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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. I am looking for a MP3 player with large (huge?) buttons for my visually impaired father-in-law. It needs to be VERY simple to operate. Ideally it would turn on and start playing where it left off. We tried to have him use one of the kid's Sansa Clips, but he couldn't manage it.


    He broke his hip last October and has lost most of his mobility. Since Christmas his vision has declined to almost nil. Reading was one of his favorite activities. I would love to load a player with audiobooks for him.


    Any ideas?

  2. :iagree: I have an older edition of Spelling Power that has a list of 30ish activities. A lot are repetitive like use your finger to write the words on sandpaper, then later the same activity repeats with felt. I read through the list and made cards for the few activities that appealed to my children. We don't even do the activities unless a word has been missed 3 times.

  3. 1. We like the curriculum. The material is more advanced that the other "Exploring Creation With..." titles. Fourth and sixth grade should be perfect.


    2. We use the notebooking journal. It has comprehension questions, notebooking pages, puzzles, pages for the experiments, and a sample schedule. I look at the activities for a given week when I'm making out my grocery list.


    3. We are on lesson 12. I have been able to find everything needed for the labs so far.


    Hope this helps.

  4. Biographies.


    The children's section is horrible. If you want a book about a non American, you are pretty much out of luck. There are a few biographies for American presidents. They have Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, and 5 on Obama. They didn't even have anything on Florence Nightingale in the adult section. But they do have lots of biographies for popular sports and music stars. Just not one for Beethoven or Bach. Sigh.

  5. I'm a lefty. I use Getty-Dubay Italics with my kids. It is the closest curriculum to my natural writing which is mostly connected printing. It is easy and legible. Learning traditional looped cursive was difficult for me. I remember getting "messy work" on many of my papers in school because I couldn't get the slant.

  6. We are using Apologia's Anatomy this year. In my opinion, the book is geared toward upper elementary grades. I've been reading the lessons aloud. My sixth grader enjoys the book and the notebooking journal. Most of the information goes over my first grader's head. He enjoys the activities though. I haven't looked at the Jr. Notebook, but if it involves a lot of writing, my son wouldn't enjoy it at all.

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