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Everything posted by momee

  1. I know there are many different cultures that are represented here. I'm getting my answer. Moms who are homeschooling probably not going to pay for my services (though they would greatly appreciate the help) because they aren't going to be spending upwards of $20,000 or so on a wedding. Even if I could I wouldn't be spending that kind of money on a wedding so I guess its different stokes for different folks. It is a service and dh was correct when he said to set my fee for what I think my time and service is worth. If I keep prices down, I'll serve more brides in the long run. I enjoy the trade and enjoy making families happy. My market is going to stay those families that are spending tens of thousands of dollars on a day so they don't want to be asking Granny to get her corsage and be sure to be in the pictures and get in the receiving line. They don't want to worry that the seating chart doesn't match the tables. They don't care that the DJ has the names of the bridal party backwards and announce the last names incorrectly each! time. They want to be enjoying their guests and know I've got all that covered for them. But like all things, they'll have to pay for it :) I could do a sliding scale too, because I'm a sucker for the working man/or bride. Fun thing to chat about, thanks everyone.
  2. All your answers were helpful and I think I've got a good handle on your opinions. Thanks everyone.
  3. Gotcha. It's about 18 hours total including travel and my assistant works just as hard as I do for the same amount of hours. Thanks again for the response.
  4. Gotcha. I am catching what you're all throwing. People do pay big for the service, and it is a demanding, stressful gig. I can see folks not wanting to shell out that type money for something others can help with. I guess I've just been with brides who don't want to ask relatives to do all that or have the money to pay. Interesting takes, thanks for responding. I could describe my timeline at the last wedding and you'd see all I did but that wouldn't help. What I really want to know is if you were doing your daughter's wedding yourselves and wanted to take off the planning gloves and put on the mother of the bride gloves, how much would you be comfortable paying for that help. The moms I've worked for say the day was ENTIRELY worth my fee - not that I'm justifying myself at all - just making conversation since we're talking about it. What it comes down to though, is that my new market is normal, everyday moms who want a glorious wedding for their daughter. I don't at all! want to overcharge - but the last few I did I honestly wore myself out. Setting up, vendor coordination, trouble avoidance, in law issues, bartending issues with overindulging, late families who were to set up and have a luncheon by a certain time, issues with the facility and setup rules not being followed, I could go on and on. After the wedding, all the takedown and gift packing and etc.etc. is included as well. It's alot.
  5. Typical prices for Day Of services are between $500 and $1500. I stay the whole time and include an assistant. I just am curious what everyday/regular WTM folks think is appropriate for such a fee. I will say one of the myths about Day Of coordination is that it is unnecessary. I can honestly say weddings with/without are very different in my experience FOR THE BRIDE and her mom. Much! more enjoyable to have me running around like crazy doing a multitude of tasks than for them to be. It's seriously not easy work.
  6. Wedding planner is one who helps a bride plan all the details, a Day Of coordinator jumps in at the last minute and takes over those jobs so the bride/her family, can enjoy the day without the hassle of being responsible for anything but being bride/family of bride :) A Day Of coordinator organizes the rehersal and manages all the details the bride has planned out for her wedding day. I work with the officiant and all other vendors (photographer, site manager, caterer, etc.) to make sure the bride's wishes are carried out (favors, setting up table settings, food issues, DJ coordination so the names announced are correct, etc.). This allows the bride (and her mom!) to fully enjoy the day without running around worrying about where the groomsmen are (or aren't) who is walking down the aisle with whom, ensuring parents of bride/groom get their pictures with bride/groom taken, details like that. Otherwise it is craziness for mom/bride. Really? Most weddings you all have been to don't have a coordinator? Most, not all, of the ones I've been to without help have been either late or involved some frantic activity or the cake cutting was at 9 pm after all folks but partiers have gone home, just a few examples I've seen and nowhere near as smooth as those with.
  7. We tried mint.com and it seemed to just keep track of the amount spent, I wanted something that would help me budget to know WHERE I could spend. One was proactive (YNAB) the other, reactive (Mint). I see your point, it is work to constantly enter, but it keeps me paying attention to my spending and constantly managing our money. Sorry to derail your post. I'm not trying to change your mind, I was just curious. It took me a while to get a system down but now that I've done that, I really appreciate its advantages. Best of luck to you, money management is ... i dunno...stressful, I think. Whatever system you use :)
  8. Awww. Is the constant entering the problem? I've used and love YNAB for quite a while now.
  9. I'm waffling with raising my "official" contract price for Day Of coordination. I usually charge between $750 and $950 for coordinating the rehersal and the wedding day. Rehersal roughly 2 hours, day of roughly takes 10 hours and this all includes unlimited phone calls and emails as well as 2 face to face meetings. One of those meetings is the ceremony/reception site visit. Travel time and an assistant is included in that fee. I'm thinking between $850 and $1150 is more in line with the pricing in our local as well as the demanding/stressful job it actually is. Thoughts? especially from anyone who has already planned their daughter's wedding already.
