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Everything posted by sweet2ndchance

  1. I've colored my own hair since I was 12 years old, lol. The one time I had it professionally colored, they screwed it up big time and it's the only time I"ve ever hated it. It was supposed to be a light brown, close to my natural color but the salon colored it too dark and it was dark brown, almost black which looked horrible with my extremely fair skin. I've done everything from blonde to red/auburn to purple to brown and back again. I've been thinking about coloring my hair again, I haven't done it in a while. I have a lot more grey now but I've never colored my hair to hide greys, I've always just done it because changing my hair color was fun.
  2. I have never understood having 20+ people waiting in the waiting room for one person in surgery. The waiting room is only so big and having a crowd for each and every person makes for chaos in my experience. Especially today when details can be dispersed to family instantly by text or phone call. When my husband had brain surgery in 2019, we insisted that I was the only one who needed to be at the hospital. Not only because the waiting room was crowded to begin with but because neither I nor dh wanted a bunch of people there. Dh was recovering from having a hole drilled in his skull and I needed to focus on him. Dh's grandma was given the role of watching our then 6yo son for us while all this was going on but she insisted she could do so while being at the hospital in case I needed support. Seriously though, if something had gone wrong, I would have wanted some time to process it first by myself before having to deal with family and friends. Anyways, since I couldn't actually ban her from the hospital in this case, I just avoided the huge crowded waiting room. They text updates now to your phone when someone is in surgery (or at least they have for all the surgeries dh has had) so I found a nice quiet sitting area in a deserted hallway to wait in. When they texted me that he was now in the PACU, I went back to the surgery area nurses station and they took me right to him. When he got to his room, Grandma did bring ds into to see him but you could tell it wasn't ds who wanted to be there, it was grandma. Luckily, the nurses shooed her away after about 15 minutes. Grandma still doesn't understand how just watching ds for us IS helping and being supportive. I think it's just a generational thing that she will never understand. For my grown kids, if they want me at the hospital, I will be there. If not, I will offer my support from afar however they want to be supported. I will never assume one way or the other though. That's just rude. I never had an issue with visitors when I was in the hospital having kids. I was a military wife for the first 5 so we didn't live near enough to family for them to come to the hospital which suited me just fine. For #6, it was flu season when he was born so no visitors were allowed. and for my stillbirth/late miscarriage (we lost the baby at 18 weeks so the medical community calls it a late miscarriage but I had to be induced, push and give birth so to me, it was a stillbirth), we had not announced the pregnancy yet so we didn't have visitors which, again, suited me just fine.
  3. Younger dd got lice twice in first grade and after that I made sure her hair was styled with hairspray everyday. She never got them again. As far as getting rid of them, OTC lice treatments never worked for us. A mayonnaise hair mask overnight and then a vinegar rinse in the morning. Then daily combing with a nit comb and vinegar in a spray bottle. Once they were gone, I would do the combing with vinegar spray about once a week during the school year. For transporting things to the dryer with spreading the lice, use trash bags. Gather everything up in the trash bag and then carry it over to where the dryer is.
  4. Dh's grandma just retired this year as a rural letter carrier. She received gift cards of all kinds and denominations from her customers. She also got all kinds of baked goods (homemade and fancy store bought things), dozens and dozens of eggs from people's chickens, garden veggie surplus, handmade items, lotions and soaps and at Christmas some just gave her straight out cash.
  5. I would insist to whoever you go see that she's been on amoxicillin X number of days and you just aren't seeing any improvement. She's still feeling ill, still running fevers etc. Strep is nothing to mess with and changing the antibiotic to something stronger is not a huge ask. IMO, it should have been what they did yesterday rather than send her for all those tests. If the stronger antibiotic didn't work within a couple of days, then I would have been asking for testing.
  6. Ugh. Was it the receptionist that insisted amoxicillin was all she needed? If so, I would just ignore it as just her opinion. If it was the nurse or the doctor, I would go elsewhere and get a second opinion.
  7. I'd call them today and ask to change the antibiotic to something stronger. Tell them she's just not improving at all on the amoxicillin. We fought antibiotic resistant strep for a month this past May without any lasting effects from it so your dd will likely be fine but don't be afraid to push for new antibiotics if what she is on isn't working. I hope she starts feeling better soon.
  8. Is she on amoxicillin? It's the usual first choice antibiotic for strep. That's what they started ds on then they had to "bump him up" to cephalexin. A z-pack was also discussed. I'm surprised they did the bloodwork and ultrasound and all that before just changing the antibiotic. Resistant varieties of strep are not that uncommon anymore.
  9. Sounds like antibiotic resistant strep to me. I'd ask for a stronger antibiotic if it continues.
  10. Well, she's a marriage counselor, not an addiction counselor. She's helping them solve the problems in the marriage. The drinking problem is entirely something else that probably needs to be seen by a different counselor if he is willing.
  11. Our local pharmacy does it. It costs $30. I would call around and ask.
  12. Well, I agree that if she stops nagging he'll stop lying. But that doesn't address the under lying problem which is the drinking. I don't think nagging is going to help with this problem (or any problem really). Without knowing more about the relationship, I can't speak to the reason why she gave her the co-dependency book. Bottom line, she knew his past and the possibilities that came with it. She can't change him. If she is unable to live with this (and I would completely understand if she couldn't) then it's a lawyer she needs to be talking to not a marriage counselor. Just my 2 cents.
