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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. I quit having timed drills with my oldest because she would melt down, but my son does them. He has a competitive streak. My timer has a count up feature. I time how long it takes to complete the drill and then next time we try to beat it. It may take him 10 minutes to finish what the curriculum says should be a 2 minute drill, but if he finishes it the next time in 9 minutes 45 second, we celebrate. It's his favorite part of the math lesson.

  2. I need a new manual can opener. I had one that I received for a wedding present many years ago that performed like a trooper until we took it camping and it got wet. Since then I've tried a cheapy Walmart one, a mid priced model from Target, and even one from Pampered Chef. They just don't seem to be able to completely do the job. I don't want an electric can opener because of a lack of counter space, and I don't use very many canned products. Any ideas?

  3. I've had the same type of pain since my last child was born. It feels like something is out of place. It hurts for a day or sometimes only a few hours. Then it's gone for weeks until the something goes out of place again. Thanks for some hope that some exercises will work. All the doctor said was to start saving for a hip replacement.

  4. Are we married to the same man? Actually, his clothes do eventually make it to the hamper in the laundry area. It's usually the same day he's out of clean socks and underwear. My biggest gripe right now is his car. :ack2:I have a part time job, and I need to drive his car because it gets better gas mileage, and he would need the van to go anywhere with the kids. The first day I took out countless fast food wrappers, banana peels, dirty clothes, cups, cups, more cups, junk mail, insurance papers, and even tax papers. Then I could stand to drive it. When I mentioned the state of the car, he said "It's my car. You wanted to drive it."

  5. :grouphug: My parents are well outside the evacuation zone, but under the hurricane warning. I wish they would come here. They are staying put. My grandmother is staying with my mom. My dad is a correctional officer on madatory duty. There's no telling when he will get back home.


    My dh took the day off work and made the 2 hour drive to go get supplies for his father and step mother. It would have been nice if my brother in-law and my mil's children could have stepped in. They live in the same city, but didn't have time.:glare: The in-laws cannot come here because of their mobility issues and they do not tolerate the children for long periods of time.

  6. I bought water, some canned tuna, crackers, peanut butter, toilet paper, charcoal, boxed milk, paper plates, batteries and Chef Boyardee type canned goods. If we don't need it for Irene, I will donate the supplies to my dd's AWANA campout. My dh will fill up all vehicles on Friday, and I will make sure that the electronics are charged. I will decide about filling the bathtubs when more is known about the forcast track.


    Fran caught us off guard. I'd rather have the supplies and not need them.

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