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Everything posted by SHP

  1. I would get a second opinion. It seems suspicious that it was fine a year ago and now an urgent. Flexible ductwork is easier to work with so I would suggest that. Make sure to get insulated Flexible ductwork. There is math involved when determining the correct size of the ductwork so you will want to make sure that is correct or it will impact your system.
  2. And this Validation is so important and has been the key to diffusing tensions with spouse and kids. So eat and validate, two ways to diffuse an argument
  3. I refill prescriptions as early as allowed and take the few extras and store in another bottle. When I reach a 30 day supply I start rotating that with the new meds and start on the next 30 day supply. Covid wiped out most of my emergency supply and then the recent difficulty in getting medications has wiped out my more recent emergency stash.
  4. Unless the victims are qualified to judge a situation then anything they say would be emotion rather than facts. I would absolutely love for the police to release all details of who was where and have someone who trains military and LEOs look at it and determine if security was in the right or the wrong in shooting. Since the security were off duty cops, I would expect them to have been trained in when to, and when not to discharge their weapons.
  5. No life is worth more than another.
  6. Not villainizing, pointing out that he, too, is responsible for every shot he fired.
  7. My understanding of the law is that it means they could use deadly force againat the person who was a threat to others, not that they could use deadly force against innocent bystanders who posed no threat to others.
  8. My point was that there is a reason that the 800+ Leo's, including snipers on top of Union Station did not shoot was because they wouldn't have been able to do so safely. Again, when taking a shot you have to be aware of your surroundings, what is near and behind your target. It wouldn't have been possible for a 1:1 ratio to stop the shooter at Union Station, there wasn't the time or the opportunity to take a clear shot. Had any LEO taken a shot they would have had a greater chance of hitting innocent bystanders. Knowing when not to shoot is as important as knowing how to shoot.
  9. No, not ignoring it. What is the appropriate number of innocent bystanders that can be shot before you no longer view it as acceptable? Just the child because his mother was the shooter? What if it hadn't been her child and had been someone else? Is that still OK? What if the positioning had been different and those who stopped her had also, accidentally, shot into a crowded sanctuary? Serious question. There are consequences for pulling the trigger of a gun and every single person needs to be held accountable for every single bullet they fire. No one gets a pass.
  10. I am not actually sure what your point is. There could have been a 1:1 ratio and they wouldn't have been able to prevent this. They key word is prevent. Same ratio and they couldn't have stopped him mid shooting either. The shooter was in the middle of a crowd. LEO wouldn't have had the time to react pull their gun, find the shooter, aim, ensure they had a clean shot, and take it. The shooting took seconds and what followed was people running in all directions. No trained LEO would have dared to try and shoot the shooter in that situation, the risk to innocent bystanders was too great and would have resulted in more casualties and possibly deaths. I guess if your intention is to show how badly needed intense training for firearm safety is then you have succeeded. Never shoot into a crowd is usually pretty high up there in training. Timeline with sounds of gunfire that shows how fast it was. Video shows how densely packed the area was.
  11. Nailed it. There is a reason none of the 800+ LEO's, including the snipers, tried to shoot the shooters.
  12. I don't think that specific football player was the only person in Kansas City drunk and/or drinking that night. Just saying.
  13. It is 100% the fault of the person who pulled the trigger for not ensuring an accurate and clean shot and being aware of people near and behind their target. If they didn't have a clean shot they they should not have pulled the trigger. Training is needed.
  14. The same logic can be applied to adults who carry meaning any adult who carries is a criminal. The important thing to note in this instance is that is is perfectly legally for children and teens to carry guns in public places and at events like this in Missouri. Gang membership has nothing to do with it. .
  15. My bar was much lower at "act like the elected leader you are during a crisis". Maybe he just assumed that since people think Kansas City is just in Kansas that the Kansas Governor should have stepped up? 🤔
  16. Why I mentioned Missouri Governor Parson, he has been pro open carry and no regulations but at the first sign of a shooting he runs away. A couple of articles https://kcbeacon.org/stories/2023/05/23/missouri-gun-laws-2023-blairs-law/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/law-blocking-federal-gun-regulation-sows-confusion-in-missouri
  17. Celebrities have been speaking out and still no change. NoRA https://time.com/5248072/nora-coalition-celebrities-nra/ 180 musicians signed an open letter to congress in, I believe 2016 https://www.eonline.com/news/775173/musicians-and-executives-sign-open-letter-asking-congress-to-stop-gun-violence-now 11 years ago
  18. Why focus on the football player and not the Missouri governor who was there and turned tail and ran instead of standing with the police chief and mayor at press conferences to do his job as an elected leader? The football player is dating a popular singer and is paid to entertain not to be a leader during a time of crisis. The Governor on the other hand is absolutely expected to lead where was he? That is where my anger is focused, on the absent leader. Note: I don't know from memory how to spell Taylor Swift's boyfriend's name so just called him the football player and I think any football player could be substituted here
  19. Thank you for this well worded reply. I had mentioned this in other topics on housing and was blown off. I will start pointing to this post when it comes up again. This is such a huge issue and one that is deeply rooted in racism, politics, and general ignorance of these events.
  20. I haven't done any official testing, but I pulled one out of a box that had been ignored for a long while and it still worked. If it is in the wall sconce or light fixtures it will always be charged.
  21. Short term power loss I have emergency Light bulbs in my wall sconces. Link below. They come automatically and can be removed and will stay lit for quite a while. I prefer them to a flashlights because, amazingly, when they stay in a Light fixture and turn on automatically when the power goes out, they are easy to find. My husband uses them to find his flashlights that are "right here, I swear" but not actually there. I keep batteries for his flashlights on hand. I have ready to eat foods and freeze fried foods that are safe for me to eat in with our regular foods. For freeze dried we order foods from Cumin Club. I know they are safe and since we we eat them as part of our regular meal rotation we know they are within their use by dates. We also keep ingredients on hand and are knowledgeable and competent in cooking on a grill/open fire outside. Probably enough food for 5 days as long as no one is eating because they are bored. We keep bottled water on hand in unused/hard to reach shelves in the top of closets. Fun fact: Squirrels know to eat through the plastic and will do so to extend how long they can live in your closet, especially if your teenager leaves food in his backpack. We do not have a way to heat the house in the winter. We have debated a generator that hooks into the city gas since that is more reliable than electricity. We have very little storage, no garage or shed, or place to build any. We don't have a place for large solar panels that would run appliances. Emergency lightbulb https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0797RK52Q?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
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