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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. The military runs that country, all of the crazy stuff the leader does is a power show.  If it was just a single nut job at the top, I believe China would have taken him out.  China wants NK there as a buffer, which is why they put up with it.  But I think the military is a real issue, even for China.  China does not want to enter any kind of protracted war, and they can't just topple the regime without one.  I believe if China tried something, NK would go after SK in order to draw the US in, that way China would be backed into a corner.


    The whole thing is a nightmare.  I would love to see the US work out some deal with China that got rid of the leadership NK. 

  2. I bought it!!!!  I can't wait till it arrives.  I will clean and rearrange the porch for it, and try to set it up in a way that makes her feel safe.  I think it will help that we'll be away for a week (and so will the dog, we take him to a kennel).  We have someone come and feed the cat. So she'll have a week to get used to the house without the dog around.  

  3. We have a cat, she "adopted" us last winter.  We could never have her indoors, I am too allergic, but we've taken care of her (had her shots, had her fixed, etc...)  She's a friendly cat and likes to sleep up on the back porch so she can see us (our back door is mostly glass). Right now she is sleeping in a basket filled with towels and a fleece blanket.  Last winter she kept to the shed, but I don't know if something else has been in there or she just wants to be closer to us.  She's been staying on our porch. I've been worried that it too cold, so I looked at a heated cat house on Amazon.  We could put in on our porch.  I don't know how she would like it.  We also have a dog that makes her nervous, and he could get to her.  Right now, the basket it up on old paint cans.  (I know, not a nice sight, it's just how it worked out).  


    My dh and my dd17 think I'm nuts.  As a kitten she did fine last winter.  There is no reason that she won't do fine again.  It gets cold here, but we are a bit south, so it's not like being up north.  


    I know part of this is my guilt.  She is such a cute cat and so social, but there is no way we could have her inside because of me.  


    But the question is:  Would you buy an outdoor cat a heated home?  The house is around $70, not cheap, but everyday for the past week I've wanted to click to buy but keep holding back. 

  4. A multi-tool, or even a tool box, luggage, computer stuff, comfy pillows or chairs (like those back pillow with arms, for sitting in bed), board games (so he can take them to school), clothes, like a special jacket or sport team stuff, or if he's more techno-geek (we are), look at ThinkGeek or RedBubble.

  5. I've been down for the count.  I didn't have a UTI, just the stomach bug from h*ll.  My dd had it too. :(  Nasty bug.  I'm feeling much better from that, but now I have a head cold.  I decided not to run or do anything else today, because my body still feels shot.  If I feel better tomorrow I may run and start doing kettlebell swings. 


    Lollie, glad your foot is ok.


    Negin,  :grouphug:

  6. :grouphug:


    I get it.  This semester, with my 11th grader, has been all about me not yelling at her.  I keep telling myself not to say the words that are in my head.  My poor dh gets an ear full at night.  


    It's hard, but it is better to not say what you are thinking in the heat of the moment.  I love the idea of waiting a few days and having an after action meeting. 


    I know with my dd, we are going to have a meeting before the next semester starts. 


    I fine a large glass of wine helps.:D

  7. Ran 3 miles and did a little kettlebell.  I think I may have a UTI. I went to the doctor's yesterday, but it didn't test positive for it, so they're going to do a 48hr culture to make sure.  I think I just went too early, because I'm worse today.  :(  I ran to see how it affected my hamstring.  I'm planning on going to yoga tomorrow to the miracle working teacher :D  She really was amazing.  My hamstring has been great.  It was a little sore after the run, but not bad and I had no issues doing single-leg deadlifts (well, no issue with my hamstring, my stomach is killing me, which stopped me from finishing my kettlebell workout). 

  8. The Lincoln and FDR nominations seem a bit odd to me.


    I can get being unhappy with some of their policies, but both were men who saw this country through some very dark days.



    I'm not against FDR's policies, but his Executive Order ordering the deportation and incarceration of Japanese Americans was the worst abuse of power in regards to EOs.  His attempt at "court packing" was also bad.  It was a clear attempt to bypass the limits of his power by the Constitution. 


     Just because I like FDR's policies and think he was a good leader through the war, doesn't mean I can overlook such a human right's violation.


    I still vote for Andrew Jackson as the worst President in US history.   

  9. Christian.


    Married to a current atheist, former Christian.


    Surprised there aren't more Buddhists.


    Sorry to not see (from the movie St. Vincent) "...I don't know what I am." ..."it's sweeping the nation...." That scene made me laugh because it was a sweet, funny way to handle the situation.



