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Everything posted by MagistraKennedy

  1. Adding in our state flagship! University of Kentucky ❤️
  2. It's the greatest feeling! Like the Sally Field thing --- "You like me, you really like me!" Congratulations to the both of you!
  3. I'm not laughing AT you --- just commiserating. I'm over here thinking, "Dang, how would he have acted if he'd performed poorly?" Kids are hard to figure out.
  4. Ahhh crap. It's maddening when you think that you have things carefully laid out and then --- WHOOPS - detour! Sending you hugs.
  5. Can a parents' 529 be shifted to grandchildren later? For example, let's say I open a 529 and none of my children use it. (Highly unlikely) Could I then use it for grandchildren?
  6. I followed this exact format in this post --- I took my transcript and added in the grades thus far -- we finished our dual credit course and her grades for everything else are great, so we're in good shape. Mine was required for our schools, and we haven't made any course corrections. I don't think he would get dinged, but I understand your trepidation.
  7. I was circling back here to see if you'd found a resource for the midyear report --- I have two schools that require it in the Common App, and now I'm beginning to wonder if the schools that we applied to without the Common App will need something, too. (that is an enormous run on sentence, but that's the state my brain is in)
  8. Oh momma. That would have wrecked me. (in a good way)
  9. SO FRUSTRATING --- add that to the list of things that don't make sense this year. Sending y'all hugs.
  10. Interesting! I guess that's school dependant --- I've never seen anything like that.
  11. I'm glad you asked this --- I'm planning on going ahead and uploading mine as soon as her DE class wraps up. Our cottage school classes are on a trimester (don't ask) system, so we already have grades for the first 1/3.
  12. I didn't send official DE transcripts either, because --- WHY would I spend money to do that? I'll be happy to send them if we enroll. This is likely a dumb question, but where are you getting an unofficial DE transcript? Just a shot of the DE dashboard with the grade?
  13. This past year, we have gotten SO TIGHT --- like she's attached to my hip. I love it, but shooo, it's going to be rough next fall.
  14. I just thought, WHOA that would be so uncomfortable, but then I realized that on two of the visits we did in the spring, it was just me, my daughter, and her friend. At both of those visits, there wasn't a overview session.
  15. Ahem --- don't make me cry! Pretty sure my daughter will need graduate school. Sigh.
  16. Franciscan University of Steubenville --- that's the last one for a while!
  17. Have we all survived? I feel like this week has been BRUTAL -- I got sick with the winter crud last Sat -- not good timing. Made one last college trip that was VERY fruitful - a pleasant surprise, and the rest of the week has been the whirlwind of finishing the School Profile, Counselor Letter, reading and re-reading essays, crying, stressing, etc. My daughter came down with the crud on Wednesday, again, terrible timing. But we're 90% finished! We finished our state flagship application on Thursday, then an extensive Honors College application on Friday. We have one more regular decision application to manage, which we will send over by the end of next week. She has the main essay (Common App) done, but needs to finish the supplemental short answer essays. More crying for me this morning, when I woke up to a thank you message from my daughter.
  18. Same. We applied to 8 this year (one more to go) and honestly, in hindsight, I think I would have liked to whittled it down to 6.
  19. This is similar to our set up --- we had standard classes, college prep, a handful of AP, remedial classes, and a huge vo-tech program. In retrospect, it worked well.
  20. Are you saying that in your area, DE is a joke? Isn't the syllabus approved by the sponsoring college? Shouldn't a student have to pass the class to earn high school and potentially college credit?
  21. This right here. I went to a small private college in state --from the minute I drove into campus, I knew it was "the one". I looked at another small private college and didn't like the vibe (ironically, it's a college that I would LOVE my senior to consider, but she refuses, as it's 20 miles from our house!). I must have applied to the state flagship, because I distinctly remember looking at the housing application. My husband's experience was similar. He had two small private colleges on his radar, and that's where he applied.
  22. There's a teacher's guide that mentions quizzes. https://amzn.to/3QOXqfN Sadly, you can't look inside. Grr.
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