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Everything posted by hopeallgoeswell

  1. It sounds like you would like some extra time to address things other than spelling and you think switching your 10yo to HOD dictation from AAS would give you that time. Is that correct? If so, yes, it can be done. I have used HOD dictation levels 2 and 3 (after using SWO B and C) and have had AAS in my hands but have not implemented it. My dd is a fairly good speller. I didn't know there were 2 spelling lists for HOD, so I don't know where your ds is ability-wise. If you jump into level 2 dictation, the passages, as you know, are fairly short and most days have a few similar words to spell after the actual sentence; this helped my dd because we could talk about specific rules. After using level 3 dictation for about a month, it became apparent that dd needed to have specific rules refreshed:tongue_smilie:. I found a few good, simple spelling rules printouts on the internet and have her go over a section at a time when she does her dictation. If your ds has been doing AAS for 3 years, you could just refresh the rules he has learned so far when you do HOD since it seems he still needs to be reminded of them. I say switch and give it a few months. If you see his spelling get worse in other things like narrations, then reassess whether spelling though dictation is best. Best wishes!
  2. I have the new 2012-2013 Well Planned Day Planner (http://betashop.homeeducatingfamily.com/product.cfm?product=1) as well as the one for last year and the year before. It is basically the same set-up as last year. It does have one article in the new one that is a repeat from last year :glare:. What do you mean by "progress on printing it?" I ignore the catechisms. The Bible quotes at the top of the left page are inspirational (not offensive) as are the famous quotes at the top of the right page. I can answer any specific questions you may have.
  3. Here is a :lurk5:. Also, I found this: http://cathyduffyreviews.com/math/math-in-focus.htm. My dd has used Singapore US edition from 1B-4A. From looking at the TOC for MiF, it seems to cover more topics per year and adds probability and statistics earlier than Singapore. I hope someone else with more knowledge will chime in!
  4. Since you said you were going to try and do TWTM approach, I just wanted to pop in and give you a website that does TWTM recommendations all laid out for you with lots of extras to pick and choose from. It is http://elementalscience.com/index.html. The designer, Paige, is a member of this forum. I have used Chemistry, Intro., and am using Exploring in the fall. It is very economical and I appreciate the schedule, extra sheets, projects, and books. Best wishes!
  5. My dd's second grade year she did Abeka LA 3 for a change of pace between FLL 2 (finished the summer before second grade) and FLL 3. I also did the picture, poetry, and conversation lessons from PLL with her once a week. For my next two dc, I will be using PLL on its own because it covers similar topics in a more interesting, richer manner than Abeka. MFW recommends PLL. My dd and I thoroughly enjoyed it! If you have any specific questions, I have them both here. FYI: PLL covers grammar, usage, dictation, poetry, some of the trickier spelling rules, conversation lessons, and picture study.
  6. What if we switched completely to Latin Prep? I have been reading and that seems to have very good grammar instruction in addition to translating and English derivatives. Ugh! I am so frustrated right now. DD is on lesson 23 of LfC A and has been doing the whole shebang, DVD, workbook, activity book, and cd. She is not picking up on anything but vocabulary. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
  7. I will be skipping the LfC B reader. I see that one lesson each week is translating in the primer. I am hoping to get something where dd can translate a few lines per day.
  8. I am looking for a latin reader to use with LfC B this fall with my dd who is 9 yo/4th grade. She used LfC A this past year without the reader. I think adding more translating will help cement rules, etc. for her. I have looked at Lingua Latina. Might that work?
  9. Thank you, crazyforlatin and Dana. She is finishing up 4A right now. Maybe I will get her book 3 of the Fan-Math and do it over the summer. If I am understanding correctly, they are on level and show the process better than the CWP books?
  10. Does anyone have any feedback on this series? http://www.christianbook.com/process-skills-problem-solving-level-3/9789810854850/pd/854850?event=CF My oldest dd has used Singapore U.S. Edition from the beginning (workbook and textbooks) along with some Miquon in first and second grade. She has always had a problem with thinking through things and with Singapore word problems. She takes an Abeka test every week and their word problems are never an issue. Might the Fan-Math book help her?
  11. I am fairly certain this come out a few months ago/mid year, so I don't know if there are very many people using it right now. But, in any case, here is a :lurk5:.
  12. I asked a similar question. Here is the thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=352487. I hope that helps some!
  13. Ahhh, yes! What is that saying about women losing half their brain every time they have a baby? ;) You could just wait and see how PLL goes. So many good things to choose from makes me :confused:. I buy and sell way more than I actually use.
  14. I have used FLL 1-3, WWE 1-3 and PLL. I think of PLL as a condensed, gentler version of FLL and WWE. My dd loved all of the nature references and picture studies in PLL. She wasn't thrilled with all of the poems in PLL but has loved every single one in FLL. Since I couldn't decide which to use, I did FLL and WWE throughout the school year and PLL over the summers between first and second and second and third as review. I plan on using ILL over the next three summers. You are correct to say FLL has more explicit grammar instruction. WWE is like PLL in that they both have copywork and dictation. I think PLL has the child think more and engage in more discussions. That is all I can remember now, but if you have any specific questions, maybe I can answer them.
