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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. My twins will be in second grade next year. Holy cow. We are relaxed/ ecclectic Math: Math games & MM for reinforcement Language Arts: Bravewriter Science: Earth Science Units & Nature Study History: Interest led, probably ancients to be on a rotation (we did US history this year) Geography: Pin It Maps Handwriting: New American Cursive Art: You are an artist videos & artist studies That's all I'm planning. DD does gymnastics and violin, DS does soccer and piano.
  2. Well, I'm still figuring out this year, but I'll play. These are mostly guesses. Math: AoPS Language Arts: He's surprisingly getting into writing so I'm going to try to find something fun that will nurture this. Maybe a bravewriter class or two Literature: Bravewriter Boomerang club Spanish: Homeschool Spanish academy Science: Astronomy - we are going to join a local astronomy club and maybe I'll find a coursera or great courses for him History: Undecided. We are currently studying US history with The History of US, and he's just "meh" about it. I'll have to see how far we get since it's February and we are only on book 2. (Insert eye roll here.) Computer science: I'd like him to do an online class, he's not a fan of online classes but he will make an exception for more coding / computer skills He plays piano and will do swim team this summer
  3. Whew hoo! I'm still on track, and kind of ahead! I've read so far, I'm Judging You No-Drama Discipline Song of Solomon (best I've read in a while) Currently reading: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
  4. I'm sorry about the dance tour but the chance to visit the orphanage sounds so wonderful.
  5. That's a lot of stuff you've got going on! Good luck to your DH on the job fair and to you with school. I'm finding the math coming back easier than I thought, and I credit that to homeschooling. :)
  6. DS 10 is still reading Little Women (well we are reading it, as a read aloud) for fun he's been re reading all the James Patterson middle grade fiction he can find at the library. He adores house of robots. Youngest have moved on to Little house on the prairie for their read aloud. Ds 6 is reading the 13 story tree house and dd really loves animal books so she's been pouring over this Book Polar Bear which is just so beautifully done. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1592702007/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1484396624&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=polar+bear&dpPl=1&dpID=41C50fQMoGL&ref=plSrch I'm finishing up Song of Solomon and then I'm reading Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin.
  7. I need to get DS 10 to stop putting capital N's in the middle of words. His name is Henry so you would think he'd have this down by now. :laugh:
  8. I started watching last week. It's both fascinating and horrifying. These poor people.
  9. My coworker just got her MBA at 52. You're still a youngster!
  10. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: I'm doing pre-reqs right now for an MPH in maternal and child health. I go back and forth between that and getting a BSN and then MSN to be a midwife. (there is a very good program locally)
  11. The Underground Railroad is on my list as well. I have a stack of books here to read first.
  12. Yeah sorry I wasn't trying to directly quote him, just give the gist of his advice. I should probably leave this thread I'm getting myself into trouble. Lol
  13. I just happened to come across this book at the library, and decided to check it out. My 10 year old suffers from anxiety as well and so far this book is speaking to me. https://www.amazon.com/Why-Smart-Kids-Worry-Parents/dp/140228425X/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483584429&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=why+your+smart+kid+has+anxiety
  14. I totally misread your tone. I thought you were being sarcastic. Probably I am usually being sarcastic. I'm sorry.
  15. I'm in the Midwest, I do a crop share through the winter that's sources from local farms throughout the summer and freezes berries and things to use for winter. Everything else I buy at Trader Joe's and I try to buy what's "in season" (or cheapest!) so during the winter we really only eat apples, bananas and oranges for fruit. I'm not sure why I have to explain that you obviously buy as close to home as possible when things aren't growing near you. This seems like a silly thing to call out.
  16. I got rid of my "college kid" pajamas of old race tee shirts and pajama pants and bought new pj sets. It brings me more joy than anything I can remember in the recent past! the occassional starbucks latte a new book lighting a candle! I stopped buying them when my kids were babies, because they got dusty, I kept forgetting to light them. Now I buy pretty ones for my mantle and when I'm wearing my matching pj's with my fancy candles I feel like royalty. :lol:
  17. Agree, and also to be fair the field of nutrition is about as advanced as surgery in the 1600's according to Michael Pollan. I was at one point a strict vegan and have now settled on his advice of eat locally, mostly plants, not too much. I don't starve myself, I don't cut out groups of food (except processed junk, which i will eat rarely because life is too short)
  18. I always love these threads on the AL board, I get so inspired by your kids! (I didn't see a thread for this year, if there is one already, I can delete this one.) Runningkids goals: DS 10 - He wants to build a video game console from scratch. (Learn circuitry, 3D printing, necessary coding) He also wants to write a book! I've decided that along with Spanish, read alouds and math, these 2 things will round out his "school" for the rest of the year. He plays piano and is joining the piano jazz group at our conservatory so this seems pretty well rounded? I'm going with it for now. It feels right. DD 6 - learn to ride a 2 wheeler DS 6 - learn to tie shoes and how to swim. (He's a sensory kid who hates being underwater so this is a tough one.)
  19. I follow Questlove (of The Roots, who produced Hamilton) and he said that Lin-Manuel actually came up with the idea for the Mixtape first, and thought "maybe there's an option for a musical after that." In Questlove's words, "Ya think?" :lol:
  20. I keep hearing about Dark Matter, I think I'll request it from the library now so I can read it soon.
  21. Started Song of Solomon today, I'm having a hard time putting it down! Has anyone read the Chernow book Hamilton? I need a book over 600 pages for the Modern Mrs Darcy book challenge and I want to pick a good one.
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