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Everything posted by kokotg

  1. I wondered about that, but my mom goes to the same NP and hers came back positive for antibodies (no reason to suspect she's ever had covid), and the NP herself had the same experience. I assumed it was a different test, but then when I saw the actual lab results there was no indication that it was. ETA: different test from the one to test for antibodies post covid, that is
  2. Yeah, on a population-wide level it probably doesn't matter much since 95% is so good. On a personal level, though, I definitely want to know if I have antibodies (my NP offered to test for me when I was in for blood work 9 days post shot #1, but no luck yet. I'll check again a couple of weeks after #2).
  3. Feeling pretty confident (knock wood) about our summer RV plans (the non-Canada version); all of us except the 15 and 8 year olds will be vaccinated. We'll still stick with mostly outside stuff/outside restaurants only, etc. But we're supposed to meet up with my in-laws on Cape Cod for their 50th anniversary. We haven't seen them for well over a year, so that will be really great.
  4. Kind of related to some discussion upthread: Nate Silver posed a question on twitter yesterday that I thought was interesting. When we say 95% effective, is it that 5% of people won't develop immunity or that even if people develop antibodies there are some exposures that will break through that immunity anyway? I had assumed the former, but I realized I really have no idea. And that it's an important thing to know, since if it's the former it makes sense to do lots of testing for antibodies and give boosters to people who haven't developed them for whatever reason, whereas if it's the latter it makes more sense for everyone to continue taking more precautions longer. Or maybe it's a combination of the two?
  5. It sounds great--definitely hang on to that post-pandemic!
  6. DH had his second Moderna yesterday, and feels totally fine. His arm's a little sore. I am preemptively annoyed with him, because I get mine on Friday, and I'm convinced I'm going to feel terrible 😂
  7. It hadn't occurred to me that it might be a covid specific thing because there are two shots. But I would still say "first shot" and "second shot" (or dose, maybe)...like I don't see how it adds any clarity, but I guess I can see how people might tend to say it more naturally re: covid vaccines than other, single dose vaccines. Based on my poll, I was starting to think hardly anyone really says it after all, but then I googled and found a bunch of examples.
  8. Right. I can see an argument that it's not redundant. It doesn't bother me. I'm just not used to hearing it and am curious about how common it is and if it's regional.
  9. My husband (with whom I've spent a great deal of time talking about this!) compared it to hot water heater.
  10. It's true...it's not totally redundant. Although if it's clear you're talking about a covid vaccine specifically, then it's a shot. But I can see why it might be a thing people say in general for clarity.
  11. I would say "at least one dose" and that's how I usually see it phrased.
  12. Evidence that I'm not making this up/it wasn't just the one random text guy:
  13. I think people in the US are learning that and are charmed by it; I hear it a lot here now! But I bet no one says "vaccine jab" 🙂
  14. Last week an acquaintance spoke of getting his "vaccine shot" in a text. Then he did it again, suggesting that it's a phrase he uses regularly. I mocked him gently (to my family, not to him) and moved on. But then I started hearing "vaccine shot" ALL OVER THE PLACE! Including by Andy Slavitt on Twitter. I swear I have never in my life noticed anyone calling shots "vaccine shots" before. It sounds totally weird to me and redundant. Of course that's what kind of shot you mean! You could say just vaccine or just shot, but both sounds strange. So now I'm wondering if this is a regional thing, or a new thing, or if people have been saying it all over the place forever, and I've just never noticed. I might be posting a poll? I'm not sure if I am or not (i.e. if it worked or not). But, at any rate: discuss. Vaccine shot or not?
  15. DS17 got his first dose today! 3 of us down, and 3 to go. My 19 year old is in Minnesota for college, and they just announced they're opening to everyone 16+ on Tuesday...but I suspect it's going to be a little while until he can find an appointment anywhere, particularly since he doesn't have a car. Today we were at a health department run site in a county about 45 minutes north, and things went really smoothly--we probably waited 5 minutes before he got the shot, and then they scheduled his next appointment during his 15 minute waiting period after. DH goes to get his second dose tomorrow in Alabama, and mine is Friday in Tennessee--I'm really hoping my oldest can find one in Minnesota so that we can say the 4 of us were vaccinated in 4 different states 🙂
  16. I'm fairly certain they won't give her moderna. I just took my 17 year old today, and they were very aware that he was 17, made sure I signed the consent form, all of that.
