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Everything posted by 3boysmama

  1. I just had another thought. Would MFW, 9th grade ancients be to much/difficult? I forgot to mention in my original post that he is by no means an over-achiever in school. In fact, he hates to write, and I have to constantly tell him to get back to work (he is very easily side tracked), however, he does really enjoy reading though. He esp likes the Ancients Greeks. If we did go with MFW, what about even doing it at a slower pace and taking a year and half to do it? Also, I do realize that even though he hates writing, he still needs to do it. My goal is to help him with that over the next few years. Thanks for any help!!
  2. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my 8th grader this year for history. He wants to do ancients, nothing else, and that is fine with me. I figure he can just got through the 4 year cycle, and will be finishing modern american his 11th grade year, and we'll figure our what to do his senior year closer to that time. Anyway, I was thinking about using Biblioplan for him. He read SOTW 1 last year on his own, so I don't want to use that (plus it's intended for 1st-4th, not 8th), but was thinking about using the MOH, or Streams of Civilizations with it, or maybe even having him read SWB's, History of the Ancient World. Can anyone compare those for me? Is it enough? I was originally thinking about doing WP Quest for the Ancient World high school schedule for him, but not so sure I want to go with WP now. That is what led me to look at BP. I was also wondering if it is difficult to use multiple levels of BP? Thanks for any help!! =)
  3. Ok, see I have been thinking about CLE and gave my dc the placement tests...my two olders didn't place very high...:(...I'm very embarrassed to admit this to everyone! Please don't stone me!! I really do feel like I am a failure and doing my dc a dis-service. :( But I did decide to go ahead and buy CLE today, since I have heard such good things about it. But I'm not sure what its like for writing. I used WWE 1 with my youngest the year before last when he was in 1st. It went well with him. This past year things changed a lot so we had to go with a totally different curriuclum. And this past year has been an absolute MESS...I'm not sure that my kids have learned anything! :( It's just been BAD! So, I guess my question is...is WWE for older kids? My oldest will be going into 8th next year, middle ds 5th-6th, and youngest will be 3rd. I know my youngest could use it, but would you recommend him doing level 2 or 3? Thanks for the help! (leaving, while hanging my head with shame)
  4. I used Hooked on Phonics with all of my boys, and we LOVED it and they all read really well.
  5. Ok, I know that everyone will have a totally different opionion on that but I want to know what everyone's opinion on that IS!! We are so weak in that area, grammar and writing just seem to fall behind in my house :( I'm trying to decide what would be best for my boys this next year.
  6. Wow!! Thanks everyone for letting me know about your experiences. I'm so sorry to hear about all the problems some of you have had. That is such a disappointment.
  7. Dang!! I was really hoping they had gotten better! I was hoping to just get everthing from them and use their payment plan, but I am not very patient and like to get my stuff quickly and all at once!! But it looks like I will just get the exclusives from them and the rest from Amazon. Thanks ladies!!
  8. I've seen posts in the past that WP is not very good and quick with their shipping. I was wondering if that is still the case or if they have improved any with time? Thanks!
  9. Ok, so I talked with my boys yesterday, and showed them the catalogs and let them look at everything, and pointed out the programs *I* was thinking about for them. My younger two really don't have that much of a preference, however, my oldes ds was very opposed to doing the same thing as his little brothers this year and was opposed to doing the WP SS. He really wants to do WP Quest for the Ancient World. So, how difficult is it to do two WP programs? Would it be pretty managable for us? Do any of you use their LA program? Is it any good? How are their science programs? I've heard some very mixed things about it. Ok, I guess that is all of my 20 questions game...for now!!! :lol: Thank you all for your help and advice!
  10. Hmmm...that is a good point!! I do think they would really enjoy this...and I think *I* would really enjoy it too! It seems like it would be a lot of fun.
  11. Ok, I really *thought* that I had figured out what we would do this year. I thought we would do MFW year 4 Exploration to 1850. And we were going to add in Sonlight readers. My boys will be 8th, 6th, & 3rd. I was also going to add on the 3rd grade supplement for my younger ds. But someone pointed out to me about having the same work/work load for my 8th grader that I would have for my 3rd grader, and that got me thinking. Plus, I really got to looking and thinking about it and we wouldn't even use the science part of MFW, and I ddin't even realize that it used the Exploring American History book, and my middle ds just used that book this past year for history. So now I've been looking and looking at my catalogs. I was thinking maybe about doing my younger ds in HOD's bigger or WP AS1 or AS2, and the older 2 in WP, S&S, or maybe let my 2 younger's do WP S&S and let my older one do Quest for Ancient World. I really.just.don't.know! My boys are all active and my youngest esp. doesn't sit well for long. They are all pretty hands on, and learn well from activites, crafts, etc. However, they all really enjoy reading. They aren't overly academic or advanced or anything, and I can't say that we have always been strong on history in the past. So, can ya'll just be my advisors and tell me what would work best for our family? :D I don't know what to do and would like it very much if someone just told me what I should do!! :D Lol!! TIA!!