    This is OT, but I wanted to agree about that scene. :)  I thought the movie was wonderful, and that scene was super sweet.  I actually teared up, because it was so genuine and tender.  

  10. I decided against kettlebell today and did an hour long yoga practice.  It felt nice. I also spent the much of the day studing Gov't with  my dd17 who has a final this week for her college class.  Why does studing make you hungry?  We sat together for several hours just going over stuff, and I was as hungry as if I had run 5 miles. 

  11. I have something I wear for kettlebell for my hands.  It helps some. I don't always use them because it interfers with the grip (only when I'm trying to go too heavy :) ).  They are called Dragon Skins .


    Yoga in the dark by the lit Christmas tree sounds like a nice idea.  I'll add to it though, the fire is lit too. :)  


    Yesterday was yoga class day.  It was going to be my last time at that studio. It's a new studio in the city and the classes have been inconsistant and I was afraid the class would disappear from that time slot all together (and I only go to the city for yoga once a week.  It's the only time I can do it).  So I tried out and bought a class pack at another studio.  That studio does Bikram yoga at that time slot.  I liked it ok, not as much as a flow class, but the instructor was good and I started to enjoy the heat.  But yesterday I went back to use my last class card up for the studio and it was a new teacher and she was incredible.  I was the only student and when she found out I had an injured hamstring she spent the entire time working it for me.  It was like a PT session but with yoga.  She was really great, and now I want to go back there in January when my kids Co-op starts back up. It still feels risky buying a class package from that studio.  If that woman can't get enough students in January I'm unsure how long she'll hang on to teach that class.  But the class cards are good for a year, and 10 classes cost less than a PT session. :D  


    I felt so amazing when I left there. I wanted to hug the woman.  


    I got home last night and did 300 kettlebell swings.  This morning I did a 40 minute kettlebell workout.  It was cardio focused and it felt good to have my heart rate up for that long. 

  12. Lisa, sorry about your migraine. :grouphug:  I hope it's completely gone soon.


    Kettlebell today.  It was focused on squats and lunges, with high pulls and snatches inbetween.  I tried to squat 52# (with two 26# bells).  I couldn't do it, but I could come up a bit, I just couldn't keep form.  I'll stick to my 44# bell for now.  I'm also trying to get back to adding extra push-ups and pull-ups.  I had dropped doing them because of the fuller kettlebell schedule, but I need to add them back.  I can tell they make a big difference in my overall strength.  

  13. Sunday was a rest day, I had hoped for some Yin yoga, but we were busy with holiday stuff.


    Monday-2 mile run.  I didn't have the strength to do kettlebell so I ran 2 instead of 1 mile.  I kept it easy with a walk/run combo.


    Tuesday-1 mile run then kettlebell.  Today was TGUs, cleans, presses and deadlifts.  


    It has not hurt at all while I run, but I can tell that the area is more tender and deadlifts are feeling sore again.  I may see if my dh can talk with the PT and get her opinion.  I'll probably end up going.  


    These 9 days of running (1 mile a day) has made me realize how much I really miss running. :(    

  14. My son cried at the end of Charlotte's Web.


    And he cried when he found out Mary was blind and that the dog died (all on the same few pages) in the Little House books.


    And he cried when that wizard died in Harry Potter.


    He even cried when Rome fell in SOTW.


    He's very sensitive. 



    My son, now 12, also cried about the fall of Rome.  He was so into Rome, he even had (still has) the Rome set from Playmobil.  When he found out Rome fell he cried and cried.  I had to keep myself from laughing.  I knew we were going to be reading it, so I thought we would "act it out" with his set.  We also owned the Pirate set as well as the Viking ship.  I had the two groups "attack" and then I read about the fall of Rome.  I was not ready for his reaction.  It still makes me laugh when I think about it.  Fond homeschool memories. :)

  15. Honestly, an iPhone would drive me nuts.  I have a Galaxy S3, my dh has an S5, my girls have iPhones.  I have never been a fan of iTunes.  I think it makes it much harder to work/organize/transfer stuff.  That could be because we don't own Macs, just PCs.  Maybe if we owned a Mac it would all work nicely.  


    But I do think that part of it is getting use to one OS.  My girls would not switch to an Android, and my dh and I do not see ourselves switching to iPhones. For what I use it for, the Adroid phone is much easier for me to deal with.  My parents also have iPhones, which is hard on me, because whenever they can't figure something out, they ask me, and then I have to find my kids (who all own iPods too).    

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