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Posts posted by SpecialClassical

  1. My youngest is a girl (my only girl after several boys). She's a fabulous mix of tomboy and girlie girl.


    When she was 2, my younger set of boys were 6, 7, 8, and 9. Some of my older set of boys would take the younger set to the fields behind our home and play war. The older boys were usually the generals who ran the show, and the younger boys played the grunts. The little ones wore play BDUs, boots, the whole deal. They took their play seriously LOL. My daughter started asking to tag along, and we had old, outgrown play BDUs she'd have fit in but she had her own War Outfit in mind. She'd dress up in her play heels, dance leotards, tutus and boas then get in line for her camo face paint and play gun. What a sight! Then she loved when the two groups would fight over who got her on their team (I love my boys). And she'd run around right alongside them, fighting just as hard but looking way more fabulous. She did that for years, until the younger boys outgrew those games.


    She still has her own sense of style, and pairs her Chucks with nearly everything - even her frou frou dresses. Our deal is no Chucks to church, but other than that she definitely has a distinct sense of style. She's definitely Project Runway material ;)

    I sure hope you got video of that!

  2. Yesterday I was at the grocery store and saw a woman wearing camo capris and a white tank top- not odd around here- but then she had her hair in this beautiful upswept style that looked rather formal. It made me smile. Have you seen and appreciated

    anyone with their own sense of style or personality lately?

  3. I vote no island because it really limits space to move around. Any appliance door opposite the island will cause a traffic jam. This is why I am planning to move our refrigerator across the kitchen, away from the main work area.


    I would think about work stations instead of just counter space. My kitchen is large with a very big island which would be nice if I was the only cook, but my kids are right in there with me and we are constantly bumping into each other while getting dinner on the table, etc. I had a smaller kitchen with less counter space and liked it because there was an area for cooking/ baking with a peninsula and across the kitchen was the fridge and sink with a long counter on each side.


    If you can plan a space for walking through the kitchen that won't impede kitchen activity, that would be a big bonus. Oh, and if you have a long counter away from the main sink you might want to consider a small sink for food prep. We may do that and it would be perfect for my littles washing their hands while cooking without getting in the way. I really like cooking with my kids so fixing this current set-up is something we've given a lot of thought.

  4. I love Michigan. It is a beautiful state full of farms, forests,gorgeous beaches, and wonderful people. (In fact, I've always thought you would be a great WTM mom to meet!)


    I am sorry things are so bleak in your area, but they aren't like that in the whole state. I do wish we could all get on board with a bi-partisan effort to address the most pressing issues: the economy and education. I don't know what can be done about the culture of violence in some cities. Saginaw was fairly close-by growing up and it was scary then,too.


    Living here in Central and West Michigan my whole life has biased me for sure.





  5. First, OP please read the end of my post! For anyone who reads this please read it with an understanding that it is not a response to any one poster, but to ideas that are prevalent about FAS. I don't want to come off as a know it all or rude, but it is very hard for me to read some of these posts. Yes, everyone's experience is different and I am happy for those who drank a little and their kids are fine. I truly am. Especially since their doctors told them it was okay or they didn't know they were pregnant.


    Very few doctors know about the true causes and effects of FASD. The research is ongoing. Knowledge and treatment are in the beginning stages. An OB is not likely to be studying all the latest research; that isn't possible for one doc to do for all the different problems a baby could have. And it isn't his/her field of specialty.


    But please, please don't spread the message that drinking during pregnancy is okay. Yes, doctors say a little bit is no big deal. But as some up thread said, drinking at the wrong time during pregnancy or with the "wrong" genetic makeup or, as I've read, a lack of folic acid can lead to FAS effects. It is a gamble for anyone.


    There was an article out this year trumpeting the idea that, hey, new research shows alcohol consumption does not affect IQ! But it was a terrible piece of journalism that could cause many children to suffer. Children with FASD do not necessarily have a lower IQ, but they have physical problems, sensory issues, learning disabilities, mood disorders and more.


    Our birth mom reported no drinking. Our neuropsychologist said that she probably stopped drinking when she realized she was pregnant. Or it could have been around 4 months along when the birth mom was placed in care. Our daughter was affected and we have no idea when or how much alcohol was consumed. What I do know is that I have a firmly attached and loved child who suffers from learning disabilities and a mood disorder. As Ottakee said, she learns and re-learns an re-learns the same information. She has had years of rages that have brought me to tears and despair for her future. She has physically assaulted those she loves. Before she was placed on her current medicine the poor child was in a state of almost constant agitation( think PMS and worse). Can you imagine how hard it was for a little person to try to control herself felling like that? This medicine has turned our lives around and revealed her true sassy,hilarious personality.


    I am sharing our story to emphasize that it does matter and that the act of refraining from alcohol is the only way to guarantee no effects from alcohol. Could our children still have problems? Absolutely. But if it is under our control to prevent possible problems, that is what we should do.


    To the OP- We specifically marked on our disability worksheet that we could handle almost any disability but FAS. I am so glad our daughter was given to us anyway! She is a sweet, nurturing, funny 9 year old. She has been through more in her short life than most children, but she is loved and adored by her family and friends and she knows it. We have grown in ways we would not have chosen and endured some very dark days, but through the hardest times we knew that she was placed in our family not only by her birth mom, but God himself. The birth mom was praying and we were praying about the match. The birth mom refused all family profiles given to her because none seemed right to her. Our profile was given only because a call went out from our former social worker that a family was needed. We had no home study, little money, and other obstacles. We watched in amazement as every wall between us and our child were broken down! We are not some special, especially patient couple so it isn't like it was logical for us to be chosen.


    She is a joy and we do not know what the future holds, but we will be right there with her on the journey because she is our girl.


    As far as questions to ask, I don't know what to tell you. Many moms will not self-report drinking because they feel shame or they know it will limit their pool of families. There are ways to ask in order to get an idea, but professionals are usually better at discerning that. Also, I want to note that I am not angry with our birth mom for drinking or saying she didn't. She was from a difficult situation doing the best she could to handle life.


    May God bless you in your journey.



    ETA: We now have evidence of a drinking problem, so that confirmed our Dr.'s assessment.

  6. "I should have chosen a black guy, like Abraham Lincoln." Bless it.'



    LOLOL and yet, wow. Wrapping up a year in American history and thinks Abraham Lincoln was black? Ouch. "Bless it." indeed.



    He was adopted from another country about two years ago. He has a lot of catching up to do and at this point his reading and speech skills are much more important. He was older when adopted and it takes a long time for kids like that to retain info our kids get repeatedly through the years.

  7. Karyn Purvis' work might be a help to you in this situation. Whether your foster daughter has RAD or not, Dr. Purvis addresses the concerns of trauma and grief and how those affect attachment and behavior. Her focus is to help the child heal toward being connected with her family. In " The Connected Child" she gives explanations of psychology and brain chemistry theories that help a parent understand the child's behaviors. She also gives practical tips on how to build a loving relationship while remaining in charge as a gentle, encouraging authority.


    From your post it sounds like this method might fit your parenting better than the one you mentioned.


    She very well may not have RAD, but it sounds like her grief is preventing her from forming new, healthy relationships and that is an an attachment issue. Also, I know foster parents often do not receive a full history on their children and she might have experienced a trauma of which you are unaware. I hope you have a breakthrough soon and your relationship grows steadily toward a warm and healthy one. You sound like a loving mom searching for answers in a complicated situation. May God bless you as you continue.


    P.S. I apologize of this is a repeat of knowledge you already have.

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