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Posts posted by SpecialClassical

  1. He has an appointment on Tuesday. After asking him to go in several times, I finally handed him the phone and said, "Call now." I hadn't thought of a blood clot. There isn't any swelling. Bone cancer and MS have come up on my searches. Thanks for the input. Off to look up blood clot info. Any more info is welcome.

  2. My husband is having terrible, sudden pain in his leg. It is the same leg every time and it is in the same spot. It is in the front, the bone he says. We know it isn't shin splints and it is so intense that he can't help crying out in pain. Also, it is random and doesn't matter if he is at rest or moving. I'm not seeing anything online that is very encouraging. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you!

  3. This is so sad. I agree with the previous poster that it seems like unethical behavior. We had to put our dog down a few weeks ago and i was so worried they would think we hadn't done enough for him, but they made it clear it was our decision unless we wanted to have the vet's opinion. As it was, when we arrived at the office our dog's breathing was so labored that they immediately spoke to the vet and got him into the exam room. They were full of compassion for me and our dog. The OP's friend seems to have a different kind of vet.

  4. Sigh.


    "overpopulation" isn't about square footage and people. It's about the usage and resources of the entire earth and the quality of life that is predictive based on those resources.

    Joanne, I'm not sure of you realize this, but you come across as condescending with responses such as this. With the sigh and then the explanation that repeats points that the above poster mentioned, it leaves me thinking you are rolling your eyes in superiority. Perhaps that is not your intention, but it " sounds" that way.

  5. Could you approach it as a problem to solve? What if you talked to the 12 yr old and said that you have a problem and you want her help solving it? You could explain that you have been really happy to see her playing and don't want to discourage her because she is talented and enjoys the practice. Then you could bring up that the kids are light sleepers and you can't think of a way to make them sleep through noise, even very nicely played noise. I would end it with another positive statement. If she likes the little ones you could mention how good she is with them. If they annoy her you could mention that they would be less whiny or whatever if they got more sleep. Again, you just can't figure out what to do because her playing is such a great thing.

  6. FWIW, I'm not sure I would entirely trust social services. Personally, I can't even begin to imagine how social services thinks it is somehow acceptable to leave your ds in a home with a woman who is exhibiting the symptoms you have described to us. IMO, they should be removing him from that home, whether he likes it or not. I'm not sure how a 15yo boy with issues of his own got to be in charge of his own destiny.


    And I also wouldn't count on her not being dangerous. It's probably not something she would have admitted to you.

    Just to shed a bit of light as an adoptive mom with an FASD kiddo and friend of a RAD mom, I would like to point out that a kid with RAD is in control. It is the control that defines every move. A child like this cannot be made to obey others wishes because he/she doesn't have have the connection that gives a normal kiddo the desire to please anyone or allow a level of relationship that involves give and take. The control protects the child from the pain associated with relationship connections. Does that make sense?

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  7. Personally, we spent a whole year trying to make it work at a charter school. K was fine, but 1st grade was a disaster.


    On the other hand, some people just know the fit is wrong and that it's time. Maybe they were wavering and something the teacher said sent them over the edge toward homeschooling. Perhaps their child has been bullied relentlessly for the last three weeks. For chronically ill children or children with life threatening allergies, it could have been the reluctance of a staff member or other student family to follow a safety plan.

  8. If you look in her comments section, she accepted the criticism graciously. And for the record, I think intention counts and the photos of those boys appear to be plain fun. They weren't trying to be sexy. That said, they weren't the best choice.


    I am someone who totally believes that men are responsible for their thoughts and actions. I'm sick to death of the idea that girls have to be sooooo careful or ruin a boy's mind. However, I also think that girls and boys need to think about how they present themselves and what impression that gives of them, just as one needs to consider the kind of clothing that is appropriate in various situations. We do send messages by our actions and appearance.


    Should we judge the character of a person from their appearance? No. Do people make various judgements about people based on appearance? Yes. For instance, one day I saw a young teen in a very small, fancy dress walk into Meijer with a slightly unkempt older man. She looked out of place. My first thought was that it might be a bad situation because not too many dads would let their daughter dress like that. But then I just kept telling myself that he probably was her dad. I didn't want to be judgemental, but that didn't prevent the first assessment from jumping to my mind.

  9. We found put what happened- they think. Another customer bought the same exact floor model and they were given ours by mistake. So the store gave us theirs. The other customer paid first for a machine that we now have. The store told my husband the one they eventually gave him is in better shape. So the other customer got cheated or the store is lying to make us feel better. My husband was pressed for time because of the screw up and had to go get my son from a school retreat.


    Should I call the manager and insist the other customer be told about the mess-up?

  10. Today I bought a floor model elliptical machine for $199. I made sure to stand by it because there were a range of machines at that price and that one was the highest quality and value. It was originally $1000. I paid for it, the salesman marked it sold and told me he would put it "away". My husband went to pick it up and it can't be found. So, if they don't find it should they find another floor model of the same kind, refund the money, or exchange for a cheaper version?

  11. I agree about the high number of convenience foods. I have noticed, though, that some of the convenience foods have fairly decent ingredients, especially the Asian cuisine. They get people in with the low prices on staples like eggs,milk, and cheese. The yard tools and such are just there to entice people to spend money and make people think they are saving. Some things are worth stopping in for, but it bugs me that I can't get things like whole wheat flour let alone white whole wheat. And I find their quality and pricing on produce is average.


    As far as the organization of the store, it depends on the manager, I think. The one on the east side of our town was a bit messy and didn't seem real clean. When one opened over here it was nicely organized and with a much cleaner feel. I noticed that manager was always working and was real friendly.. A few months ago in saw him working as a manager at our local Meijer store and now the Aldi's has been reorganized.


    The best thing about Aldi is that I can go in with my list and leave having spent a lot less than at the local grocery. They even have organic at times. Basically you have to know what you want and ignore the rest.

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