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Everything posted by MagistraKennedy

  1. I am so sorry. Sadly, yours is not the only story I've heard. So many of my friends with ND kids continue to bump heads with church admins, staff, etc. It is maddening.
  2. This sounds VERY much like my son who has APD --- he was diagnosed around age 8-9. My son had the worst time at Mass. He would ALWAYS ask me, at the same time, 'Is it almost over?" I later realized he was fatigued from the barrage of sound. Church isn't necessarily loud to you and me, but when you put it in the context of trying to filter out unnecessary noise, it makes sense why it was challenging for him. Our audiologist was a VITAL part of getting him on track.
  3. And --- KY's KEES scholarship program is different for brick and mortar school students vs homeschoolers. I'm pretty sure that our Dual Credit scholarship is also funded via the lottery system. It may also 'pay' for some state grants or programs for adults (over 25) going back to school.
  4. Transferology is fun --- because I can attempt to check multiple schools at one time, but it hasn't been as fruitful for me as I would have hoped. I have much better luck with the individual school's system. Yes, that was going to be my plan with CLEP, too. Take a year's coursework of Bio, or US History, or Chemistry, now go take the CLEP. Alas, she has some pretty substantial test anxiety, so it was a no go for her. I'm hoping my boys will give it a try. It is SO variable with CLEP --- scores accepted are wildly different, some schools don't accept certain tests, etc. It's a lot of legwork! My alma mater didn't have a CLEP policy I could find on their website, so I emailed them. "Just check the CLEP website", they said. They accepted every test, as long as the score was 50. 🤷‍♂️
  5. So, your mileage may vary with this, but here's what I would do/have done. Tackling CLEP -- I've searched the college/university site for their policies and if I can't find it there, used the CLEP site. Here's one for one of your DS's schools. Schools will generally have a limit on hours of credit from CLEP (30-45). If you're having trouble with researching it, you can also search 'credit by exam'. If all else fails, you can email the registrar. I spent a ridiculous amount of time researching CLEP, and my daughter has NO interest in attempting any. Sigh. Re: Dual Credit -- I've also spent a lot of time in the university's TES (Transfer Equivalency System) to check classes. (Here's an example for you) Note: Just because you don't see it in the TES, doesn't mean it's not transferrable. In that case, you'll need to reach out to the registrar. I did this over the summer when I was trying to plan a course for the fall. "Hi, my daughter is contemplating WKU for Fall 2024. Can you tell me if the following classes from Arizona State University would transfer? Please see attached syllabi". The registrar will want the syllabus from the class, and they'll send it to the department head to review. When they get back with you, "yes, this class comes in as PSY 101", SAVE THAT EMAIL. For me, emailing is a better fit for me than calling, because I can have a paper trail. They were very helpful. I don't think reaching out to the colleges is unreasonable. You've got time (meaning decision day isn't looming), and you can go to them with some of the research already completed. "I was looking up XYZ's CLEP policy, can you clarify, so that I understand correctly."
  6. Good to know. I'll look through it again once we get our apps all in, but it may not be helpful. Thanks!
  7. Agreed @SanDiegoMom --- we're all flying by the seat of our pants. My daughter and I met with her teacher this week to get final eyes on her Common App Essay. I'm trying hard not to panic. I feel like there's a giant clock on the wall, in countdown mode. Don't forget honors apps essays, too. I don't know how your schools do it, but for the ones on our list, you apply to the school, get accepted, then apply to honors. ARGH. I feel like we are caught in a pinball machine. Slow and steady. Deep breaths.
  8. How are we doing, friends? Everyone hanging in there?
  9. Hot dog! Hooray! We are working on those this week --- we have a meeting on Thursday with one of her teachers to go over final common app essay as well as honors stuff. I'm exhausted. SO thankful that theater took a break these weeks, or we would be sunk.
  10. Adding in two more - Murray State University Western Kentucky University
  11. I've bought two gifts, LEGO Advent calendars, that I will give for St Nicholas gifts. My big kids (15yo twins and 17 yo dd) all tell me they have everything they need. 😭It's bittersweet.
  12. Bumping this thread up to see if anyone has any recent experience with RaiseMe
  13. A 7 year break sounds AMAZING --- I have twin freshmen, and I wasn't looking forward to having to juggle TWO sets of applications in a few years. Although, I feel like I have taken College Applications 101 and 102 this year and done OK. Not stellar, but passable. Then my quieter twin hit me with a rocket out of left field when he said, "Hey mom, do you think you can get me a book on the Air Force Academy?" 😲 #halp At least he told me early, and is busy researching on his own. I'll be taking Service Academy Applications 101 as well as ROTC 101 after my senior goes off to college. I think the one MAJOR thing I've learned through all of this is --- the kids are all so different, and prepare to be surprised. My oldest (28) worked for UPS, paid her own way through community college and local university. I pegged my senior to be a small LAC kind of girl, staying close to home. (as in, looking at the SLACs within an hour) NOPE. She wants the big rah-rah schools with lots of things to do, and definitely not in our backyard. Never expected military from son #4. I'm sizing up kids 5 and 6, and thinking, "Well, what sort of curve ball are y'all gonna throw me?"
  14. I ADORE Transy, but my daughter poo-poo'd it. Her quote: "If I'm going to go to school in Lexington, I might as well be at UK." Morehead looks like a potential winner!
  15. I am so proud of the course descriptions. Someone better read those damn things.
  16. Chiming in with updates: My daughter was accepted to Eastern Kentucky University Morehead State University
  17. Update here --- 6 of 8 applications turned in --- with acceptances received from two schools --- HOORAY! Now, we have to circle back around and apply to honors colleges for these schools, too. UGH. Two more applications left. We're getting there. No one has lost any hair. Minimal crying. Surviving.
  18. If college policies made sense, we wouldn't have any idea how to manage! My daughter opted to use the college specific applications for a few of her schools, only to get letters from them asking for more details -- transcripts, test scores, etc. EVEN WITH SCHOOLS WHO CLEARLY STATE THEY ARE TEST OPTIONAL for admission. Ugh.
  19. Curious, would this have been a deal breaker for y'all if you'd known about it ahead of time? My daughter eliminated a school from my list because she hated the website. (she took a dual enrollment class there) "No. It is not going on the list. I am NOT dealing with that horrible website for 4 years."
  20. Oh UGH. This sounds awful. I'm thankful for the heads up, though. Another thing to add to my list of 'things to keep track of"
  21. $1050 for a parking pass??? Is it valet? 🤣 I think the spreadsheet sounds like a fabulous idea. Do you have a template? My wee brain has trouble with spreadsheets. I can't make them, but can surely plug in the data when one is started.
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