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Everything posted by indigomama

  1. This sounds really good, I put in a request at the library. I so LOVE being back in a large library system! Our last one was tiny, and only had maybe 30% of books I ever wanted. I didn't know about this, thank you for sharing! I chose The Eagle Tree, looking forward to reading it. I just finished The Widow's War. It's about a woman in colonial New England who loses her husband and finds herself at the mercy of her uncharitable SIL. Legally she has access to 1/3 of her husbands's estate, and she wants to continue her life on her own, but it's just not a done thing in her time/culture. I really liked the writing, the author does a great job of describing the setting and daily life, but the end feels a little off to me. I just can't imagine a woman of those times making the decisions she does. Good read overall.
  2. Hahaha, I didn't mean to set up a challenge of "guess my name" :) I just thought it related to OP's post. Curse words can certainly differ among people/regions/cultures. I (and my in-law's family) obviously don't consider our last name a curse word, but I've met others that do.
  3. My last name is a very mild alternative curse word, think "Gosh" instead of G*d (but it's not Gosh). I have meet both adults and children who have refused to call me Mrs. Lastname because they consider it a curse word. The really funny part is my DH and FIL are pastors :) I don't generally curse because I just don't think it sounds nice. And while I know it's not true, I find myself thinking less of another person if their conversation is riddled with curse words. It's as if they have no other vocabulary.
  4. I had my wisdom teeth out this summer and had a terrible reaction to it, face blew up like a balloon. I went in to have the dentist check everything out, he tells me, "Well at our age our body sometimes can't handle the trauma." HE was in his 60's I was ONLY 34, what does he mean at "our age!" Then his assistant tells me, "Yeah, at this advanced age there can be complications." I wanted to kick both of them in the shins. :glare:
  5. Rosie- I don't know you or post often, but I have been reading these boards for years, and your love and care for your daughter is so very evident. I'm sure the family courts will be able to see IRL what we see online. Hoping the stress is over soon. Wishing you and your daughter the very best!
  6. In December we moved from Nebraska back to our home state of CA. Oddly enough I decided that was the time to finally sit down and read My Antonia :) I don't think I would have been able to appreciate it the way I do having lived out on that seemingly endless open prairie. "I had the feeling that the world was left behind, that we had got over the edge of it, and were outside man's jurisdiction." "Between that earth and that sky I felt erased, blotted out. I did not say my prayers that night: here, I felt, what would be would be." That's exactly how I felt living there. I really loved the book, though I wished the end would have been different for Antonia. But, I think it is a must read for everyone, I can't believe it wasn't required in my high school.
  7. I've suffered from migraines since I was in 3rd grade. I do not get auras, though. Do you take medication for them? I've tried a few different ones, some work better than others. But, the best defense to an oncoming migraine for me is to take a pill (Fioricet) with some caffeine as soon as I get a tingle of a headache. So, can you take something right when the aura starts? Have you like the PP asked been to a neurologist?
  8. I just finished Shirt of Flame this week, and I really, really liked it. I'm surprised I did since I have nothing in common with the author (never drink, Protestant, 5 children, etc), but I felt like she wrote how I think. Not sure if that makes any sense :) It might be that I just finished two other memoirs, Simply Tuesday, and A Homemade Life, and I really didn't like either of them. I'm not even sure why I've been reading so many memoirs, as it's not generally a genre I enjoy, but Shirt of Flame is my third one this year, lol. Anyways, I think I liked her vulnerability, She shared about her faith journey reading through Saint Therese's works, and she seemed real and honest, talking about how she believed and yet still had struggles. It really resonated with me.
  9. I knew two sister is school where the second sister had the first sister's middle name. Everyone knew, not sure why it was public knowledge, but neither sister seemed to care. So, I so go for it.
  10. I wanted to see the doctor originally, but I couldn't get scheduled with her until May! And if something came up, and I needed to see someone same day, I get the impression, it'd often be the NP.
  11. So, you would suggest I call and tell them the office isn't a good fit, I won't be coming back, and to ask they not request my old records from previous doctor?
