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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. Our girls are molting so I has to buy eggs yesterday. My options were conventional dozen for 2.39 or 18 cage free for 4.99. Baking supplies are way up. Brown sugar that was 89c for years is 2.29. Philadelphia cream cheese has been on sale for 2.50 so we stocked up. Butter shot way up and dropped just a bit recently. My husband used to get 24 pk Coke for 6.49-6.99? Right now the 12 pk is 7.99 and 24 is 13.49.
  2. It makes me think of bras. A large portion of the population of the US (and many other nations) wear bras most of the time and/or in most instances, for much of their lives, many for reasons of appearance (among others). Despite the cost and the annoyance and other options and "free the nipple" campaigns and body positivity, bra use persists. We don't make comments on that, though.
  3. This was the beginning of the comparison, or at least the parts he says out loud... We were on vacation at a resort when they were 8.5 and 3.5. He said, "He always gets what he wants and I never do!" We laughed because what 3.5 wanted was a sip of my iced coffee. What 8.5 wanted was a $20 arcade pass. Kid logic is funny.
  4. To be fair to myself, he was eager and motivated to learn and capable to do at 3 what some kids struggle to do at 5. He was HAPPY to do several pages of math workbooks at a young age. So I part pushed, part followed his lead. Oh I was totally confident that my kid was super because I was a good mom. Then that second child shattered that illusion. LOL Hmm. I can't think of any. They get the same screen time and bedtime. I am more likely to ask him for help on things and give him some money for it, but that isn't what you mean. He doesn't have or want a phone. I offered him the option of joining band or chess club at the local school and he declined. He has some opportunities for events and camps coming up that the younger one does not, but they aren't definite things yet. I will have to ponder this more and add privileges. Thank you.
  5. This varies by area. Where I am, few women wear makeup. Next "big town" over with a younger population, it's 50/50. Where my sister lives, you do not leave home without it.
  6. Oh yes, very different through the years. I gave my parents grief about the differences in how they raised me vs my only brother who is 11 years younger and the 5th kid. And now with the adopted sisters who are still in elementary? It's like they aren't even the same people who raised me. Then again, they are regretting how free they have been with the girls as unchecked behaviors are biting them in the butt now. My second child has mellowed me out not just because he is a different person with different needs, but because I realized my kids' outcomes are only loosely related to my input. I am not inherently a great mom, I just had an "easy" and "good" firstborn. They still ultimately are their own people.
  7. Thank you. I am 6 years in and mostly comfortable and confident in our learning methods but sometimes think I am screwing it all up. Sometimes too much, other times not enough. This is me and why I posted! For 3 years, he did 2 math programs plus xtramath. For 2 years, 2 or more full LA programs. Part was learning what we did and didn't like but Whyyy????
  8. Well, I do think 11 believes 6 is getting off easier, but in his mind it is current load to current load, not his grade 1 year versus his brother's grade 1 year. Intellectually, he knows they both have more responsibility with each passing year, but he forgets all the fun and extras we did back then. He has had more opportunities than his brother because of being an only for 5 years, because of finances, because of pandemic, etc. But he is also struggling a bit being in that middle grades transition into the unknown. He was sad to age out of VBS for example, and has a bit of trepidation about trying new things. But that is all aside from my original point and it is past my bedtime so I am yammering on...
  9. As happy as any tween boy can be. 😉 He has not been a complainer or slacker. He still works hard and likes getting good grades and pursuing things of interest. He is a bit miffed that he is so far ahead in math, mostly because he has finally found challenge in math (halfway through Algebra 1 at 11). But the first 2ish years of homeschooling... I did too much. Too much for a new HS mom and too much for a 6 year old child. I wanted to give him everything and didn't know I didn't have to do everything every year.
  10. Thank you. It was an is all in love. I am the oldest of 7 and know so many of the feelings that come with that. You would think it makes me softer towards him, but somehow it seems to be the opposite. Interestingly, my husband is the baby and has a hard time parenting our younger one.
  11. This is something I still have to tell myself after a lifetime of growing up with the internet. Don't assign or assume bad motives, even if you are in disagreement. I recently found myself in a pile-on because of a comment I made, and some of the replies seemed to assume I meant many things I did not. They didn't understand or like one part of something I said, so I was an enemy. I figure if we were sitting in a room having the same discussion, the dynamics would be very different.
  12. A snapshot: My first son was so wise and capable. I pushed him. I signed him up to do things at 3 that I held my youngest back from at almost 6. Because you know, he's the baby. Now here I am typing up their tentative educational progressions for my own records. The second child has 10 grades (prek-8) fitting nicely on 2 pages. Pulled out old lists for the first and typed up his progress same font and spacing... 8 grades take up 3 entire pages. Cue the mom guilt. Also... he is only a year away from starting high school so I don't even feel like I can scale back. Sympathize with me?
