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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. My mother received a gift subscription for a newspaper one year from a coworker in a Christmas swap. At the end of the year the paper kept coming. She didn't do anything about it. After a few months, she began to get calls from a collection agency for not paying for her subscription. She finally managed to get the paper stopped, but she continued to get calls from collection agencies for many months. Nothing happened to her credit because they never had any of her information besides name and address.

  2. If you want to try to stick with FlyLady, you can get all of the FlyLady messages in one daily email. You have to log into your Yahoo Groups account. Click on Manage beside My Groups. Then click Edit My Groups. You should get a screen where you can set your Message Delivery. Change it from individual emails to daily digest.


    I struggle with housekeeping. I like the Motivated Moms planner because it tells me exactly what to do, but I like the FlyLady way of building routines and getting rid of clutter. I found that doing the baby steps from FlyLady is the best way for me to get back on track.

  3. :iagree: Fiskars are the best children's scissors. They have a little bit of cushion and more room for the fingers. Some can even be used left or right handed. If you can't find Fiskars, then get some adult scissors with shorter blades and use plenty of supervision. Adult scissors can be much sharper.


    I wouldn't be concerned about the fine motor skills yet. Getting him the right tool will build his confidence and skill.

  4. We do this. Dh works at night, so we have breakfast around 9:00am and our main meal around 1:30pm. The kids and I have a lunch type meal in the evening. It's not difficult to do. I just have to have a different mindset for the flow of the day. If I am using the crockpot, I set up the crock when I get up in the morning. Otherwise, I start fixing something about an hour before we eat.

  5. We have an indoor/outdoor Jack Russell mix. He has run of the house except for a couple of rooms. We keep those doors closed. He has a spot in the kitchen where he sleeps inside. He runs free outside with his doggy friends that live next door. They pretty much run between our two yards and play with any children that are outside (usually mine). He has a doghouse. Dh put in a 30 foot run system, but we rarely use it. I don't like tying animals.

  6. My former pediatrician had me in knots about my ds's speech when he was 18 months old. The doctor wouldn't count animal sounds as words, so instead of the number he was supposed to have (I forget what it was), he only had 6-7 real words. We changed doctors soon after that check up. Our new doctor said not to worry since he was healthy, animal sounds were indeed words to a toddler, and ds was understanding us. Ds took off with his speech around his second birthday and hasn't had a quiet moment since.

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