  12. I've moved back to my hometown area, and I am trying to find a Primary Care Doctor. I've called several offices and they are not accepting new patients. I finally found one that would and I went in today for a new patient visit, and while there I also wanted to discuss chronic hip pain. I ended up seeing the NP, I did not like her at all. She said she has no idea what is causing my hip pain, but because I also take Metformin for my PCOS, it is probably all connected, but how would she know, and that I should go see a gyn because I obviously need a PAP smear, and she gave me a piece of paper about how to eat to prevent diabetes!!!! So, my question: I do not want to go back to that office, do I just not ever go back or do I need to tell them I'm not coming back? Also, I filled out a form for them to get my medical records from my previous doctor, should I ask them not to request those since I'm not going back, or just leave it? Any tips on how to find a good match when it comes to finding a doctor?
  13. I noticed the same with my oldest when he was 9. It seemed to like he changed overnight. I was not expecting the huge attitude until he was a teen at least. I'm afraid I didn't handle it super well at first, but we both eventually evened things out. He'll be 12 next month. I found I had to figure out what rules were really important to me (and DH) and what areas I could give DS more freedoms in. I taught him how to disagree or argue respectfully. I had him outside and exercising more. And I made sure I still hugged him, cuddled on the couch, etc. While he seemed to want to constantly be fighting with me, I noticed he also still seemed to need physical closeness. DS2 is 9 and DS3 is 7. It's going to be a long couple of years :)
  14. I grew up in a sleep little beach community on the central coast of California. We wandered our neighborhood. It didn't have a lot to do, but there were shops and a college 20 minutes away. It wasn't perfect, but pretty dang great. I moved away as an adult for 10 years and have only just returned. It's very, very different than when I grew up here. There has been a huge population growth and housing prices are astronomical!!! Traffic and tourists are way worse. It's way more fast paced. The joke is that everyone from L.A. wants to retire here for peace and quiet, but now with all these new people it's not near as peaceful or quiet.
  15. Could you work a night shift somewhere? Maybe janitorial or secretarial for a hospital? Then even if you were sleeping part of the day you would still be home.
  16. Thank you! I will look into all of these. Are you still taking all of these supplements, or did they regulate things enough for you to stop taking them? How long after starting them did you experience changes? I was looking at the SoulCysters board today, there does seem to be a lot of information on it. I'll keep reading through it.
  17. I will ask around and see if I can find a doctor more knowledgable in PCOS. And no I have not read anything in a while on PCOS. I will do a little research. If you hear of any great sites or books, please let me know.
  18. I admit I have not been to a gyn in some years, I've just been seeing a PCP. We've recently moved, and I'm thinking I need to find a new PCP and a new gyn. Will you need to be on progesterone until menopause or just until things get better regulated for you?
  19. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19. I was told there wasn't much they could do since I wasn't trying to get pregnant. I had been having difficulties with my cycles since I was 15. I gained a bit of weight, and had some acne. They tried to me on BC but it didn't regulate anything and made me feel awful. I later married, eventually got pregnant, and now have 5 children, though my cycles were still never very regular. I'm now 4 years out from my youngest and my cycles are anywhere from 45-95 days apart. I'm still overweight and while working hard to lose, it's coming off only very slowly. I am on Metformin to try and regulate things, but not sure how well it's working. My body tries to ovulate (lots of changes) but it seems to build up to it and not actually happen until the 3rd try or so. It makes me feel like I'm on a roller coastal of physical and emotional symptoms. So, my question: is there something I can do to regulate my hormones. Is there a way to bring my body back into balance without other medications? Anything anyone else has done?
  20. After my post about putting my oldest (next year middle school) in school, I told my DH that I think I would rather homeschool my oldest and send the youngers to school outside! Still don't know what I'm actually going to do :)
  21. I just saw that more people had replied! Thanks everyone. We are going to check out a few of the area private schools this week and next (seems to be open house season) for our oldest for next year, but no definite decision has been made. I'm realizing none of them are going to be exactly what I'm looking for and I need to decide what the best thing is going to be for each kid. If that makes any rambling sense :)
  22. I found a really large hideous framed painting at the thrift store (I think it was $2.99). I then bought a large stickable map (it's also dry erasble) and placed it over the ugly painting. Ta-da! Beautiful framed map for cheap!
  23. We have a healthshare, Liberty. It starts 2/1, and I've never used one before, but I'm afraid they'd call it a pre-existing condition, which they don't cover for a year. Plus, with a $1500 deductible , we'd probably have to pay for it anyway. We will certainly if I couldn't get the school district to pay for it, but I'd like to try first. DS is in second with his other subjects, and comprehend just fine, it's just the actual reading that is the problem. But, I really don't want him to have to wait any longer to help get this addressed.
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