  13. My grandmother calls me by a butchered version of my middle name. I dislike my middle name as it is odd, and her version sounds like a man's name. Specifically, a very hillbilly man's name because of her heavy accent. But she does it lovingly, and asked many years ago if it bothered me, because if it did, she would stop. She's the only one who will ever get away with it.
  14. Hello. We have finished buying gifts aside from one $15 item. We have yet to get the car fixed from late October breakdown. Mechanic is having a hard time finding parts. Good news is gas is down a bit and we have a full freezer. Hoping the month is uneventful.
  15. Thank you. So far the most relief has come from a Theraflu cold and cough syrup for daytime... acetaminophen, and 2 cough meds mix. But I may look for that specific Mucinex. I also have a zpack I am to take if mucous is not totally clear by tomorrow.
  16. Thanks for well wishes. I slept last night without issue but the bronchitis is flaring now that I am up.
  17. Ok that McD pie image got my gag reflex. It looks like babyfood or creamed corn. LoL
  18. I saw at least one other boardie had an ER experience yesterday. Probably doesn't deserve its own post, but I just thought I'd share for all the people watching the bugs going around. I am in north Florida. Monday night I had a sniffle. Tuesday morning I was 103 and coughing. Wednesday I was fine. Thursday I was fine... until about 4 when I lay down to read. I began to have labored breathing that did not improve with repositioning. After 30 minutes of mouth open slight gasping and googling urgent care centers, I went to the ER. Xray normal. Covid flu RSV negative. 97% O2 on room air. RT heard slight restriction and whistle on one side after I reported feeling decreased lung capacity there. Got an inhaler and other Rx for cough and went home. I am still mouth breathing more heavily than normal, cough is back and not productive. Inhaler as needed. Dx- random URI caused inflammation of bronchioles. Now the interesting part is that each tech, Dr, and resident was betting I had RSV. It's basically all they are seeing. They said flu has had a teeny uptick this week and a few said they don't remember the last covid case they saw, but almost every adult is RSV. We knew it was up but apparently it's shockingly prevalent right now. Best news is that the whole thing took 70 minutes.
  19. You can buy these in small packs at the grocery store freezer. They feed 4-6 IME.
  20. Good points. The quote he got is more than reasonable in this market. We have recently run numbers for various materials for our own purposes. I am just curious to hear if he heard right and can get it in writing. He mentioned having me confirm corners with him if we didn't want to go in together on the line, and seemed to defer to me on that. We have verified that the markers are on the legal drilled-in iron rods so that is good. Good reminder on the posts- when our original fence went in, they only cemented in every other post. In Florida, that's not enough. We learned too late.
  21. Also, no HOA or restrictions on what type of fence. Whatever we agree on is fine. We have our back half fenced in and will replace the same. He will fence his entire perimeter. Others on the street have decorative garden fences or horse fences. It's a mishmash of 7 minimum spec houses by 3 builders that all went in different times in the last 15 years. No space left for any new builds.
  22. These are interesting perspectives. It would FURTHER clarify the situation if I explained we have nearly 200 linear feet that is my backyard and his side yard. Our fence is old and in need of replacement in the next year, two TOPS. He just bought the brand new house next door and wants privacy but also a prettier option. I don't blame him at all. The cost split that he is proposing based on his spot quote from the home builder would save us atleast 1500$ on that span alone. I told him I wanna see it in writing because the number was shocking, and he said the builder was sitting on materials and basically offering free installation if he could recoup material cost. He has a new baby and a large dog, we have two kids and yard chickens whose part of the yard requires that fence line. He is brand new to the US from PR and there were a few words we had to clarify. I asked many questions to be sure we were even starting the discussion on the same because he originally said the builder offered HIM a cheap replacement of what is obviously MY fence, a foot to my side of the clear corner markers. I met the builder as the house was going up specifically about markers in relation to my fence because one of his guys moved the markers twice. We have since established the legal markers and they are not in dispute with this neighbor.
  23. If it helps, the 6' easement has been legally split, steel rods in ground marking property line. There can be zero new construction in the area/down the road because of how the parcels have been split, so fence in question could only ever be disputed by future owners of his house or mine if one no longer wanted to share a fence. The only other options are 2 fences butted up to eachother with weeds growing through the cracks, or one of us replacing and the other "tied in", which sounds messier to both of us.
  24. Casually interested in the prospect of sharing a single fence line with new neighbors vs rebuilding solo and them building alongside. Anyone have a contract like this? Shared maintenance and expense for natural disaster, responsible party for pet or child damage pays on own, etc?
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