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Posts posted by SpecialClassical

  1. My friend is thinking of pulling her son out of the local high school. He is 16 and has a sixth grade reading level with 3rd grade comprehension. She is not looking to bring him up to high school level. It appears he will never be capable of that and his parents want to prepare him for life. He is holding down a job and is liked by his employer, so continuing to succeed in that area is important.


    So, given that info, could anyone recommend life skills based materials that are budget friendly? Any recommendations on what you consider skills or info he needs to graduate would be helpful.


    The other constraint is that the family does not allow him to use Internet because he is unable to control his impulses. He can use the computer because they do not have Internet on it for that reason. So, a disk based program would be fine.


    I am thinking they should aim for basic knowledge in content ares like science and history, but what about consumer math or basic writing skills? Anyone?

  2. I should think the same skills will apply. What they do is play. The therapist will start by creating a comfortable, enjoyable atmosphere; a place an anxious child can feel safe, secure, and not have to worry as much about being on guard. Don't be surprised that this may take some time and may look to you like they're "just playing." They're not, they're establishing a relationship, they're establishing security. Little by little, the therapist will be highlighting some things your child says or does, seemingly shooting the breeze. In reality, the therapist will be looking for signs of the root of anxiety, what kinds of fears is the child trying to avoid. The play, and talk that accompanies it, will explore this a bit as well as explore possible alternative solutions to avoidance. Giving the child a sense of empowerment over her problems ideally will not only help her feel better, it will give her a more effective skill for dealing with stress. Stress and anxiety are an inescapable reality, and not everyone has effective means to address it. Play therapy functions to slowly, safely, help a child incorporate these skills in her natural learning style - play. If you don't mind my asking, about how old is your child?

    Yes, this is the way it should go. My daughter's therapist rushed into the questions and exploration of possible problems. I hope you find a wonderful therapist nearby. Maybe try a pediatric therapist instead of one specifically trained in play therapy.

  3. MS has all but made it impossible to abort so obviously they have the highest teen pg rates.


    This is a gross violation of rights. .

    A teen pregnancy ended by abortion is still a teen pregnancy. The statistics might not catch it, but an abortion does not negate the pregnancy. So it seems to me that other states with "lower rates" might actually be just as unsuccessful at preventing teen pregnancy as Mississippi.

  4. Well, this is not my dd, but my dd is actually engaged to her first boyfriend and my husband married his first girlfriend. (Lucky me😄).


    But in the case where financial support is split, how do you manage that? Power to decide isn't the point here. Finding a way to influence a child to make the best decision for college is the point.

  5. So perhaps a focus on graduate employment rates and reputation along with financial package would sway this student? Those are the biggest issues along with the maturity that can happen in four years. The significant other is nice enough, but they are so young and inexperienced. The relationship isn't being discouraged, but the parents are concerned that the decision shouldn't be made simply by geographical considerations. The student has expressed that she knows geography isnt the only factor, but is yet is planning that way. They wouldn't be going to the same school, but the boyfriend has already chosen a school and the girl wants to decide around that.

  6. Well, technically this is a hypothetical based on a known situation. The parents are helping with school, but not funding it completely, so scholarships and student contribution are expected. Yes, the parents have expressed that the student needs to have several colleges in mind in order to compare financial packages. The student hasn't visited any colleges yet.

  7. Not naming names, GT Joe? Many people would say, who cares? But I think most people are interested in high profile people who project one image and live another. Whether it is the mystery of it or the shock, people do seem to like that kind of story. So how about that as well? Do you know of a high profile person who lives a private life very different th an his/her image? (And not necessarily in a negative way.)

  8. Say you had a child who was quite intelligent academically. This child is at the end of her high school career and has met a boy that she is sure she will marry one day. She is a very loyal person and you think it is likely she will stick with him if he doesn't break up with her. And now she is making plans to find a college close by him even if she could get scholarships to go to a much better college a few hours away. How would you proceed from this point?

  9. As it should be.


    I don't recall this sort of outrage (not the OP. In general, I mean) with Mark Sanford. Not that I care more about what Sanford did than Wiener. Just think it's a little funny that people are all riled up over Wiener today and those same people were quick to point out that Sanford's "moral transgressions" were between him, his wife, and whatever deity they believed in.

    Well, now you " know" someone who was outraged about both. And I know other people who were as well- people who either identify as Republican or conservative. Sanford not only had an affair, he disappeared and showed instability by his actions. Personally, I think Sanford's actions prove that he is unfit for office and I was disgusted to see that he is back into the game.


    And this is just one example of why I stepped back from political support of almost anyone not local. Money and influence, smiles and lies are what make the political world go round.

  10. Only if you, her parent, chooses to report him, would this happen. If I knew it was consensual, I wouldn't report it UNLESS there was a huge age difference, such as an 17 yob with a 13 yog..... but I wouldn't report a 17yob with a 15-16yog, regardless of how I felt morally.

    Another possibility is if the younger teen is in state custody. I know a young lady who was on the sex offender registry because the father of her child was a teen foster child.

  11. So it seems hash tags are used for expression and for linking information. The latter is a great idea. The former is annoying when overdone. (10-14 after one sentence) Like GSO Christie's friend, my friend used them on FB before they did anything. She is my age and was apparently teased by our younger friend about it. :-)

  12. A friend of mine seems to use them to explain her FB posts and pics. I've counted up to 14 on one post and often you have to read them or you don't totally understand what she wants to say. As the person above said, they are supposed to link you to a category, but the likelihood of her having more that one item in most categories is low. So if you see them like I've described I think you can assume they are being misused/overused.

  13. I don't have any legal knowledge, but I think you are exactly right. This lawyer is trying to get you to sign off and make it look like you agreed to the errors. I would let him stew over it and you just sit back and communicate with the trustee. Write down everything that happens from here on out. Take pics of notes and papers and date everything. He is in big trouble and desperate. Ignore him until you get solid legal guidance.

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