  12. Thank you for all of that helpful info. I am def gonna check out those websites. Like I said above, both of my brothers had dislexia so it is very possible for them too, as well. I am not familiar with MCT and ITBS though, would you mind telling me what those stand for...sorry! I know that is probably a stupid question. I will have to look into IEW. I've heard it is expensive so I've never really checked it out. BUt I just may have to break down and do that. I also think my youngest is ADHD!! Def short lessons!! Haha!!
  13. Well, we haven't done a whole lot of those things lately but we have done them before. My oldest has done a fair amount of all them, and my middle hasn't done much in the way of dictation but has in narration and dictation. THey hate copywork, and both can verbally narrate a story back to me with no problem.
  14. Thank you! I will look into that website, I'm gonna skim through it a bit tonight, but it's late and I have to work again tomorrow. But I plan to really look into more when I have more time. It has crossed my mind a bit, esp with my oldest. Both of my brothers had it and I think my DH may have had it too.
  15. Thank you! I will look for those other posts when I have a little bit more time. I'm off on Thursday so maybe I'll have some time to sit and read for a while! CLP uses Saxon math and Applications of Grammar Book 1 with 7th grade, MCP math and A Beka Language B with 5th, and MCP and A Beka Language 2 with 2nd.
  16. Let me start by saying, "Forgive me, I haven't been on here many, many months. So I have no idea what has recently been asked or what is even going on, and I see that they have changed things up a bit in here, and I hope I am even posting in the right place. And I am very glad to have this place to come to and ask questions." Ok, I guess I'll give a little background. I'm hoping I don't make this too long. I have 3 boys, ages 13-7th, 10-5th, & 8-2nd. I have homeschooled them pretty much since the beginning, with the exception of my oldest going to private school for K. As the years are going by, I'm feeling more and more like I am failing at this and my kids aren't getting what they need to get and know. This past year has been the worst, and I realize that a lot of that has to do with the fact that we have had a lot of changes this past year. I started working full-time. I typically work in the evenings but it has still interefered with their school. I'm more tired and pressed for time, and don't get my lesson planning done like I should. My DH is trying to get a job transfer so that we can move to a better area and I can be a sahm again. This past year for curriculum, I took the easy road and ordered everything from Christian Liberty Press. While I have liked it, I don't feel like it is the best choice for my boys. My 13 year old struggles his way through math, always has, and he struggles with spelling, always has. He dawdles and can take all.day.long. to get school or even half a days work done. And writing! That is a whole new story. If I asked him to write a paragraph on something it wouldn't be pretty. For history and science assignments where he is to write the answers to questions at the end of the section, he writes simple 2 word answers. I feel like he his very slowly getting the hang of his math. But his spelling, and writing, and grammar really have me concerned. What can I do to help him in these areas? I hate to see him get to college, or even high school for that matter, and not be able to write a paper. My 10 year old, he struggles big time with spelling and reading and writing. He did beautifully when he began reading, and now he seems to really struggle with the big words. I used Hooked on Phonics with all of them. So, I'm not sure where I went wrong. And he too is lacking in the writing department. He can't write a paragraph for me either. What can I do to help these two improve in these areas? WWYD? My 8 year, he seems to be doing good. His reading is great, he picks up his math quickly, and in his A Beka language if he is asked to write a sentece with a certain word, he can do it no problem, and usually writes a good sentence too, not just something really simple. Anything I can do to keep him going like this? His biggest problem is he is a wiggle worm, but I can handle that!! :tongue_smilie: So really I'm just looking for some advice with my older two. I really need help and they really need help. TIA for any and all advice. And again, I am so thankful to have a place to "go to" to ask for help, as we have don't have any other homeschoolers around and I lack that support. So thank you all! Have a blessed day everyone!!
  17. Thank you OhElizabeth and GVA. I'm not looking to do every subject with the DVD's, but if every subject came highly recommended, I would probably consider it. :001_smile: I will definitly be going with CLE for math, he likes it, so I'm sticking with it for now. I was thinking more about the History, science, and grammar. How much of a teacher involvement would you say they require without the DVD's? I need him to learn to be more independent, for his sake and for mine (I am now working full time and starting school myself this fall too). I am so unsure of what to do with them this fall. I had my plan mapped out and all my curriculum bought already, and then work and school have happened to me (it's a good thing, just not so good for the homeschool). My original plan is way too teacher intensive for me to do now. Sigh....
  18. They are so expensive, I don't think we could afford them, so is it easy enough that they can be done without the DVD's? And does BJU teach them how to be more independent in their studies? Thanks for the help!!
  19. Thank you for all that GVA!! That is some good info too. I appreciate it. :)
  20. Thanks again, ladies!! I don't mind picking and choosing from different curriculums, as long as it is easy for us to implement and works well with the kids and they are/will learn from it. I will look into BJU for science. Is it pretty hands down though, that CLE is the better/best for LA, Math, reading, bible? What is BJU english & history like? Thank you!! This is all very helpful to me.
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