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Everything posted by Cammie

  1. I am a former divorce attorney. Yes, amicable is possible. HOWEVER, so is being too "nice" and unwilling to make an issue that you get less than what you are due in the divorce. PLEASE at lease make one appointment with a local divorce attorney to help you understand the law in your state regarding division of assets and support. If you are negotiating for yourself, you NEED to know your rights. You also need to make sure that you have all the necessary financial information. Attorneys would perform discovery and get all of that for you. There is being "nice" and there is being "niave." You can have an attorney, be nice, get what is your due. Those are not mutually exclusive.
  2. This is the one we used in Italy http://www.amazon.com/dp/0972863214/ref=nosim/?tag=travelforkids-20 And if I remember correctly I used the same author's book for UK as well. Recently we went to Vietnam and Cambodia and we used this one http://www.amazon.com/Explore-Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos-Activity/dp/1499551967/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_y which is good for elementary school kids.
  3. I believe the sixth child is a daughter with some mental handicaps.
  4. Book as much in advance as you can. We booked the Forum and most of the other major attractions in advance. Saves lots of time and standing in line! There are nice workbooks that kids can do about travelling in Italy. We used those for passing the time. Can you get cheap cameras for the kids? My kids are MUCH more into what they are seeing when they can capture their own pictures of it!
  5. "As a people we are fighting to maintain the heaven ordained supremecy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematic of our cause. Upon a red field would stand forth our Souther Cross, gemmed with the stars of our confederation, all combined preserving in beautiful contrast the red white and blue. - William T. Thompson, 1863 Creator of the Confederate Battle Flag For anyone who still doesn't think this was about slavery and racisim. It was ALWAYS about slavery. In their own words.
  6. Its funny. When I see the flag I am reminded that part of the country wanted to leave the great USofA and be a separate country. That they fought a war over leaving the country. And that they were prevented from leaving the country. I am also reminded that many of the politicians from those states try and present themselves as "true Americans" and "true Patriots" all the while standing in front of the flag that represents the time their ancestors were anything but "true Americans" and "true Patriots." I find it absolutely baffling.
  7. Let's play a mental game. Let's imagine that a minority community in the US was obsessed with gun ownership. To the point that many in the community owned multiple guns, there are political parties that cater to the obsession, there are groups that meet and take guns into public spaces just to show that they can. Then let's imagine for a moment that the same minority community has had a number of individuals who have gone into schools and murdered children and teachers. The same minority community has had members gun down high school students and college students. The same minority community has had members shoot up public gatherings around the country. Now, let's imagine what might be the outcome of such a situation?
  8. White privilege is...shooting up a church and being taken alive. White privilege is....not being held accountable when other white people commit mass murder in your country.
  9. If the Muslim population needs to take care of the radicalization that is happening within that community; And the Black population needs to take care of the violence within that community; Then the White population needs to own up and take action for the racist/violent/mass-murdering tendencies within that community. Almost all mass killings in the US in recent memory have been done by WHITE men with TOO MANY guns. They have killed little children, school children, high school children, people at movie theatres and people in church. When are the White people going to say enough is enough?
  10. Other journalists are confirming that there is a case in which Dolezal is in opposition to her parents. It is a case that is active with hearings that are pending. That doesn't mean that the intitial reporter didn't just call them up. However, it does tend to tarnish the whole "the parents are just innocent dupes" in this line of thinking.
  11. And certain journalists are writing that the parents may not have simply "innocently" discussed their daughter. Ulterior motives are being alleged: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/rachel-dolezal-older-brother-accused-child-molestation-article-1.2257560
  12. And of course the Pearls come into play (is there anything these people don't have a link to?) https://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/the-media-is-doing-exactly-what-rachel-dolezals-abusive-homeschooling-parents-want/
  13. I'l PM you with my email and phone number!
  14. My father is a pastor in a VERY wealthy congregation in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the US. I have NEVER seen the level of problems, of all types, in any other congregation he has been in over the last 30 years. It serves as a stark reminder that the large beautiful mansion, the private prep schools, the expensive cars and the fancy vacations do not serve as a defense against life's problems. And in some cases it appears to exacerbate certain issues.
