EXPLORE test in 3rd grade) & would like to, but cannot afford it. I feel like I'm not helping him reach his full potential. He is gifted, but not motivated. I have no idea how to begin looking for a consultant & then I have no idea how I would pay for one. One who also understands homeschooling & my concerns as a Christian parent would also be helpful.
  18. It does matter in a lot of little ways that have been difficult for us. It's frustrating that I have no one to talk to in real life about my son's giftedness - not so I can brag about him - but to get advice & find out about opportunities. Also it is hard for ds to find intellectual peers, so he feels different & his self-esteem suffers. The few he has found have been girls & that's tough too, especially now that he's older. He blends in fine with other boys his age - he's just as silly & likes to play - but there is something missing for him. In some ways he is rough and tumble all boy, but he also has a sensitivity that he can't find in other boys. He also has a strong set of values & a strong sense of justice & it's hard to find an environment with shared values, or, if the values are shared, where they are for the most part consistently practiced. I don't bring it up with other parents because in the past I have been met with a blank stare or it's been clear they thought I was bragging. Or my kid is "too sensitive", etc. I think my son is underestimated a lot because he is playful & youthful looking & acting. He doesn't fit the sterotype of a gifted child. I don't think even he knows how gifted he is. In any case, the big frustration for me in not being able to talk about it with others, is the difficulty I've always had finding good advice and counsel. I've only had one friend who understands & her son is older and profoundly gifted in math. (Mine is not profoundly gifted & his gifts lie more in reading & language). Her daughter is more like my son. But she is so busy we dont' get to talk anymore anyway. I feel I am really doing a terrible job of providing opportunities for my son & giving him the education he needs, but I have no one in my circle I can talk to about it. Meaning they would just be kindly reassuring, not understanding what I'm looking for.
  19. Ds scored high on reading section of the ITBS in Spring of 3rd grade. I had him take the EXPLORE in January of 4th. The results were not surprising. It was helpful to see how he compared to other gifted kids taking the EXPLORE test, but it was not as helpful for planning as I had hoped. As someone else mentioned, I thought the recommendations were very generic. And I already knew that his strengths lie in language arts/humanities.
  20. I actually meant for me - I accidentally posted on the wrong forum. However, children's news sources would be useful too. Thanks for the link!
  21. My son started Cubbies just before he turned 3 & just graduated from T&T in April! He started Youth Group in the summer. Our AWANA ends after 6th. I'm am both proud & sad. How could he have grown up so fast???!!! For the graduates they make a slide show with an audio message from the parents and show it during the year-end awards ceremony. I like that. My son LOVED AWANA. I was amazed at how well they can memorize verses at such a young age! It was so good for him. He is not very motivated in school work, but by about 3rd grade he was starting to take responsibility for doing his AWANA sections himself. Ah, memories....
  22. Just wondering. Don't have an answer for you though. I am familiar with IEW & TWSS - haven't finished the dvds yet, but from what I've seen I don't see why you can't do that.
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