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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. From about 18-22ish, I loooooved going to clubs that played hip hop music. I wasn't much of a drinker but loved to dance. Heck, it was at one of these clubs that I won two sets of "Meet and Greet" tickets to see Boyz II Men!


    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! (MissKNG screams like a school girl!)

  2. I interact with my girls A LOT but I don't usually pretend play with them. My girls are up for 14-16 hours a day too so we are very busy.


    I am slightly jilted by the "me me me chat" comment. Really? We are stay at home mom's who (for the most part) home school. I gave up a terrific career, I don't buy myself anything really special nor really spend any money on myself, I RARELY go out with friends, etc, etc, etc to stay home with my children because we believe this is the BEST thing to do for them. How is that "me me me"? If I need a few minutes to myself to do something and that requires me to say "no, not now" to the girls (keep in mind they are up 14-16 hours), how is the "me me me"? Sorry, I know all families are different but I fail to see how being a stay at home mom who also home schools is "me me me".

  3. I was looking at this too.  The homeschool store I usually purchase from didn't have the notebooks or lab kit though, just the text.  Technically I already have too much for this year but it looks wonderful.  I think I will have to force myself to wait until next year though before indulging in buying it.


    The notebooks aren't coming out until mid-September. I'm going to wait until then to purchase since we have an Astronomy Unit to go through first!

  4. You can make a bunch of breakfast sandwiches pretty cheaply and have them wrapped and ready to go in the fridge.


    Two bags of English muffins $2

    That big flat of medium eggs $3

    Two American sliced cheese blocks $4


    About $10 and you can make 16 breakfast sandwiches. These are prices from Save A Lot (like Aldis).


    And if I have leftover meat (ham, chicken) or veggies (pepper, onions), I tossed that into the eggs for the sandwiches. No need to waste small amounts of leftovers.

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