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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Minimal school today. Just reading and a writing page. Cleaning place again. Exterminators coming today. Park later Went to after Easter sale and she got several puzzles cheap. So she will be working on puzzles today too.
  2. Happy Easter Critter! Church Time with family and friends.
  3. On Friday she did Bible story, devotional, What's in the Bible dvd, writing page and we read books on animal/insects life cycles. She watched science shows and did art. No storytime today. Lunch with Dad Grocery/Walmart shopping. Cleaning house Today (Saturday) no school She is watching science shows and What's in the Bible because she likes it. Will be dyeing eggs. Continue cleaning Laundry mat Lunch with Dad Back to Walmart for a nice shirt for Daddy. Park? Macaroni art projects
  4. Thank God! She did awesome, Dad said. She does have a couple of minor cavities in the very back, uppers ones. They have 3 appointments for each one unless she does well and they do it all at once. I was Easter shopping during appointment since Dad is back to work for 5 days starting tomorrow. Only time I would be alone.
  5. Bible story, memory verse, devotional and a science mystery done. Homeschool Co-Op this morning. She has a dental appointment. For those who pray, can you pray for her not to be anxious during and that she handles the exam well. Also that if she has a cavity that it could be handled with minimal stress and discomfort to her. Possibly the park. Art and science with Dad if they are up to it.
  6. No typing required. It was drag and drop. I know she knows more than she let's on but she isnt proficient in phonics. The test said she was. I know there are ones we haven't worked on yet and others that she has trouble remembering. It doesnt make sense.
  7. Has anyone used it? I just noticed it today and was really surprised at the response. I'm not sure I can trust though? Thoughts? https://eps.schoolspecialty.com/products/online-programs/explode-the-code-online/free-assessment
  8. Daddy doing OT today. She did some school this morning. Currently at storytime. The park. The rest of school. Spring cleaning. Get Daddy. Science and art with Daddy. Maybe game night.
  9. She did some work this morning and finished the rest when Daddy was at the dentist. She played at the park for awhile. Ran some errands. Library #1 Lunch at home. Dad is going to take her out in the woods to teach her how to build a shelter and learn about the environment around her. She loves the outside. She needs to learn what is safe to eat/touch and what is not. Its all part of her science and nature study. He will be taking her fishing soon and she is excited. Library #2 Family game night
  10. Good Morning All, Regular school work today but on the road. DH morning dental appointment. Library to print some paperwork. Suppose to be near 80 today, so outside time for the kid.
  11. Try the McGuffey Primer. At first its easy and short then gets longer and harder the further you go.
  12. Lego club didn't happen. Storytime on Tuesday didn't happen. Today dropped DH off at work. Grocery shopping Bible story, devotional, calendar, weather and handwriting page done. Currently at storytime. It's a bird theme today with craft. Lots of kids. There is also a booksale at the library today. So we will be looking there. Time at the park. Lunch with Daddy Still to do phonics and her read to me. She has been listening to audiobooks this morning.
  13. This morning DD did calendar, weather, devotions, Bible story, phonics and she read to me. Daddy is home and will be doing science, art and handwriting. We are working with her on telling time today. Laundry mat Chores and spring cleaning. Bible study tonight.
  14. Dropped DH at work. DD wanted to draw and write a note to Great Grandma early this morning. Spent time painting her ceramics and herself. So off to the bath for her. Breakfast, phonics (ETC online demo) and then Alphablocks (phonics) cartoon. We need to do devotions, memory verse, Bible story and writing practice. Storytime with crafts this morning at the library. Play with other kids after. The park for playtime. Beautiful outside today. She listened to an audiobook early this morning and requested another. We will finish second one on way to library. She is bummed that Daddy is working on their day but I said she can have their day tomorrow.
  15. Critter & HSL hope you both get pain relief soon. DH has overtime today. School done this morning. Writing practice, math lesson and ETC online (I have to sit with her or she will just guess and push a button). Bible story, devotions, calendar and weather. Hunted half the morning for her eyeglasses. Praise the Lord we found them! Cleaning the place (in sections). Picked DH up and fed him then took DD to the park to play. Ice cream after. DH has mens Bible study tonight. Dd and I will be out at the jungle gym. Currently they are cuddling and watching science shows. DH has OT tomorrow too. We have storytime.
  16. Usually we do school today but church is having a work day so we are going there and she gets to help out. Maybe have her do a writing page and read to me. Lunch with Daddy Walmart The park?
  17. Busy day Dropped DH at work. Then off to the grocery store. She did her writing page, Bible story and devotional. Storytime at the library with craft. She played with some kids after. She will read to Daddy when we see him for lunch. I need to get gas and run errands. Read alouds in science and science shows later.
  18. Co-op went well. Walmart Home for lunch and some school work. She did calendar, weather, Bible story, devotions, memory verse, writing practice and memory work. She needs to read to Dad.
  19. Some school done. 2 writing pages, 2 math lessons, Bible stories, devotions and memory verse. Needs phonics and read to me. She will read herself to sleep at night. Bible club tonight. Homeschool co-op tomorrow. Errands this afternoon.
  20. Hello All, Daddy/Daughter Day Storytime with craft at library. Picked up some art and science books. Lunch at DD favorite pizza place. Stopped by a used bookstore and she got some books. Different library to drop off and pick up. She also gets to play with the toys. Playtime at the park. At home science and art with Dad. She did her calendar, weather and listened to an audiobook this morning. Breakfast was with cartoons this morning.
  21. School done. Calendar, weather, math, reading and writing. Bible stories and memory verse also done. Laundry mat House cleaning Nice day out. Maybe the park later.
  22. My DD6 is finishing up Kindergarten this spring. During the summer I'm going to be preparing her for Beast Academy 2a in the fall. She needs more challenging math work. I'm not sure Horizon Math 1 will be challenging enough. Explode the Code online so she can do it herself. She asked to stop Phonics Pathways because she doesn't like it.. ETC online will track her progress and will not make her work on things she already knows. She wants more independence here. She wanted to learn cursive so I got her the writing books from Abeka. I will be working the most on this with her because this is her weakest subject. She is a perfectionist and gets really upset and frustrated on this one. Read alouds- History, science, literature, Bible and anything else that catches her eye. She reads to me, Dad and/or herself books from the library. Science is her favorite so we will be using Magic School Bus science kits as part of their club that sends a kit once a month but it has about 10 different experiments in it. Her science shows plus any science book I find via the library. Homeschool Co-op Field trips that also have homeschool classes zoo, nature center and local museums. A visit or two to the Science Center and our arts and craft center. Swimming lessons, back to circus school and hopefully martial arts. Family walks, bike rides, swimming and lots of time at the park. Have her keep practicing hula hoop, jumping rope, roller skating, Jack's and Yoyo. Will also teach her handball and dodgeball along with 4 square. You know some of the old school yard stuff. I forgot storytime, HS book and lego club at the library.
  23. DH is working overtime today. DD6 lost her first tooth last night after A LOT of drama. Daddy was able to get it out without her noticing, he tricked her into wearing a string around her tooth to make sure she wouldn't loose the tooth in her sleep and when she wasn't paying attention he pulled it out. The tooth was soooooo ready to come out. School today is Bible story, memory verse, calendar, weather, phonics, read to me, I read to her, math and cursive writing practice.
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