  13. We don't have a dishwasher and wash all our dishes by hand with Dawn. So hopefully that helps my new Corelle last a bit longer. 🤞
  14. Color me puzzled too. My mom had the same Corelle dish set that she got as a wedding gift in the late seventies through 3 kids growing up and never did they break. I just bought my first set of Corelle a few months ago so I'm hoping the quality has not changed. The pattern I bought was being clearanced so I doubt I will be able to replace a piece if they do break. 😞
  15. 7 something is scary low. I agree she needs an infusion ASAP. It will take forever for iron supplementation to bring her numbers up especially if it is causing her nausea and vomiting so she isn't keeping it down. I would go to the doctor now and talk about infusion.
  16. We have looked into that but I have legal issues of my own with my ex-husband that would make it an even bigger mess. lol
  17. "Special needs trust" was the wording I was missing in my earlier Google attempts. Now I'm finding lots of information! His dad died of cancer at the age of 20 when dh was a baby. He was raised by the same grandmother that wants to leave him basically everything she has in her will. His bio mother, the piece of work that she is, will probably try to meddle with things and I can definitely see her trying to contest the will in court. So I want to have all our ducks in a row to make it easier to shoot her down in court if we have to. His dad was in the Navy when he was diagnosed with cancer. Dh didn't know it until he was an adult, but his dad left him the survivor's benefits from the Navy. But like I said his mom is a piece of work and she screwed that up for him so now he can't get the benefit anymore. Anyways, thanks all for taking the time to reply and help me out. I'm all ears if anyone has more information for me. 🙂
  18. We do have a disability lawyer that we work with and we will be asking him about this. I really just want to have an idea of what's out there so I know the right questions to ask, iykwim.
  19. He receives SSI only. He didn't qualify for SSDI because he didn't have enough work history. The disability began before he was 26 but he wasn't able to get SSI for his disability before he was 26.
  20. My husband receives SSI disability. His grandmother wants to leave him all of her property including 7acres of land, two houses (the one we live in and the one she lives in, which are both located on the 7 acres of land), 4 vehicles that she owns, her miscellaneous assets that include nothing particularly valuable just regular household items and a very modest amount of money (probably 5 figures but definitely less than 6 figures, I don't know the exact amount yet). I've been trying to research the best way to do this so that dh doesn't lose his disability payments that we fought so hard to get for him. He is permanently disabled due to brain injuries he sustained as a teenager. Most of information I can find with Google-fu talks about ways to dump or move assets so that you can qualify for things like disability. I'm finding nothing about someone already on disability gets a modest inheritance. I would be surprised if the sum total value of the inheritance reaches $250,000 with most of the value being in the land that we live on. So we aren't talking enough that we could just invest and live without his disability. But it will definitely be enough to mess with his SSI severely if we aren't proactive about it now. I'm pretty sure I've read on these boards before about those of you with disabled children and have set up their future inheritance to minimize the impact on their ability to keep receiving disability. What do I need to know? Who do I need to talk to? Do we need a lawyer, an accountant or both? And whoever I end up talking to, what do I need to talk to them about? The term "irrevocable trust" is stuck in my head for some reason but when I read about them, it didn't seem like it would help us in our situation. Maybe I'm misunderstanding their use? Or misremembering what kind of trust was talked about in the previous threads? In a single word, help!!! lol
  21. If someone wants to post a spoiler, tap the eyeball icon on the toolbar above the comment writing area. Hope this helps. I wouldn't mind spoilers either. I won't be able to read it for a long while either. 😉
  22. For me it really depends on the item in question. Canned items, as long as the can is still pristine, no dents or possible holes or leaks, I would eat past the best by date by almost any amount of time. We have cans of veggies we are going through now that are 1 - 2 years past the best by date. They have all been fine. Clear plastic packaging that light can penetrate, I look at the contents. Is it severely separated or just nasty looking? If so, I'd toss it. Does it look fine and still sealed? I'd probably keep it and test the smell and taste when I do open it. If it smells or tastes even a little bit off, I'd toss it. Boxed items I would check for any signs that bugs or rodents have gotten to it. If it is still sealed, I'd keep it and double check it for signs of infestation when I do go to use it. Above all though, I would ask myself, if I haven't eaten it in the past 2 years or however long past the date I've had it, am I likely to eat it now? I threw away some boxes of mac n cheese the last time I cleaned out the pantry simply because I knew we wouldn't eat them now even if they were still within the best by date. Yes, it was a waste of money but I can't get that money back by letting it take up space in my pantry.
  23. Like @Melissa in Australia we schooled year round with a week or two off every 6 to 8 weeks. I tried to schedule most of our appointments during our breaks if I could help it. If not, I knew we were getting more than 180 days a year so I didn't sweat an occasional appointment or beach day or whatever.
  24. One of my kiddos when he was younger would get strep every time it was going around. But he would only be running a little fever and be a little tired even with instant positive strep test, raging strep throat. All my other kids would get the typical sore throat and feeling cruddy when they got it but not this kiddo. My youngest had antibiotic resistant strep throat this past spring. He was on just amoxicillin and started to feel better and then instantly got it again when the antibiotics ran out. So they gave him Cipro and that took care of it. I also got it when he got it the second time and the dr just started me on Cipro and skipped the amoxicillin. I hope your dd starts feeling better soon. Mine normally started feeling better/breaking the fever within a day or two of starting antibiotics. 😉
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