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Everything posted by 3boysmama

  1. Here are a couple of things that I have. I have more (We're about to move), they just aren't easy for me to get to at the moment (think buried in the closet)!! :tongue_smilie: But, I will post them as I get to them. Giving Away: Sonlight schedule for K READERS NEW Taken! ABeka, Of People Literature BJU, World Studies (the cover is ripped) A few DVD's too. Cinderella Man Bad Boys II Days of Thunder I am Legend-brand new with plastic still on and has Terminator 3 with it Would like to have: TWTM any edition SL schedule's K, 2, 5, 6, and/or 7(marked on is fine, as well as older editions) Books from Above Rubies
  2. We use the BP maps. I like that at the bottom of the map it tells exactly what to do. 1. Color the red sea blue. 2. Label the Tigris River 3. Label the Fertile Cresent, etc. I can give it to ds and he knows exactly what to do.
  3. I say go for it. My youngest was/is 9, and then we got a 12mo old foster boy, then a 3 & 4 year old. I'm 31. So there is a bit of a gap there. My big kids are sooo helpful to me. They WANT to help, esp with the littlest one. I was pretty young when I had my boys, and in some ways I feel like I am a better mom to these little ones. Some of the things we have had to adjust to again are; carseats, toys everywhere (lol), and the need for an adult or a big kid to always be watching. For example, my big kids are big enough to go outside without me always there, and now I have to go out and supervise again. But, those aren't really big deals to us. Just things that we had to get used to again. It's all worth it. I say go for it. You will never look back and wish you didn't have that baby, but you may look back and wish you did have that baby.
  4. Oh my goodness!! How CUTE is he! That is so cool!! I want a cow...
  5. Your post made me lol!! I wish I could "like" it, like on FB!! :tongue_smilie:
  6. I LOVE their LA!! However, I too supplement! He also uses WWE, A Reason for Handwriting, Spelling Workout, and AAS. The extra handwriting is just because he needs the extra practie! Spelling Workout I consider the "main" one for him. He does that everyday, and has a test on Friday. AAS I only do a couple days a week. I also have him do the spelling exercises in CLE, but do not test him or anything on it. It's just for practice.
  7. Thanks! They actually come out my direction, too. That surprised me!! We are about an hour from Odessa/Midland, but that is where we go for our groceries. Very good info!! Thanks so much. I guess I will call around and see. And I never even thought about getting it vacuum sealed. That's a great idea!!
  8. That's what I forgot...the chicken broth! I usually add that too. Oh, I bet the white beans are good!! Can't wait to try this! Mmmm, that sounds so yummy, too!! Good thing it's dinner time here...I'm getting hungry now!! :D
  9. Oh, that book looks great! I may just have to order it!! :001_smile:
  10. What would you say is a good price for one? And what would be a reasonable price for having it processed? It's best to get them under 2 years old, correct? I know that this will probably vary by area, but I'm still curious. We are in west Texas. Someone that dh works with has family that will sell us one, and I'm just checking to see if his price is pretty average. Also, want to know about how much to expect for the processing. TIA!!
  11. That sounds delish!! What kind of beans do you use? I typically use black beans.
  12. Just curious...how do you make yours? How do you serve them? Just looking for other yummy ways to have them. I typically soak them overnight, then put them in my crock-pot the next morning with salt, pepper, & garlic powder. I serve them over rice with cheese & sour cream on top. My family wouldn't be very happy with me if I just gave them a plain bowl of beans! :tongue_smilie:
  13. I used HOP for my 2nd & 3rd, we ALL loved it! I thought they learned a bunch, and they songs were helpful for them. I did use other things with it, too. Such as, Explode the Code to help reinforce. Both of them are now great readers.
  14. Thanks everyone!! I may just go ahead and order it. I read another post last night after I posted this about how they were changing the 4 and 5 day schedules. Everything else I have read about hasn't really been a big deal to me, but I do NOT like the idea of using a random book on Fridays only. I guess I could always exchange it for the new one when it comes out if I decide I love it better.
  15. Can anyone tell me if Sonlight does this? I'm wondering if when the new stuff comes out next month if they will let you choose (new vs current edition) which one you want for a limited time (like until they sell all of the current edition ones)? Or will you only be able to get the new edition immediatly starting in April? Does that make sense? I hope I'm making sense!! :tongue_smilie: I want to get Core D, but sorta wanted to wait and see what all the changes were going to be like, but if I don't like them I still want to be able to get the one they are selling right now. Will they do anything like that?
  16. This helped my dc...I taught them that with the letter b the back comes first, and the letter d the donut comes first. Maybe it will help someone else, too...:)
  17. Thanks everyone!! We will definitely be getting a real estate attorney then!! I appreciate everyone's input! Whew! So glad to have a place to ask this!! :D
  18. We are buying a house from some friends. We aren't using a realtor...we've never done that before. My question is this...Doesn't the buyer (us) usually write the contract up and give it to the seller, and they sign it if they are ok with it, or make a counter offer? We came to an agreement verbally with each other, however she is the one that printed the contract and filled it out. The price that we agreed upon is on there, but I don't understand some of the other stuff. I just thought it was weird that she did the contract, because I was under the impression the buyer does that not the seller. She said she just basically copied everything that was on their contract when they originally bought the house??????????? Can anyone help me and give me some advice in this area? What should we be on the lookout for? Thanks a bunch!!
  19. May I join you ladies?? Dh and I have been ttc #4 for about 9 months now. I'm trying not to be discouraged. AF just left the house yesterday, so I'm on a fresh new cycle for trying! Hoping this one will be it.
  20. Oh yea, that would be really neat!! :D And my kids make friends with everybody, regardless of ages, so I'm sure they'd all get along great!! =) I'll let you know if dh decides to apply there or not. He interviewed for a different position on Thursday, so we're waiting to hear back on that right now. Depending on that will determine whether or not he applies for AZ.
  21. Wow!! Dh and I were just talking the other day about him applying for a site in Flagstaff, AZ within his company(he works on wind turbines). Good to know there are a lot of homeschoolers there. There are not a lot where we live. We are currently living in West Texas, and hoping to move elsewhere, soon!!
  22. My almost 15 month old foster son, loves to play with empty containers (I save all my sour cream, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese type containers) and their lids. He loves my tupperware. He loves empty boxes. He loves my plastic pitchers. He likes to look at books, and has recently started to like little matchbox type cars. I also have an art easel that he likes to stand at with chalk. He doesn't really color, but he sorta tries. He mostly just likes to hold and play with the chalk, and push them around in the tray. He also really likes the TV remote. So we often take the batteries out and let him play with it. :D (typical male, I guess!!) He also likes to push the little letters around on the fridge, or any magnets.
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