  17. Congrats to him! Hope the FA news is good!
  18. Awesome! I know several people who've gone to Agnes Scott, and they all talk about it in glowing terms!
  19. Just an update on where we are as we hit the home stretch of this strange year. The wind symphony that he was doing outside moved inside as soon as cold weather hit, and we opted out of that. So he hasn't had anything to do in person since fall, which is a bummer of course. But he's had online clarinet and piano lessons all along and auditioned and got into all-state on bass clarinet (which also isn't happening in person, but they're planning to do something or other online). He's done several online info sessions/tours and sample lessons now and between those and conversations with his private teacher I think we're starting to get together a reasonable list of schools to apply to. Oberlin remains his dream school ever since we visited it with his older brother when he was considering it (the college, not the con in his case). That means I've also seen their financial aid package and know it should be doable for us. But it's probably the reachiest place he'll apply. Bard is probably the runner up favorite for him. Trying to find some others with the same vibe that might be easier to get into--maybe Lawrence? Baldwin Wallace? St. Olaf? I've been impressed with how well sample lessons online have worked. And they've saved us a ton of money on travel, too, of course. I knew that he should do them to get a feel for which teachers he'd work well with, but he seems to also be getting a good feel for which places he's on the right track applying to (which is something I have a VERY hard time helping him figure out, as a non-music person)....he got a very encouraging vibe from the teachers at Oberlin, Bard, and Vanderbilt but not at all from Boston University, for example. He only started playing in 9th grade, so he's had a lot of ground to make up, and it's clear that some schools are just going to be out of his league, at least as an undergrad. That's fine; he's a very realistic and resilient kid who doesn't get discouraged easily--I just wish someone could tell me exactly which schools they are so we don't waste time or money!
  20. I've been surprised in looking at assorted programs at how little emphasis is put on developing those kinds of complementary skills! I don't see my kid doing anything business-y, but I could definitely see him enjoying some kind of technical stuff like production in addition to performing.
  21. Thanks! I'm supposed to go back in 6 months. She did full thyroid panel when I first started seeing her, but she's just been checking TSH since them since nothing's really changed. My TSH is much lower than it was last time I was there in July, so I'm not sure what's up with that--it's still in range (like .6 something), but it's usually between 1.5 and 2. Anyway, I guess if I keep feeling okay otherwise I can wait 6 months and see what's up then?
  22. I texted this to DH as soon as I heard....and added that he needed to be careful because doughnuts are a SOMETIMES food.
  23. I went to the NP for my standard yearly blood work the other day. I'm hypothyroid and have been on 88mcg of levothyroxine for forever (or for 8 years anyway). She usually just tests my TSH, but when I pointed out that my neck has been sort of puffy lately, she added on thyroid peroxidase. So my TSH is under 1, but the peroxidase came back high (44) and she just added "we will monitor" to the notes line. So I don't remember ever having this tested before, and I have no idea what to do with this information (I guess I could just chill out and wait for the monitoring to happen, but that's not my usual MO)...is it weird or normal that it would be high when my TSH is great? Other than my puffy neck (which she thought was too low to be thyroid related anyway) I have no particular hypothyroid symptoms lately (other than a hard time losing weight, but that's certainly nothing new). Do I HAVE to go to an endocrinologist? Last time I did, she didn't do anything different from my regular NP, and she pouted at me and scolded me if I had gained a pound since my last appointment. I mean, obviously I wouldn't go back to THAT one...
  24. Yes. Episcopalian. Today was the first Sunday they had an option to be inside for the service (must reserve in advance, limited number of people seated in pods of no more than 5 people, masks required). We were all online through the summer and then at some point in the fall they started doing Sunday mornings outside for a limited number of people (masked, distanced). Everything's still broadcast online, and I don't imagine we'll be back in person until everyone in the family is vaccinated and/or numbers are very, very low.
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