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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. Small church. Hard to find volunteers. I want to have a 2 adult policy but it just won't work. We put one adult and one teen in the nursery. This after I was the one holding a baby who would not stop crying. You simply can not take a crying baby into church to get his mother. Oh and right now, no babies. No one under the age of 4 truly.

    Our church is like this. We always have two people, but it's usually an adult and a teen. Children ages 3 through 2nd grade go to children's church which always has enough volunteers.

  2. I bought one very similar to the multi colored one from Michaels....so bad. I agree with what youve heard about them. The trays are just barely wide enough to fit in the tracks and if you don't slide them right, they slip right off the tracks. DS can't get them in half the time. Such a waste! I haven't found another solution so I just pull out what he needs and stack everything on the table for now.

    We have a set purchased from a thrift store. I'm glad I didn't pay full price. They cannot take anything heavy. Some of the knobs have pulled off. My dd now uses it for craft supplies.

  3. We got rid of GE about 6 months ago. I hated it. It never really worked well in the five years we had it. It could only handle almost clean dishes. Near the end I was using it as an extra dish drying rack since I had to hand wash most everything anyway. We have a Kenmore now that does a decent job.

  4. FInd a doctor, and make an appt asap. That may be a few weeks. In the meantime, pray that you don't have another attack!


    I went to the ER and they scheduled my gallbladder to be removed the next day but then I had a liver infection. So several more ER visits and a few months later I had the gallbladder out!


    :iagree: Gallbladders can turn from chronic to acute very quickly. A lady from my church died from complications of a diseased gallbladder.

  5. Let DH go for an hour and let you stay home and rest. You are sick! Period, end of story. Be strong... :grouphug:


    :iagree: Hope you and your children get better soon.

  6. I've tried both liquid and powdered versions of homemade laundry detergent, and it just doesn't work that well here. We have hard well water, and I even increased the borax in the recipe. But I noticed that the clothes still smelled after being washed. Even a not-really-sweat-in shirt of dh's still smelled very strongly of his deodorant after being washed.


    Dh's clothes were stinky. Sometimes I would have to wash them twice. The rest of the laundry did okay, but I had to use hot water to get it clean. Soon I realized that with all the presoaking, pretreating, extra bleach, extra oxyclean, and having to wash in hotter water, I wasn't saving anything. One scoop of decent commercial laundry detergent in one cold load is better for the environment and my pocketbook.

  7. It bogged down for us. We were able to keep up until the middle of sixth grade. Then we slowed down. My dd is starting 8th grade with book 7. I was panicked that dd was behind, but a freshman English teacher said that book 7 was close to what she taught in ninth grade honors English. I plan to keep plugging away with book 7 this year. After that, I may switch to Analytical Grammar for high school.

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