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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. Sorry if this has been posted. We just got our power back.


    Yesterday a series for tornadoes devastated several communities in central and eastern NC. Many homes and businesses were destroyed. Several have lost their lives.




    The viewer submitted photos tell the tale.


    I am so thankful that my family is safe and we no damage. We lost power before the warnings went out, so I didn't know how bad it was until this morning.


    Please pray for those who are hurt, who have lost their homes, and those who are working to rescue and repair.

  2. FLL 3 was not available when my oldest was ready for third grade, so we went with Rod and Staff. I agree that there is too much "busy work" writing. We did a lot of R & S orally. I also bought the workbook and substituted the worksheet for the lesson when possible.

  3. Fantasy: Crafts, nature study complete with journals, field trips, working together, reading great books aloud with classical music in the background, rows of WTM style binders filled with illustrated narrations


    Reality: Exhaustion, ADHD, battles of wills, lost books, screaming and fighting among the siblings, trashed house, whining over doing any type of school work


    OK, I'm depressed now.

  4. This morning I found the following message in my inbox. I have edited the names and places.


    Hey Mrs. XXXXXX

    I know this is out of the blue but I owe you an apology for the way I acted in your classes at ABC School. I treated you with disrespect and caused chaos in your classroom and for that I am truly sorry. I don't know why I was such a brat! When I saw that you were friends with Former Student Y and Former Student Z on facebook, I knew that was my chance to contact you. I hope you accept my apology.


    Former Student


    I taught this student more than 10 years ago. I don't remember her as much of a trouble maker. She talked too much and tried to be a class clown on occasion. Mainly, I remember her as a student who didn't work up to her potential. She would make an A on a test or project and then barely scrape by the rest of the grading period.


    I share this to remind us that we touch lives where ever we go. Teenagers can grow up, look back, and regret. My heart is humbled.

  5. My oldest is in the 6th grade book. It doesn't seem to be very different from the fifth grade book except for the writing. There is more emphasis on report writing. We've been doing Rod and Staff English since the third grade and there is a lot of repetition. I would just move slowly through the 6th grade book since you already have it. We also do many of the assignments orally. Rod and Staff is written for a classroom and there is a lot of busy work writing.

  6. Because of this, the OP might want to have the paperwork handy proving her dog is fixed, including the date. I might even give the neighbor a copy now so when his dog has puppies he hopefully won't stir up trouble with the OP.



    Now that's a piece of paperwork I didn't think of needing to keep. I do have the receipts from his vet visit in January that list him as a neutered male.

  7. Oh, I can beat yours. While walking my male dog on a leash down the street, I had a lady let her dog out the front door and he came and started *edited* my dog. The lady then proceeded to come out of her house and scream at me about walking my dog down the street while she was in heat. I tried very calmly to explain that my dog was a BOY. She called me a liar and continued ranting.



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