  15. What age? (How ling will the dc sit still and focus for?) How many weeks will you have to complete it? I think it can be done if the child is fine with writing and can stay focused for 15-20 minutes or if you double up, 30 minutes. You may have to skip a few lessons to complete it in a year if you don't double up. Some of the writing assignments had to be broken into two lessons for my 2nd grader. Have you looked on Google books for it? That would help you get a better handle on it.
  16. We (in my co-op with a wide age range) have done all of the history portions for Bigger, are almost finished with Preparing, and have CtC to begin in August. I think you could do it as long as you know what you're in for...which you do. The writing will have to be adjusted and you (or your older dc) may have to do some of the "I" work with her. You could just do MOH or something similar if HOD history is the only thing you will be using. I tweak the history portion because my oldest uses other things in the guides, so it is worth it for me. Wishing you a great year with what ever you choose!
  17. Unless your 2nd and 4th grader are at exactly the same skill level and your 7th and 9th grader on on exactly the same skill level (on the HOD Placement Chart), you will have to tweak anyway;) You really cannot combine without tweaking unless your dc are on the same writing level. Just more food for thought.
  18. I say go for it. I have used Bigger and Preparing with multiple age groups in our co-op and it has worked well for two years now. I can't (maybe it's don't want to;)) have different topics going for each kid. My dc are like yours because they "play out" their history and science. You seem to be comfortable with tweaking and are already aware that you would need to add readers on each child's level. The writing skills in HOD are very similar to SWB The Complete Writer, so I apply TCW to HOD readings. I use HOD guides as a skeleton so the leg work is done for me and build from there. If you have any specific questions, I can try to answer them. There are others out there who will hopefully give you "the other side of the coin" to think about. On a side note: This is how I make it mine :tongue_smilie:. I am doing CtC next year with my 5th and 1st graders. I have purchased MOH Vol. 1 to use as our main reading in place of SAW and the two Streams books because I wanted our history to include more of the world. This will effect some of the notebooking assignments, but I am OK with that. I am adding a biography focus once a week with Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and the Famous Men of Greece/Rome books. Our read alouds will be more along the lines of TWTM (Odyssey and Iliad). My 1st grader will be doing WWE level 1 from our main readings (she will be listening to What in the World? as well). My 4th grade dd should be fine with the writing skills in the guide (maybe skip day 4 narrations), but on top of that she will be doing WWS at a slow pace and finish up over the summer. Some people would cringe at all of that tweaking which is fine because they can just put their dc into guides that reflect their specific skill level. I love the flexibility of homeschooling:D!
  19. Looks great! If you want to simplify your life, put both dc in SOTW 1 and take a look at Elemental Science Biology for grammar and logic stages. For Spanish, my dad used Rosetta Stone for my 6th and 9th grade sister and brother last year. He said it was expensive, but worth it. CAP, publishers of SSL, have a Spanish program you may want to look at if you haven't already. We use their LfC and love it:). Latin alone would be enough, though, if you want to forgo Spanish. Unless your kids are really artsy, you may want to drop one of the art programs. Harmony Fine Arts' 4th grade program schedules Drawing With Children as well as art appreciation and composer studies. Other levels schedule different levels of Artistic Pursuits (grade 5 covers ancient arts to go along with SOTW 1). Have a great year!
  20. I have used The Well Planned Day for two years now. It has everything for home, me, and homeschool in one, neat package. I love it!
  21. Sherid, I did Bigger last year with a co-op and am doing Preparing with them this year. It is a wide age-range (K-3rd last year and 2nd-5th this year). I have found it works and plan to continue with CtC next year (3rd-6th with my 1st grader doing what she can). You can always do oral narrations instead of written (I use WWE textbook for appropriate levels using history readings), less copywork (WWE, again), do research with them, and have discussions that aren't so in depth. Now, do you get the full HODness of each guide? No. Do you have to put in the extra bit of work to tweak it so it fits your dc needs? Yes. If you don't mind these two things from now on out, get the guide to set your ground work. I chose to do this so I could teach multiple ages on the same topic. If you don't want this, I have heard the teacher's guide for CHOW is wonderful, so you could just use it with CHOW and call it a day. I know that most people would say only get the guide your child fits squarely in, even if that means one for each. For some, the ability to "open and go" is less time consuming than tweaking. I would go crazy if my kids were not on the same topic. Also, they have things to discuss/play based on history/science topics. So, I tweak and add WWE to make it ours.
  22. Harmony Fine Arts grade 5. If you have any questions, the creator is very knowledgable.
  23. I usually keep my kids together on everything but LA and math. I change instructions to make it fit each dc level. That being said, would it be impossible to use Artistic Pursuits grade 4-6 book 1 with 1st-6th grade? They are doing MtM this year so they have some art under their belts. I want to do Harmony Fine Arts Grade 5 which it is scheduled in. Or, should I get the K-2 and 4-6 level? Thanks!
  24. [/color] It seems that you want more explicit writing instruction and are not so happy with the CMish style of writing across the curriculum with copy work and narrations. Is that correct? If you want to use everything else (Bible, poetry, history, science, and storytime), you could just decrease the amount of writing in Preparing and use that time/energy on something that fits your needs better. If you only like Preparing for the history and you need to save money by not purchasing the IG, you could just get CHOW's teacher's manual and piece the rest together using what you want for LA, math, science, and Bible. Oh, but for history you would need to squeeze in Grandpa's Box and Hero Tales where appropriate. You would have to make your own schedule for everything, as well. Just some things to think about.
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