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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. Thank you all for your replies. I have some more information. This doctor's office is using the SSN for credit checks as well as cross referencing insurance before the appointment. They have been stuck with many non-payments, and have had to resort to these measures. I still am not comfortable giving my SSN over the phone. They are firm that if I don't, I will be a cash before service patient. I fill out the paper work there and get a refund when the insurance goes through.


    I am really bummed over this. I have been searching for a naturopath for some time, and this was the first accepting new patients. I may still end up making an appointment because the doc is highly recommended and I can see their point. I have a problem with the way want so much personal information over a phone call.

  2. I was trying to make a doctor's appointment as a new patient. The lady was taking my information and asked for my SSN. I told her that I didn't give out my SSN over the phone, but I would give it when I had my appointment. I was then told that the would not file insurance if I did not give them my SSN now, and that I would have to pay in full at time of service. I ended up not making an appointment at all.


    Is this normal? I haven't been a new patient anywhere in several years, so things may have changed.

  3. I just found out why dh doesn't complete household chores. For example, I would say "Dh, please help me clear the table." He would then clear the table with the exception of one or two items. :001_huh:Or I could say "Dh would you help bring in the groceries?" He would bring in all but one bag. :confused:This went on for 17 years.


    Come to find out that the problem was me asking him to "help". According to dh, helping is not doing. It is wrong to do an entire job yourself if you are helping. If I help the kids with a math problem, I don't do it for them do I? If I ask him to do something, not help, then he will do the entire job. Now I know.:tongue_smilie:

  4. We went last year and spent two days. Touring the buildings can get boring for littles. Try to hit those before the crowds. The highlights were our audience with Martha Washington and the art classes at the folk art museum. We ended up doing 3 art classes. Check out all of the trades. The palace kitchen was especially good. We actually dressed up. It was fun for the family, but I didn't dress up on the second day because I was tired of being asked for pictures.

  5. First of all, my dh is wary of doctors and medication. The only reason that I got him to have a physical was to get a dermatologist referral. He has a cyst that needs to be removed.


    Anyway, here are the results.

    T4: 7.3

    T3 Uptake: 32.1

    Free Thyroxine Index: 2.3

    TSH: 5.039


    The doctor has prescribed 0.05 mg of Synthroid. He is supposed to get more bloodwork in 6 months.


    Dh has no symptoms of hypothyroidism. (The irony is that I have most of them.) He is hot all the time, but he has always been that way. He has lost some weight recently, but he attributes that to eating more fruits and vegetables.


    Right now, dh wants to ignore the doctor, not take any medication, and see what the results are in 6 months. Of course, I am worried. Dh is the type that if he feels fine, he is fine. I don't want him to do anything that damages his health. So, what says Dr. Hive? Thank you in advance.

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