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Posts posted by SpecialClassical

  1. I was thinking about posting something similar about my son. He grew up doing chores and having to earn money for extras. We have tried to bless him with gifts and surprises, but nothing anyone would think was overboard. I guess it is normal for some kids to be this way, but I just don't think like he does, always trying to avoid paying for anything he can and avoiding work. I try to remember that my husband was rather spoiled with few chores and plenty of money handed to him, but is now a wonderful, giving husband.


    I heard SWB speak this weekend about the "odd one out" teen and I really think that applies to any child that thinks in radically different way than we do. My biggest take away was that these kids just need more time to get to the point of maturity. We expect them to absorb our values by a certain age, but some simply don't. They need our love and patience more than anything. And that isn't easy when an adult sized person is expecting others to serve him as if he is 12.

  2. Well,first, I believe in creation by God. That is not controversial to some. However, even though I believe in creation, I think the Creation Museum and the Ark building venture are a colossal waste of money. I do not see the point in the museum since creation is all around us.

  3. If you decide to replace them, look into doing it yourself. You can save thousands and get a higher quality window. I thought it was crazy to do it ourselves, but my husband made it look like it was no big deal. The home improvement stores probably have classes for it and you tube has saved us on other repair work. Good luck!

  4. From the Psychology Today article and about the list of lawsuits, "The movie actually lists a number of court cases, in the credits, as the “inspiration” for the movie, to leave the viewer with the impression that this kind of thing happens all the time. In reality, of course, they are largely just the aforementioned “Christian-email-forward boogeymen.” Take the case of Raymond Raines, who Christians claim was picked up by the scruff of the neck and yelled at by his teacher and principal for praying over his lunch in public school at the tender age of five. In reality, he was ten (not five), he got detention (not picked up and yelled at), and it was for fighting in the cafeteria (not praying over his lunch). It’s all just part of that victimization narrative. The standard movie disclaimer says it all: “All characters appearing in this work are fictitious.”

    It makes me question the rest of the list and wonder what truth have been bent and stretched to fit that list.

    Whether the truth was bent or not, it happens. I was in a holocaust class in the 90's in which the professor declared that God was not a reality. My daughter, about 20 yrs later, was in a history class in which the professor railed against the Christian faith and did his best to present it as a myth.

    Why do you think the reviewer has an agenda and what do you think that agenda is? I don't understand why the matter of an agenda is even brought up. If you disagree with his review that's great, but debate the review, don't imply there's some hidden agenda driving it.

    I can imagine what Crosswalk has to gain, a reputation for critical and intelligent journalism regarding faith. What should they strive for if not that?

    The movie, from the reviews linked to here, seems like a perfect example of why I generally stay far, far away from most contemporary Christian media. In general the music and films being produced these days seem small and insular, more intent on making Christians feel satisfied and smug about their Christianity rather then communicating anything good about the faith to outsiders or demanding more of Christians. It's...Masturbatory. It feels good (maybe) in the moment but how does it inform our faith for the better? How does it help us treat those around us better and live our lives in a manner that communicates the Good News especially when the movie seems full of stereotypes that only demonize non-Christians?

    I think it's fair to walk out of the theatre feeling like you're had a good experience. But whether that experience was actually Good in any meaningful way, nourishing, enriching, expanding, depends on more then the after-movie feeling. What about that movie was nourishing, enriching and expanding? How will it improve anyone's ministry out in the world? Or will it just feed the myth of persecution that seems so prominent in many Christian circles?

    ETA: I think the best way for the point to be made would be for people to watch The Ledge. It's the same kind of message-heavy film but with atheism rather then Christianity at it's roots. Sometimes it's easier to learn to recognize this stuff when it's not your own.

    In your post above you seem to doubt that these situations exist. My daughter and I both experienced similar situations in classes we took at a the same large state university. We took those classes about 20 years apart. My daughter's professor was especially snide and dismissive of Christian beliefs.
  5. I forgot. Once my friend asked why our house never smelled "doggy". I think it was because we vacuumed every day and rarely washed him. Labs have a water resistant coat that has oil to repel water. They need to be brushed to be cleaned. When we did give him a bath he stunk like crazy. We are fortunate because he never rolled in anything like some do.

  6. I don't have time to read everyone's responses, but will give you my experience. I agree labs are puppies for a long time and require consistency. However, they are,very loving and loyal. My older kids lost interest in our lab in his last few years and he continued to love them anyway. He had his problems, mostly due to poor breeding, but I miss him a bunch. I do have a pic of him tearing up a stuffed animal last summer; he was 12. BUT he had permission to play with it and would not have done so otherwise. He liked to sleep with stuffies as well.

  7. It doesn't matter one bit if the scripture she used was Offensive. Isn't that what free speech is about? If people are not allowed to voice their unpopular opinions in public places our country really will have lost a vital freedom. The issue isn't offense, it is endorsement by the state. The teacher could have politely explained that she appreciated the child's presentation of what Christmas meant to her and then mentioned that all religious view of the holiday break were welcome.


    Also, in our Christmas celebration we talk about how Jesus was born to die. That verse covers his birth (he sent) and salvation (through his death). If "he sent" doesn't refer to Christmas, what does it refer to?

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