  15. India. Indian TV has lots of Indian programming, but there are channels dedicated to American TV shows as well. Plus, most of the kids programming seems to be American. India has a HUGE movie industry here (in multiple languages). So if I go to a multiplex there might be 8 Indian movies and 2 American movies at any given time. We don't watch Indian TV and we mostly watch movie and shows from the US or the UK.
  16. I had it very bad for a while. I had to get rid of all my super flat shoes. My outside shoes all now have arches in them. The pain is gone and I can go barefoot at home again. There are some really good stretches - check out online. Most important for me was stretching before I got out of bed. If I didn't I could barely walk!
  17. I am trying to see this story from multiple sides. I have "passed" as Indian in a few situations here in India where being seen as Indian meant I could go someplace with my family without additional hoops to jump through. I didn't affirmatively lie, but I pulled a sari over my lighter color hair and kept my blue eyes downcast. Did I somehow unintentionally offend the entire notion of Indianness when I did that? I didn't think so at the time. Is it cultural appropriation when white people do yoga? When they drink chai? Or when they have dreadlocks (my brother has had them for 25 years, identifies with the Rastafarian community on many issues, and is undeniably white.) OBVIOUSLY all her lying was wrong, terrible, very very bad. But I am more interested in the reaction to how she chose to live her life. Who she chose to associate with. What she chose to study. The causes she chose to dedicate her life to. I have a degree in South Asian Studies. I could easily have continued on to be a professor in Indian Studies. I speak an Indian language. I have been involved in numerous South Asian advocacy groups. I even have a nose ring. I'm white. I have an Indian husband. I have two children who clearly look more Indian than not Indian. People seem equally upset by the cultural, appearance, professional choices she made than by the lies she told. Is it not possible that people can feel more "at home" in a culture other than the one they are born into? Is it wrong to say that there is an African-American culture that has a strong pull for many people? I'm really just thinking out loud because I struggle with the concept of cultural appropriation - knowing what it means and the boundaries of it. What is appropriation and what is appreciation? What characteristics can only be assumed by people born into that particular culture and what characteristics can be adopted by others without causing offence?
  18. Should she have lied? No. Should she be publicly vilified over international press, the web, chat groups, etc. because of those lies? I don't think so. In the grand scheme of things (what corporations and politicians are doing, for example) I think her life does not deserve to be pulled apart and examined by everyone (literally - it is the headline in EVERY online paper I read). How many of us lead perfect lives? How many of us have things in our past we would prefer not be made public? How would it feel to have that as the lead story on the nightly news? I think we need to stop the incessant prying into the lives of anyone that has not been perfect and who comes to the attention of the TWITTER-verse.
  19. We have travelled alot...but one place I would do again in a heartbeat is Angkor Wat in Cambodia. I would take a week and do the different temples on a much more leisurely pace. Waiting to got to Egypt...not sure things are going to be stable enough there anytime soon for us to feel comfortable doing a family trip.
  20. Let me know if you are in Bangalore - love to meet up!
  21. I must have missed something...is this a widespread problem?
  22. I'm not saying she doesnt' have issues. She clearly does. However, in the grand scale of things is there evidence that she was out to hurt anyone? That she did hurt anyone? From what I heard she was an advocate, a mother, a sibling. Her relationship with her parents is clearly a big issue. I fall in the "race is a construct" side of the argument. It is different than a nationality. At different times in American a different percentage of African-American heritage resulted in a person being designated black or not. Are we really going to go back to a time when people had to chart out ancestry to determine...what? The box that should be checked? There are different cultures, different histories, different backgrounds. That should be celebrated.
  23. Well I just hope that I never have to have my life opened up to public scrutiny. The web is uncaring and cruel from what I have seen. Take that Nobel prize winning scientist who made the sexist statements a few weeks ago. He was villified, lost his job, lost his role in numerous scientific institutions he had been part of for years. Was the comment wrong? Yes. Sexist? Yes. Backwards and outdated? Yes. However, the interview with his wife, who identifies as a feminist gave a much fuller picture of the man, the work he had done, the support he had given students (men and women). However, he has lost EVERYTHING from one really bad statement, perhaps made in jest. I just think people are WAY To quick to judge people based on very little information circulated widely on the web. Wouldn't want it to be me.
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