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Everything posted by momee

  1. fairfarmhand I should have said first off... I'm sorry she's going through this. It must be disheartening. I'll pray she find just one happy receptive face and that her heart is protected until she feels at ease in the group.
  2. Re-reading that it could sound preachy - totally not my intention. I'm trying - abeit poorly - to help this be a teaching lesson for them and an opportunity to grow spiritually. Not say I've been there and have it all figured out. I get women often who feel intimidated and insecure around other women who come to me and say how they feel left out, unimportant, or just plain lonely. Just trying to share some of that experience here...
  3. As one of the "insiders" with teens in the youth group, I'd just like to give what may possibly be a different perspective. My kids have been told - make friends with the loners. Watch out for the girls who may need a friend. Try not to hang with your group so much and include everyone. Well, it's a hard request I make of them. This is very difficult for me - even as an adult. I have to be careful how I refer to the "old days" for fear I might leave someone out. I have to keep an eye on getting too chummy with my bff (lol) who just happens to be the pastor's wife when we're at church together. We're concerned (proven by experience) if we're together too much, other women will feel left out or...whatever...they might presume they aren't included when really we're just catching up and enjoying each other. I've come to realize some women are lonely and jealous of our having a friendship. So as a result and out of humble effort to serve - we don't hang much at church. It's tough to constantly be welcoming new folks in, and be on the lookout for who might have feelings hurt by what so I have to watch what I say/how I act/whom I greet/seek out. And some women, by golly, are gonna have feelings hurt no matter what. So I'm just saying here, honestly and hopefully it's helpful otherwise I would never type it, that maybe your daughters need to be a friend to have a friend. It may be tough to press through whatever the wall is...and I'm not saying there isn't a wall, but coming through the other side is an excellent lesson in perseverance, as well as an opportunity to extend unmerited grace toward others. If it were my girls in that position, I'd encourage them to watch for 1, 2 or 3 girls who might be open to a new friendship. (that reminds me of another issue...I seriously don't have mental capacity or time for one more friendship right now - maybe they don't either). And if it doesn't work out right now, as much as it depends on them - her learning to genuinely be at peace with everyone (Rom 12:18) is a valuable lesson as well. Possibly consider walking her through holding her head high and guarding her thoughts so that bitterness or judgement not take root (Heb 12:15). All that to say, it might not be due to school difference, or due to something personal. Maybe the kids your daughter is trying to befriend are just...distracted by other issues. I'd humbly suggest it's a great opportunity to teach her about grace (unmerited favor) and giving others the benefit of the doubt...also...and don't take this the wrong way... church is a place to serve. Not be served. (Mk 10:45) Is she actively serving? This is a huge way I encourage women to get involved and make friends. hope this was helpful, not meant in any way to be snarky or judgemental I put bible references in there because it's imperative she is empowered spiritually to guard against these things, acting in ways that contradict the gospel is harmful...as you can see in the above threads. I'd be first and foremost teaching my girls this isn't the way we want to represent Christ's body - and to be an example even though they're young...1 Tim 4:12
  4. Robert Greenberg's How to listen to and understand great music Not musically gifted in any way nor did I have knowledge of classical music, but that just might have been the reason I appreciated it so much. I listened to it with my whole multi-gen family on way back from Tenessee (90 to 4). They endured it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Also, I'm listening to Vandiver Iliad now, so helpful while we're reading it.
  5. Gary Paulsen, Hatchet type stories. Any of the Sonlight lists not helping? I always turn there when we're on the lookout. Also, you could go to Bookshelf central and look at the Tapestry recommendations based on time period. Lots of great dialectic choices there...?
  6. Economics: Money and Banking or History of the US Economy in the 20th century or Money Management Skills or China, India and the United States Future of Economic Supremacy would be my choices if I were gifted a course today. Only because that's my interest right now.
  7. I really should just google what I want to find. They make everything these days, lol. http://www.improvementscatalog.com/garland-hangers/246415?code-macs=MM5Z008&SourceCode=MM5Z008&cm_mmc=Blog-_-decoratingideas-_-christmas-_-15&redirect=y
  8. Thanks for that. Problem is...I have a husband who is immune to my woman card though (watched the first video and that was her suggestion) and in no way would be okay with my screwing ceiling hooks into our brand new - wooden, painted door frames.
  9. I'm going to go all out this year (high hopes, lol). I'd like to host an open house and I want to actually decorate with something other than some wreaths on the windows hung on Dec 19th :) Do you have a source you go to for inspiration? Blogs - not so much pinterest. I mean, the how to do it is important to me, I am clueless. Just looking at tons of pictures of beautiful places are nice, but I can't make that happen on my own. So on that note, I bought four garlands that I want to hang around our sidelights and front door. How do I mount them so they don't blow around - without using nails.
  10. Same here have had it for about 2 weeks. Biggest thing I've noticed, it is SPEEDY! :) It also cleans well, drains alot of water from the clothes so drying time seems shorter, and I can...wait for it... add clothes after the cycle has started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lovin' it.
  11. Trying to learn the ins and outs of helping elderly relatives understand the red tape and procedures is like - I don't even know. Do any of you who have had to get involved in estate planning have some resources to help me learn as much as I can? I've met with a lawyer and am more confused than I was at the beginning.
  12. I don't know how it always works out food wise but we frequently host a large group at our home on Sundays after church. We've done meatball subs, salads, mexican, brunch, potluck, all kinds of things. It's fun for everyone to have a place to hang out after church and enjoy a leisurely afternoon. It gets me 1)cooking 2)cleaning and gets everyone involved because we are all excited to see friends so lots of happy helpers make it happen. Maybe you need some outside accountability? Invite some families and share the burden ;) ? Just what has helped us, and just a suggestion.
