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Everything posted by Tammy

  1. Do you just 're-heat' in your microwave? Or what?
  2. was one of those rocking horses.....the one with springs....All of my kids LOVED it.
  3. Here is my original post with all the details... http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=133525
  4. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2009/10/22/1022burnedboy.html Just thought I would pass that along.....for those interested. .
  5. You lost me.....Why would your dh stay home if he wasn't sick?
  6. In her example.....COOKIES was mentioned.....and I don't know of too many cookies that are sugar free, LOL. And really....there are 26 kids? Are you the only one who doesn't want sugary foods? If so....then I would just tell your kids not to eat it.....or bring something for them you approve of. It seems to me you expect everyone to conform to 'your standards'..... .
  7. She knew it was going to be a 'pain'....so she waited as long as she could, LOL.
  8. I bought one about 7 1/2 years ago.....and it still works, although some of the numbers don't work, LOL....it is a Sharp...from Walmart. I believe it was the cheapest one there at the time, LOL. .
  9. Yep, LOL....leave it to me to never let a story 'die' LOL!
  10. Yea....I always find follow ups to these things, LOL.....Well he made the honor roll.....and please....don't forget to read the comments at the bottom. I found them very interesting.... http://www.tcoasttalk.com/2009/10/20/alex-barton-boy-who-was-voted-out-of-class-makes-honor-roll/ .
  11. and got everything extremely quickly......I wonder what happened to them? I have heard the same complaints about them for a while now :-( .
  12. I can never find my classes.....and even have a hard time finding the office to get another schedule. Sometimes I dream I get my final grades and find out I didn't attend one of the classes the whole year, LOL.
  13. and really....it didn't take them long to 'memorize' them.....it was more trouble looking them up....so I guess they got the point, LOL!
  14. A 2003 isn't really THAT old....especially for a Honda....BUT....if you are burning 1 quart of oil a month....well....that sounds like trouble. And with the electrical issues.....I think I would get rid of it. I think with a car....reliability is the number one thing for me.....I don't want to get stranded somewhere....(that is why I bought a Toyota, LOL)....so I would be afraid of getting stranded if I had your car, LOL. .
  15. I just gave them a sheet with all the mult. tables on there.....and eventually....they didn't need the sheet. It was really no big deal in my house..... .
  16. and when I searched......YOU asked the same question back in July.....so here is that thread. http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113972&highlight=supermom+vitamins .
  17. I have never heard of those side effects either.....and can't understand how having your tubes tied/burned has anything to do with your period.
  18. I think if they are not proven guilty....then no they shouldn't have to pay....isn't that what 'rescue' is for? But if they are proven guilty....they should pay for 'all the rescue' that came to their aid.
  19. It doesn't look good for them, LOL! In the very least they should pay all the 'extras' they created..... They do sound a bit strange....to say the least.
  20. You mean the WTM Forums are REALLY last on your list.....come on now :-)
  21. I know you want something you can make without going to the store....just thought I would throw this in there for use later, LOL..... I use the canned pizza dough....I think it is pillsbury....It is easy....and tastes great..... .
  22. My goodness.....doctors just can't get enough money....can they, LOL. First they said I had to be seen once a year in order to get my migraine meds. Ok....I can see that. NOW....it has turned into every 9 months. Not to mention I had every test possible in January..... They sent me a letter stating "It is time for your 9 month follow up."......yea right....sure it is. .
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