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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. :party:

    Last Friday was employee appreciation day at dh's work. One of his friends won a Kindle in the door prize drawing. He didn't want it, so dh offered him $50. Friend said he would get back with him today. He said $50 cash was worth more to him than a Kindle. That takes care of oldest dd's Christmas present.

  2. My work email is changing to a new server. Since I am not "attached" to a computer, IT is unable to set up my new account until I call them. It is very important that I make my call before next Wednesday or I will no longer have a work email. I have been attempting to call for two weeks. Each time I would let it ring and no one would answer.


    Today I found out from a coworker that their voice mail picks up after the 10th ring. Okay, fine. I let it ring for 10 times. Voice mail picks up on the 11th ring and directs me to ..... send an email detailing my problem.:banghead:

  3. Perhaps another type of cursive such as HWT which looks like a hybrid? I, myself prefer cursive. Now some of my capitals I write print style such as "S" but I bascially write in cursive. As for your ds, I don't know. I would definitely add in typing though which I am doing with ds. DS's cursive is slow but he is getting better and faster. I had him write out 2 of his pretty long papers in cursive and plus we are doing spelling in cursive in addition to handwriting practice. I plan on switching him completely soon.


    Getty-Dubay Italic does this. It's sort of what my handwriting morphed into during high school.

  4. My youngest dd wants a "wet baby" for her birthday. Dd wants to feed the baby a bottle and then change its diaper. She has dolls where water runs straight through. She wants something more realistic.


    I'm considering these:






    Does anyone have any experience with either of these dolls? Any other recommendations?

  5. I guess I'm trying to say, you would do your student an enormous service by helping him to finally learn his times tables. At the same time, don't assume that he is deficient or uneducated or unskilled in other areas. He could be highly intelligent but just not have a "math brain", and no one bothered to explain math in a way he could process. I hope you can be that excellent teacher who can finally break through to him.


    Good luck!


    Oh no! I don't think of my struggling college students as "less than". This is a class full of mechanics, so he has lots of tool smarts. I refer to myself as mechanically inept.:tongue_smilie:


    I wish I had caught on to the fact that he didn't know his times tables earlier. He had always worked more slowly than my other students, and I allow more time when I can. He was still working when the next class was coming in, so I had hurry him along. That's when I saw a paper full of circles. We ended up talking about what was going on and I discovered that he didn't know multiplication tables and didn't have a strategy for learning them. He was absent the day we filled in a blank multiplication chart.

  6. Those of us who live in hurricane prone areas tend to keep our land lines. Power can go out for a while but an old fashioned wired phone keeps us connected.


    Same here. When the power is out for days, the cell towers can go out too. Besides, all other internet providers in my area cost almost double what we get through the phone company. I'm not happy with the service, but can't afford the upgrade.

  7. I teach math 101 at a community college. It's basically a 7th or 8th grade math course. No calculators are allowed. I refer to the class as "All the Math You Forgot".


    Today a student drew 27 and 81 circles today to simplify 27/81. It was painful to watch. He's in his late 20s and never learned the multiplication tables. He said that his teachers always let him have a multiplication chart or a calculator. I told him about Timez Attack.

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