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Everything posted by Shoeless

  1. If you didn't like the All Clad that your in-laws have, you probably won't like them if bought for yourself.
  2. I change things whenever I think "Hmm, this isn't working well". We don't do well with a firm schedule. A routine is better for us.. We run our homeschool like @Carol in Cal. talked about.
  3. Yes, I would and have. It didn't get me anything, however, because our county leadership is anti-mask.
  4. Do your people wear shoes in the house? That would drag dirt around. If you have pets, a super clean floor is never going to happen.
  5. Yep! I was pretty horrified when I found that out. I'm sure it happens quite often with other viruses, too, and we never know it.
  6. Kids are very inconsistent. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 🙂
  7. I was inconsistent about getting them in the past. Then I learned that influenza also can have asymptomatic spread. I will be getting one every year from now on.
  8. Cutting hair then is the next logical step and also counts as "not arguing about this". Don't want to have your hair brushed? Ok, then we have to cut it. But there's no option for "Not brushing it and also not cutting it".
  9. Right, but it's not going smoothly. That's why you are here. 🙂 There's no magic that will make things go smoothly 100% of the time.
  10. I just don't argue about this stuff. I literally ignore the yelling, whining, stomping, sulking about ridiculous things and just do what needs to be done. What would happen if you ignore her complaints and just brush her hair?
  11. My problem is wasting veggies because I over-buy. I feed them to the chickens when they are past their prime, so they aren't totally wasted. But still...I don't need to be spending money on squash or grapes just for the hens. I've gotten a lot better about food waste during the pandemic. I meal plan and prep for 3 days in advance, and then on day 4 I go through the fridge to make a plan for any remaining leftovers. My husband doesn't really like leftovers and can be really picky, but I kind of told him that he was going to have to get over it because the grocery stores were not always well stocked.
  12. I would go for an All-Clad pot in the size she uses most frequently, because that's what I have on my wish list! 🙂
  13. Aw, she sounds perfect for your family! What a sweet little bird ❤️
  14. If you no longer suspect your own kids and the neighbor's kid has done this sort of thing before, then maybe it was the neighbor kid. You said one of your doors was unlocked last night, right? She could have walked in, turned on the tv, used the bathroom, and then left when she heard your husband up with the dogs. I would make sure everything is locked up tight every night and probably get a Ring doorbell camera, so you could see if the kid tries this again. Edited to add: And lock your cars, too. If her thing is to wander around and make herself at home in unlocked houses, at some point she may decide that joy-riding is fun to try.
  15. Any chance they are telling the truth? Do you have a pet that could have jumped on the remote and turned the TV back on? We have cats that have turned on Bob Ross Joy of Painting by stepping on the remote (they are big fans, apparently!)
  16. I would be more bemused by it than upset. I'd probably say something like "Late night, eh?" and see how they responded. Which kid is the likely guilty party? How old are they?
  17. All over. DH and I have lived in many different states, so we have friends and family all over the country. I know people with covid in Texas, NY, North Carolina, California, Illinois, Boston.
  18. Local Mom friend, who caught covid from her husband, who caught it at work. It spread from husband to both older kids to mom. Husband and kids are sick but recovering at home. Mom has some chronic health issues and went down hard.
  19. No one new. My friend is still in the hospital. They were planning to send her to ICU because they could not get her 02 sat above 89, but they made some changes to her meds and it moved up to 90. It sounds like she may have some heart damage because they started some cardiac meds for her. She's on insulin injections now (she is not normally diabetic), and gets diuretic injections twice a day to get fluid off her lungs. If she goes home (yeah...*if*... 😞 ), the doctors told her to expect at least a few months of bedrest. There are a lot more details to her treatment that I have not posted out of privacy. I don't want to bother her by asking if it's ok to share more, so I've only shared the details that have been posted publicly on her profile. This is BAD, y'all. You really don't want this.
  20. Maybe. But I would not be surprised if somewhere in his head he knows that something isn't adding up. He doesn't know exactly what is off, but I bet he knows something big and weird is going on. "Mom says covid is no big deal, but the whole city has shut down and everyone is wearing a mask." He may not figure it out until he's older, but eventually he's going to get curious and want to resolve that conflict.
  21. There's probably a lot of cognitive dissonance in his world right now.
  22. No, I don't want to have any of these experiences, either. And all the people that say they want to catch covid and "get it over with"? Why? You'd like to flirt with death and limp along with serious health issues indefinitely? My cousin is released from the hospital, but he's now under the care of multiple specialists (he still has shortness of breath, too), and it's unknown if he'll have to leave the Navy because of this. He can't do his job because of the shortness of breath and brain fog.
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