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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Just seeing you say "just the flu" reminded me of a newspaper article was published locally way back when parents were trying to get the schools to go back in my person for the county my kids would attend if they went to school. My family dentist was quoted as saying "I believe there is a virus, but it's just a virus" and my children's pediatrician was quoted as saying "It's just like the flu, it's going to spread." This is what I'm dealing with, barely anyone seems to care here.
  2. Well, I signed up y'all. I go on Monday! At the site I am going to, there was only 1 less appointment than there was 2 days ago. Well 2 less, now that I signed up. 😢
  3. I' I don't feel I need to tell anyone I had the vaccine. I am worried about the thought of *if* something went wrong, the reaction everyone would have and how stupid I would feel.
  4. Super easy, sadly. I looked yesterday for my location and looked again today and they have the SAME EXACT NUMBER of open spots available.
  5. Right, I've never had a flu shot either.
  6. WELL no valid concern. My dh, many many many friends and family are anti-mask, anti-covid vaccine and the type that just keep saying "it's just a virus." SO normally, I agree with these nutjobs on many things, BUT NOT on covid. We have been clearly divided on this. I just feel like the only one, kwim? My parents got the vaccine, but everyone else I know is all "hell no" about it. It just feels like my area is NOT on board. When the older folks were getting it, they did well, it was hard for people to get the shot, they wanted it. I looked yesterday and looked again today and they have the EXACT SAME AMOUNT of open spots. It's like no one young and healthy are going to get it. It's just weird to be going against the crowd I usually follow. My husband was actually quite surprised I'd even consider getting the vaccine.
  7. So, the time has finally come for the "everybody else" category people to get covid vaccines. I was feeling pretty sure about getting it. . I just went online to sign up and I kind of froze up. Like, tell me, I'll be fine. Please?
  8. Isn't that a crazy thing? My baby doesn't remember being sick either. I am SO bad at being sick, I don't miss it one bit. I had to take my 3 and 5 year old to the doctor for 5 year old dd routine vaccines and a well child visit for them all and my poor baby has no idea what life is like on the outside. She was terrified. She wouldn't even get on the scale or let them listen to her with a stethoscope. She just screamed and buried her head in my chest and screamed no no no and was smacking at the nurses. Totally out of character for her. That same day I took her in the grocery store (she has barely been anywhere this past year) She was sitting in the cart and out of of the blue she said to me, "I hate people." We go to empty parks sometimes and if people show up, she gets scared and runs to me and say "people are coming" When we first started going back to visit my parents, when we got in our car she said, " we are actually leaving our home. I don't want to leave our home." My poor baby is terrified of the outside world.
  9. Today is the last day of March!! We are due a rainy day all day today (I did order the kids rain suits, but they aren't here yet), so I'm checking in now. Here's where we are December - 2 hours January - 30 hours February - 27 hours March - 70 hours Total - 129 hours I'm so pleased with how well we have done in March. My goal was 2 hours per day and we surpassed that!!! I'm looking forward to April. We already have 70 degree days in the forecast. We are having an unusually warm spring and I am so thankful! This challenge!! I can't say enough good things. One day, last week it was too rainy for me to want to get out and my little girls (3 & 5) got themselves ready and went out and were running around in the rain and puddles. How are you doing?
  10. Salami sandwich is about the only sandwich that satisfies me as well.
  11. I've never been one to be on any certain diet or anything, but I have noticed the morning I eat eggs, I have more energy, make better food choices the rest of the day, feel fuller, all that good stuff, even affects my mood. Carbs don't bother me the rest of the day, but my body does not like carbs for breakfast. So, I've been eating a lot of eggs lately. What easy low carb breakfast ideas do you all have? Thank you.
  12. , I'm just glad to see people WANTING the vaccine. Too many people I know still have the oh no hell no they ain't vaccinating me stance. 🤷‍♂️ 🤣
  13. I might be doing better, but the 2 year old is very stubborn about staying outside a long time in winter. Sigh.
  14. I bought it not so very long ago. I think it is still available. I'll have to check later.
  15. We are using Treasured Conversations and it's great, it really is. Iam just really really bad with grammar and writing. He's doing great. It's very well done. I just still feel so insecure.
  16. Well I'm not enjoying that my 9 year 💯 has a better grasp on grammar than I do. I mean, I'm happy for him, but I feel so dumb. How did I get this far in life. 😩 So, I love what we are doing for grammar and writing, but I hate grammar and writing. Love the curriculum, but the subject makes me miserable. I'll take math any day.
  17. Here is what we have so far Dec - 2 hours (2 days) Jan. - 30 hours Feb. - 27 hours Total - 59 hours I had a goal of a total of 1 hour each day. We were just 2 hours short. Anyway, never as long as I have lived have I ever spent 59 hours outside during winter so it's a win. Next month I have a goal of 2 hours per day! How are you doing?
  18. Oh lots to think about. I definitely didn't mean books only. My boys love the hands on stuff.
  19. See, this part right here is like the one thing that makes me worry. It's so hard to imagine that you can just switch over to a more rigorous approach. It's good to hear that it does happen.
  20. I was just reading the thread started by Meadowlark about just reading book for science and history for the elementary years. I have been considering this for my family for a while. We currently use Apologia for science and I always check out related library books, but pretty much find them to be just what we read about in Apologia. We do just read Apologia and do some projects. No notebooks or writing. I'm definitely confident in this option, but I do have a few questions. I know there are lots of good choices for the early years, Let's Read and Find Out, Magic School Bus. Is there a good book series aimed at the older group? My oldest is just 9, just thinking ahead. I also get myself overwhelmed planning. I always want to get ALL the books and I just overdo it. Is there a particular set of children's encyclopedia's you use as a spine that has all the major topics? Are there any really well done booklists out there? Also, do you do it as a read aloud or do you have the kids do the reading?
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