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Everything posted by 1234

  1. Yes. We all had Covid for the first time in June and were advised to wait until September to get a booster. Then we all became sick with the worst illness (not Covid or the flu) we’ve ever had and it knocked all five of us down for about two months. We were just able to get our booster a few weeks ago. We knew very few people that had Covid until this past summer and then it seemed like every one we knew had it. So, I assume lots were waiting until the fall or later to get the booster.
  2. I use the Glossier tint and concealer (as well as JVN hair products) because of you. They’ve all worked so well for me! I think I’ll try some of the other recommendations during the sale.
  3. Surprising no one… https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/08/elon-musk-notifies-twitter-he-is-terminating-deal.html
  4. Yes! Right now my 20 and 22 year old (and 22 yo’s fiancé) are living with us. Dh and I went out for drinks a bit ago and he mentioned we sure do seem to be going out for drinks more often these days. Yes, yes we are, dear. 😬
  5. We definitely need to do this, but it made no difference in this case. He was reported but the police didn’t do anything and he was allowed to get the gun. So, sometimes people report and it still does no good.
  6. Abortions aren’t happening solely because a baby is unwanted. It’s ridiculous to act like that’s the only reason. Anyone who says the recent 10 year old who needed to travel to a different state had an abortion simply because her baby was unwanted has serious issues with reality.
  7. Quoting myself because it seems even after the 2019 incident his own dad helped him get the gun.
  8. News is saying the family called police on him in 2019 for threatening to “kill everyone”. Police removed knives/swords and referred it to state police who I guess did nothing since he was able to legally get the gun.
  9. We’ve had zero issues with any doctor. We haven’t had any ER visits though. Youngest recently started physical therapy for the EDS (hypermobile type) and the PTs were all very aware of POTS as well. None of our doctors have been dismissive.
  10. So, I ended up having to take youngest to urgent care this afternoon because their ear pain was a lot worse. They do have an ear infection and the doctor said they were seeing a lot of ear infections with whatever strain is going around here at the moment.
  11. Youngest ended up testing positive after all this weekend but feels fine. They’re only symptom is some mild ear pain. The rest of us are all back to normal (my heart rate is still low and I’m watching it but not sure if I need to worry). Moving forward, even though all of us ended up with it, we wouldn’t do anything different. I tested the first day I felt sick and was negative. We’re not going to isolate from each other for cold symptoms every time. It was just a mild cold for us (Dh and I were actually much sicker this past March - had our first PCRs then but it was just a cold) so we were lucky.
  12. To be fair, I did have to sign paperwork for my husband to get a vasectomy. I’m not sure how common it is, but it definitely happens.
  13. I’m day 11 today and tested negative yesterday. I feel completely fine except for my stomach issues. Those are still pretty bad and I’ll probably go to a doctor in a day or two if it doesn’t get better. I’ve also noticed my heart rate the past several days is on the low side according to my Apple Watch. My resting is usually between 62-65 and it’s been between 55-57. I’m not sure if it’s an issue or not since I’m still having the stomach issues and haven’t been doing very much at all. Everyone else here feels fine now though.
  14. I wanted to pop in and say that by some miracle youngest is still testing negative and feels fine. They had a sore throat one day but that’s been it. So, four of us have it and feel yucky but youngest has been spared. They were the one I was most worried about (ASD, POTS, Hypermobile EDS, PT twice a week) so I feel some relief knowing they’re ok. I feel perfectly fine now except my stomach. I’ve had gastrointestinal issues since about day five and I really hope it ends soon because it’s awful. Hope everyone else here is feeling better soon!
  15. I didn’t test positive until day four for me. The very next day Ds was positive, and the day after that Dh was positive. There’s only two people left but I’m expecting Ds’ fiancé to test positive today because she wasn’t feeling great last night.
  16. Dh has fever and feels pretty cruddy but is still working. I still just feel like it’s a regular cold but am super tired and my head feels wonky. Not really dizzy or lightheaded but just off. Dc are all still sleeping and I’m really hoping youngest can avoid getting it.
  17. I just lost mine today on day six. 🙁
  18. I just realized the little bit of taste and smell I had recovered after losing them due to the flu ten years ago is completely gone again. I’m interested to see if/when it comes back if I have to go through what I did before or of it will be different.
  19. And now Dh is positive. Uggghhh! Youngest and Ds’ fiancé tested negative today but do now have sore throats. I think by tomorrow they’ll probably be positive too. And we live in a high rise in Chicago and still have to take the dog out so can’t completely avoid people. I think since today is day six for me, I will take dog out from now on and just double mask. I haven’t had fever at all and my symptoms aren’t any worse so hopefully that will be fine.
  20. I have an isolation buddy now as Ds tested positive today. ☹️ So far, the other three here are feeling fine.
  21. Nothing about masking. Just said I could rejoin them tomorrow. I’m going to retest tomorrow since it will be day six (and then I guess like every other day?). I just feel like I have a cold so not that bad. Thankfully, no one else feels sick and no one else tested positive on home tests yesterday.
  22. To be fair, I was told by the doctor I saw yesterday that, “I was almost done”, since I was on day 4. She told me on day 6, I could start hanging out with my family again and did not need to retest or anything. I just nodded but thought she was crazy since for the first four days I woke up feeling worse than the day before. Today, is the first day I didn’t but I feel the same as yesterday. I’m not hanging out with my family until my symptoms are gone and I test negative. Unfortunately, it seems many are being told by healthcare workers after day five they’re good no matter what.
  23. Dh picked up more QuickVue and Flowflex from the store so I tried the Flowflex. It was immediately positive as well. Our Binax had expired so don’t have any of them to compare.
  24. We had the QuickVue tests here.
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