  13. That's quite a testimony, in the front of that book. The Hedonist - and the quotes on consumption were really striking to read.
  14. I don't know how old your kids are... but this... "The thing is, I have the knowledge and capabilities to do these things, but I don't always have the energy. That makes me feel lazy. Sigh." Made me realize, you have helpers :) And if those helpers have allergies, the time spent in the kitchen is going to be very, very valuable to them. I don't have allergies but my mom was nooooo chef. She didn't teach me at all. Now with having a large family, I really wish some things were just intuitive for me. (thus the ATK subscription recommendation, even if you can't bake what they're baking/making, you will still get some ideas and maybe that will be enough to recharge you. Hugs, I live your struggle every day (minus food allergies, just old folks and young folks and dietary needs).
  15. "I feel like I need a kick in the pants or some other kinder form of motivation" America's Test Kitchen subscription - watch their TV series :) get Plan to Eat and start saving recipes YOU LOVE make a meal plan when you're able to sit and think about it - print out weekly shopping list and get a coffee while you do your shopping Prep all you can on Sat/Sun when dh is able to keep kids away from you - or enlist him and put on music while you do as much as you can in advance - stop to dance :) That's what I've done anyway. It is working, but don't get me wrong. Cooking for 6 adults and 1 child is...well...exhausting.
  16. That trench and bed sound kind of like our trash can, which the bear has gotten into twice now. We even have video, he's just hanging out in the trash happy as a clam.
  17. Is it possible to do compost bins but not add kitchen scraps? We have a new construction site and I don't have any green materials. I was thinking of hitting the neighbors up for their grass trimmings and doing a bin...but will it work without veggie and fruit leftovers?
  18. made green smoothie for dh and ironed his clothes for work, said he felt appreciated ;) (ok, so when is he doing that for me, lol) did school drove dd to work met dh to discuss ds took dd to swimming went to costco ordered a speedqueen cuz I'm about to take a chainsaw to my LG washer piece of junk ordered two dump trucks of dirt (soo sad to pay for dirt!) signed dd up for classes looked at what needs to be done to sign ds up for classes paid bills bought mums/bulbs, etc for front yard and mailbox bed frontlined the dog and made a neuter appt checked on status of puppy pickup date :))))))))))))) marinated the meat for dinner had a very calm but emotional discussion with youngest dd who was having a tantrum and learning to control her temper did more school researched my decision after a minor panic attack at buying the speedqueen so quickly made carpooling arrangements for soccer and softball at two pieces of chocolate and a pbj felt guilty at eating that, ate an apple decided to type what I've done in the past 8 hours for my own memory and self esteem - this is why, folks, mom is unable to remember every little detail you tell her...I do 800 things in a day! this afternoon: meet concrete sub meet landscape architect prep dinner for after practices soccer practice dropoffs and coach softball home dinner, dishes, laundry, check schoolwork, math facts listen to Vandiver lecture as I fall asleep for much needed rest (after dh gets what he needs today, too) Wow. You guys do this recap often?
  19. I haven't read all the replies, but I fondly remember WTMindy and Jessica at Trivium Academy. I thought they were homeschool superstars. Jan in NC and Lori D were like...I dunno...amazing. Rivendell mom or what was her name, the mom with boys who had some kind of Lord of the Rings name and did the amazing Tapestry of Grace student workbook - I couldn't even read her posts without going to bed thinking I needed to read more... Then there was Quiver with her cinnamon rolls? My husband still moans when those are made :) She's famous here, I do remember her having like, 30 kids cuz each time she had one, her name changed, lol. JK. There have been times I felt like quitting, and I would read a success story, or read the reasons someone was beginning homeschool here and I would remember the importance of a good education. This board has been a very, very large part of my encouragement to not only school my kids, but helping me to become a better mom. (And a better cook!) I still hear books and think of bras. I read tea and still have to check myself on what the poster is referring to. I am going to make a confession, the term Draconian has always confused me as has the curricula by MEP. Those are two threads I NEVER open, lol. Anyway, thanks everyone for being there over the years :) (Edited because my teenagers' slang is affecting me waaay too much)
  20. We have had multiple bear visits at our house and on our rural street at the neighbors'. It would be a bad idea to start my compost pile, right? I mean I'm just asking the bears to come back for a free buffet? So what do you all do to keep varmints (and large scary bears) out of your compost piles?
  21. I've traveled this road with so many of you throughout the years educating our kids. I have a senior already enrolled in online classes through the college of her choice. She's taking 2 classes and has an A in both. She's going to do great and I'm super, super happy she is such an awesome young woman!
  22. Is there a list of audio links for Ambleside Online years 0 or 1 or even 2?
  23. I would not. I would get the Ambleside Online curriculum online books for year 0 or 1 depending on maturity and just read the classic young people's literature to her and develop vocabulary AND make memories. TOG can wait. I'm sorry - I've used it on and off for years but with language development being the key issue - I'd take full advantage of her age and read nature stories and history stories and give her the best you can find as far as literature. In my experience I do use TOG for history and geography and study skills with my high schoolers but am seeing with my 7 year old it isn't going to work. What a great way to learn about words...who is George Washington and Johnny Appleseed and...I dunno...Peter Rabbit and Buster the Bear too. Just my take...and I answered not because I know anything at all after 10 years of homeschooling - everyone is different. But I answered since no one else has :) Hope this at least helps a little.
  24. I agree. I'm surprised to read this though - "the Y1 R literature is some of the most difficult to read" I thought year 2 was kind of tough as well.
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