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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. Aren't hotels equipped with emergency lights in case of a power outage? Usually those two giant lights mounted on a white box above the emergency exits? I think the chance of having to feel your way down a dark hallway is very slim. Not to mention the chaos and traffic flow of other room renters going down the hall to the exits.

  2. Keanu Reeves is a terrible actor. And I also can't stand Robin Williams.


    I think "Elf" (and Will Farrell) are annoying and not funny.


    I don't like Starbucks coffee. Or Tim Horton's.


    My kids have always known the truth about santa, the toothfairy, Easter bunny, etc....very unpopular in my family.


    I think people are too caught up in the "educational" thing now a days (ie. parents asking for educational only ideas for gifts, abcmouse.com, etc). I grew up on "twaddle" (Bugs Bunny, Transformers, Sweet Valley books, Scooby Doo, etc) and turned out fine. Kids need paper, crayons, scissors, glue, dirt, sticks, rocks. Not kits and sets and websites.


    I think the whole "Elf on a Shelf" thing is dumb. ( :leaving: dodging tomatoes now!!)

  3. I am extremely excited about the unique gift we have for my father!!! His token gifts each year are sugar free candies and books. Hard.to.shop.for. Has everything, needs or wants nothing.


    A gal on fb mentioned her son was accepted to Kettering University in Michigan, which used to be General Motors Institute back in the day. My dad is a GMI alum so I got a great idea to hit ebay for some GMI memorabilia and hit the jackpot!!! I found an original, unused GMI application, application booklet and envelope (there is a name on the label) circa 1960. Not the same year my father would have applied but very close and I can't imagine the application and booklet changing much in a couple years time span. So I ordered it! And I'm also going to type on a label with my dad's name and address from where he lived when he was in high school. Sooo...when he opens the gift, it will look like the GMI application packet was addressed to him!! I'm hoping it will bring him a flood of fond memories. 


    I'm really excited about this!!! :hurray:

  4. I worry like crazy when I think I'm not doing a good enough job "teaching" if the instruction doesn't go smooth without interruption. But dagnabbit, she gets it! More often than not, if she doesn't already "get it", it takes one line of explanation. That blows my mind cause I can.not.do.that. I think that's 99% of my issue though - she can do things in her mind that I can only dream about.


    Bottom line, you are not alone. :laugh:

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