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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. Around here, diners are real - locally owned, mom and pop joints with booths, table and chairs and usually stools right at the counter where you can sit and get a cup of coffee and chat for a while with the person next to you. The daily newspaper is usually floating around the place for the locals to browse while relaxing in a booth. Prices are cheap and there's a wide variety of food offered with lots of home-cooking.


    Diners here have been around for a while so nothing is sparkling new. Everything is well loved though replaced when needed. Waitresses often work at the same place for a long time and know all of the regulars. And there are lots of regulars!


    Denny's is not a diner, it's a chain.

  2. I basically just don't.  I buy art supplies and books and the kids are free to "make art".  I have one who is very into it.  The other..not really.  I sometimes get some library books about famous artists as a read aloud. 


    I don't do Latin either. 


    This is what I do as well for art. I have a drawer full of odds and ends that they use to make projects on their own as art. Also when they are working on something, I play different music genres and call that "music". I talk briefly about the instruments heard, for example, just to make it a little more "official".

  3. I'm the most productive in the morning so I make sure that is when I'm working on my cleaning. We are up very early in my house so I have a couple of hours to do this before we start school. We also follow a routine. Routines are very important imo.


    I multi-task like picking up as I am walking across the house, on the phone, etc.


    I wash the dishes and clean the kitchen after each meal. When I'm cooking, there is a sink with soap and water in it so I can do dishes while the food cooks.


    Big thing is JUST GET IT DONE. Don't whine about how messy your house is on a message board. That 15 minutes it took you to post your whine could have been 15 minutes cleaning the toilet. I'm always on the move, always doing something...yes, it is tiring but stuff gets done and (as a double bonus) I stay fit!

  4. Um, if you were renting from my family (who have been landlords for over 40 years), not only would you get hit with a "returned check" fee but also a late charge if your rent ended up late because of your NSF. When rent is due and paid, your check better be good. It's not the landlord's fault.


    ETA: Oh yeah...and if you didn't pay for all money owed because of your NSF, you would be taken to small claims court for all money owed AND court fees.


    (Sorry, no sympathy here, it was your fault.)

  5. I've never heard of MCM before. I think it's very difficult for a lady to NOT think some celebrity is "hot". I don't think it is harmful to your relationship because what chance do you really have with said crush. Unless you are completely obsessed and focused on your crush, then that's probably where you need some sort of help because again, what chance do you really have with said crush.


    My dh knows that my man crush is Wanya Morris of Boyz II Men!

  6. Spray a muffin tin, cut the cooked meat up into little pieces and put them along with anything else you want (cheese, tomato, onion, etc) into each muffin tin. Beat 3-4 eggs (works with about 6 muffin cups) in a bowl - I add milk, salt/pepper to the egg mixture - then pour egg mixture over the stuff in each muffin cup. Bake at 350 until eggs are done. Nice breakfast item with toast!

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