  10. I'd like to not be caught behind the 8 ball this year on Christmas. I have alot of people in the house and alot going on. I don't want Christmas to be a chore so hoping to tackle it piece by piece in a timely fashion. Now I just need a checklist...
  11. Nice to know I'm not alone. I know I'm not, I just think I am waaay too often. Maybe I need a mom's night :)
  12. I know though that what I'm doing is important and what we're called to as a family. I guess the hard thing about enduring through the hard times is that they're actually HARD times. Edited to add Carol in CA posted this on a previous thread... "You are responsible for your children's education. You decide. Can they get a better education in school? Can they get a better one at home? What needs to change to make that home education happen? No matter what you pick, you are responsible, and you have to make it work somehow or you're crippling their future." http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/529889-is-quitting-the-right-choice/?hl=+quitting I don't want to quit. I'm just whining and looking at the green grass on the other side. As I hear my kids laughing and playing together, it makes me want to erase the whole thread. (In reality I know as well though at some point today they'll also argue, fight me, or complain about doing work.) That's the part that is so tough. Hard to endure after many, many years.
  13. I know there are many merits of hs'ing but when you're already facing burnout and hs'ing teens is already difficult (DH is adamant we're continuing and I know this is just a phase for me as well) watching someone get their days "back" and have a cleaner house is just...i dunno...not helpful. I'm trying to do my best to encourage her that she is doing this for the right reasons (medical issues are becoming more serious) but at the same time I'm struggling myself. Just venting.
  14. I'm confused that the Highwayman is recommended. Not a poem I would say is prime time reading for young kids...
  15. Have you ever frozen ready to bake pizzas? If so, did they turn out well?
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirepoix_(cuisine) carrots, onion, celery are the base of so many of my fall soups - I'd like to streamline prep a bit and not sure if I should cook first then freeze or not bother...
  17. Big Talk Tucker Jones Boom Radio The Big Idea I can't find a website to download them anywhere. I see a few on amazon used but that's it. Did they close down shop?
  18. I'm not having any problems with both kids in MP Second Form and last year with First Form went great as well. I decided I just can't do Latin with them and have them move at a pace that was reasonable. I'm ok with that. I have other skills ;)
  19. Does anyone know who this may be? DH is modeling the in-laws new garden space after a garden he saw in one of my books (which are all packed away). Besides Martha Stewart (he says not her) might you think of a gardening book author who wears her collars turned up?
  20. "For me I don't think a box offers me anything individual curriculum doesn't offer." MP comes with lesson plans that are updated as things change. That was a big time suck for me in years past. There are many options and my idea is just one, but (just my personal experience)I still feel like I'm not compromising because I'm busy and using a box like MP. I actually feel like I'm stepping it up in a few subjects that I might have slacked off in if I were doing an eclectic option. Just my 2 cs.
  21. BTDT, it's a season and will pass. I always forget this when I'm in the midst. It is only when I come out of it that I realize it was a true season. Hope this very similar thread I started a while ago has some wisdom although you've received alot of great words so far. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/511020-keeping-it-all-together-meal-planning-cleaning-discipline-school-etc/?hl=%2Bdoing+%2Ball+%2Bmomee&do=findComment&comment=5583773
  22. We're in a very busy season as well AND I'm battling burnout. MP has saved our bacon. They have online classes for my high schoolers who are actually in their second year of latin and composition and they're actually doing very very well with them. NO effort on my part, love that right now! My 1st grader is reading well and loving math so much I decided to get Rightstart games to add in for fun (WHAT?) and lessons are planned, my books are on the shelf and educating can happen easily each day as long as my workers are compliant. I am so happy we went with school in a box. No more curricula hopping, board scouring, internet ordering late nights for this tired mom. I feel they're learning more than the basics and understanding and MASTERING what they're instructed in. Any questions feel free to pm me.
  23. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/jeffersonadvice.htm On the subject of dress and usage of time regarding education, methinks the times have changed! Regarding teenagers and parents difficulties with disciplinary efforts, not so much :)
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