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Posts posted by SpecialClassical

  1. I only read part way through the first book. I found it horrific. They are very dark and filled with abusive behaviors (dangling a baby out a high window, withholding food). My kids were adopted from foster care. I think this series is not a match for our family. However, they are very popular, I may just be hyper-sensitive. In any case, we don't read them. Minimally I suggest reading it when the child does and debrief/discussing it thoroughly.


  2. We do like Downton Abbey, but sometimes the writing is so off the mark historically that I get annoyed. For example, the recent handling of homosexuality was merely an attempt at importing (many, not all) current perspectives on the characters. I highly doubt that so many people surrounding Thomas would act in his favor because he was unfairly judged as a result of his sexual preference. And the idea that Lord Grantham would retain him given his character flaws (previous season storyline) was hard enough to swallow; having no problem with the fact that he was gay and daily dressed him was unbelievable. Again, speaking of what the common reactions would have been in that time.



  3. I have the same thought process. However, do we immediately set aside the $ we would have spent and send it to a charity or ministry? One way I have thought about doing it, and in fact am implementing with our children, is a $ for $ match. Currently my family is saving for an expensive used "toy", but we have it set up that half of all that is earned toward the toy will be given to a charity/ministry chosen by the children. So, I say you should buy those new towels, but put the same amount toward a food bank or relief organization! It might take us longer to get the extra things this way, but my family could use some discipline in that area.

  4. I just remembered an incident in our family. My daughter was the first grandchild and she was/ is very reserved. She warmed up to my mom and my husband's dad, but not his mom or my dad. My dad is tall and very gregarious, so that made sense. With my mother-in- law, she has never been a baby person, but desperately wanted to connect with my daughter. AND she made it into a big,sad deal. Her feelings were hurt and she made comments.


    Being a first time mom I was very defensive on behalf of my baby, so I was thinking things like, "I can't believe she is putting this kind of pressure on a baby. She needs to stop worrying about it and give me a break." Before I know it she is in the bathroom crying. My family is not very emotional so I was wondering what was going on. I asked my sister-in-law who said MIL heard me say something similar to the above. :ohmy: I might not be emotional, but I hate to hurt anyone's feelings. To this day I swear it was all in my head and she really shouldn't go around reading my mind like that! :tongue_smilie:


    My MIL is awesome, so this was just a blip in our newish relationship!

  5. Honestly, I would take her for a neuropsych evaluation. Our adopted daughter went to a neuropsychologist and was evaluated for possible FAS. Your niece sounds like she could have a number of issues she is dealing with. Impulse control problems, sensory frustrations, and the personality switch could be caused by FAS.


    However, they could be caused by other organic brain issues and the key is to identify what the source of the symptoms is and then treat her symptoms accordingly. For example, you can see some of the same behaviors with ADHD as you do with bipolar, but if you went the medication route the meds would be very different.


    I feel for your sister. We are fortunate to have had a very strong willed bio daughter who put us through the wringer when she was young (up to abput 11, so a long haul). From parenting her we know that our younger daughter's behaviors and lack of improvement are not a reflection on our parenting. It is extremely distressing to have a child that will not behave no matter the consequence, incentive, or amount of love and attention given. Despair would overcome me if I wasn't 100% sure she was meant to be in our family.

  6. Well, as the proud owner of a very unusual name, I know that people, even long time friends who wish me well, often can't remember the spelling of my name, or, often, the pronunciation. :lol: I have come to respond to nearly any conceivable variant!




    Caitilin, not Caitlin, or Katelyn, or Caitlyn:D


    Okay, so your name is pronounced like Katy Lynn?

  7. You find it shameful? But, if they offer that healthcare and then the business goes under from that overspending, the worker has neither healthcare NOR a job! We no longer hire 15 young men a summer--we can't afford the workmen's comp on them. CO has one of the highest comp rates in the states. We bought a bale picker and we use family now. If it's cheaper to pay the fine and the owners are then putting the difference into the company, doesn't that help the workers? I'd love to have full-time help, and give them paid vacations and healthcare. Unfortunately, that would mean I'd have to sell the ranch... Businesses are in business to make a profit, not to engage in social engineering. If a business is not making a profit, it soon no longer exists.


    :iagree: I agree with Margaret. As the daughter of small business owners I know what a large amount of money has to be contributed for health care. When my mom told me, I was shocked. What my husband and I pay every month toward our benefits is very little in comparison even though it seems like a lot to us. Think thousands for just 3 or 4 people.


    The OP stated that the owners of this company are not trying make money off the backs of their workers. If the costs of the fine are lower than the cost of health care and paying the fine is one way to keep afloat, I would say they are doing their workers a favor by making sure they have jobs in order to feed their children.

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