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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Seven children and being 51 have left my middle wrinkly even though it is toned and a not large waist. I just never wear a midriff baring top;-). Seriously at a certain point you figure the kids were worth it and move on.



    :iagree:  :hurray:


    And I agree with Alley. Why don't we have a "love" button?


    I'm 5'9" and currently 126lbs.  I (used to ) run, I do kettlebell, and yoga, but my mid section will always be saggy and  I will never get rid of my stretch marks. 5 pregnancies (and I gained a lot each pregnancy) took its toll. 


    You may be able to help with some of the loose skin by weight training, but I wouldn't count on it.  

  2. I got my flu shot last week, and I'm taking the kids this week.

    When I "swish and swipe" my bathroom each day I include wiping down the sink, soap dispenser, light switch and door knob with a disinfecting wipe.  I also started trying to wipe down, with the Clorox wipes, all of the light switches, door knobs, phones, and remotes once a week.  

    I have hand sanitizer in my van so that when I get gas, or have been in a store I can use it. 

    Other than that I focus on trying to get enough rest and eating well.  

    I should start taking Vit D, now that it's getting cooler out and I'm not outside as much,  but I'm terrible at remembering that kind of thing.  

  3. Yesterday was my yoga class day.  The studio had a new, fun yoga toy.  It was a apparatus that helped you in headstand.  It kept your head off the ground, and your shoulders rested on padding.  It was amazing. I now want one, and I want one a lot. :D  You could stay in headstand for a long time with no strain at all.  I must have one. 


    Today was kettlebell.  It was single leg deadlifts, swings, lunges, and high-pulls.  I finished up with a 6 minute tabata of snatches and squat thrusters.  I cooled down with 20 minutes of yoga.

  4. :grouphug:


    I had a VSD.  It was repaired when I was 4.   I had a neighbor, back when we lived elsewhere, who was diagnosed with a VSD in his 40's, he had surgery and was fine.  If there's an issue the doctors will be able to fix it. 


    :grouphug:  I know how unsettling dreams can be.  

  5. Thanks, everyone.  I'm determinded to find a bright side.  I plan to get abs and buns of steel. :D


    Rieshy, no I didn't mind your advice!  I wouldn't post if I didn't want others to chime in! And yes, weight training makes me so hungry!  You kind of stablize, but it not like I did with running.  Hard days make me very hungry.  I try and focus on more protein. I was eating yogurt every afternoon, but dairy is really bothering me now, so I've turned to nuts. :)  I make sure I measure the nuts, becuase it's easy to overeat those.  


    I did a 40 minute kettlebell DVD this morning.  I haven't done that workout in years, and it was hard.  The straight deadlifts hurt, so I plan on sticking to single leg deadlifts, which focus more on the glutes, and don't give my hamstring that stretch.  


    Happy Monday everyone!



  6. Am I able to read Snuff if I haven't read any of the other books in the series?



    Yes!  You do not have to read any of discworld in order.  It can be fun to do a few of the series in order, because they follow the same character, but otherwise the series is all over the place.

  7. Mom-ninja, Snuff has been my favorite Terry Pratchett book so far.  I loved that one.


    I have a Kindle, and I wish everything I read was on it.  I have 6 bookshelves crammed with books, and it's nice not to have to add more, or dust more.  I know, it almost sounds blasphemous, but it's where I'm at right now. :)


    I've been so busy the last 2 weeks, that it's been hard to read anything other than my morning devotional and Bible reading.  But today I finished Orphan Train.  It was sappy.  It was predictable.  The characters were totally cliche.  But I enjoyed it.  The story sucked me in and held me till the end. It was a nice, quick read.


    I had been listening to Life After Life, but I was listening while I ran.  I haven't been able to run because of an injury, so I've lost my time.  I can barely remember the beginning.  I may have to restart, but I have to figure out when to do that.  I was enjoying it.


    Next up on my Kindle is The Interestings, by Meg Wolitzer.  It's a library book, as was Orphan train.  They finally came in, so I've put The Pearl That Broke it's Shell aside to read those.  I may try and finish the Pearl then on to The Interestings.  I can't decide.  

  8. I liked the episode.  I liked last week's a bit better, but still this was very good.  


    My own theory is that the protracted antogonistic relationship is because of the Doctor's huge change.  He's not like Matt Smith, David Tennant, or Christopher Eccleston.  He is much closer to Tom Baker, and it's so drastic that he and she are both lost (I mean the characters, not the actors :) )


    This episode was strong, and still having the funny quips (She'll become president one day).  I thought the young girl was fun.  So real in her reactions (she actually says, I want to go home.  You never hear the companions say that.  I thought it was very real).  I don't know if she'll be back.  It doesn't look like it.  But a younger companion could be fun, though it would be hard to keep it as dark as they've been going. 

  9. Kettle bell is always an enormous workout for my hamstrings. I am sorry the running is out for now- but I am wondering whether a break from both wouldn't speedup the healing process-(I am hoping you don't throw anything at me.)


    I don't mean a long break but maybe a week hiatus while eating well and sleeping and stretching with rolling several times a day. - now that's starting to sound like a daydream so I'll add in get some massages and have your children rise up and call you blessed.



    I was keeping the squats light, and there was never any pain.  Single leg deadlifts are recommended, so I focused on those, but didn't go too heavy either.  According to my dh (he's a family doc, and also consults at a PT center) the only real rule is if it hurts, stop.  Nothing with kettlebell hurt, but I will be mindful of it as I go forward.  Yoga can hurt.  I have to be careful not to stretch that leg.  Forward bends tend to hurt, no matter how much I bend my knees.  Stupid, stupid hamstring.  


    I think the reason the kettlebell doens't hurt is because the load is on all 4 parts of the hamstring.  Running injured the outermost part.  When too much load is on just that part, it hurts.  Even stretching, if I do it right, doesn't hurt, as long as it's not hitting that outermost hamstring. 

  10. So I tried running today, and it was a complete fail.  I had decided to go super easy, taking walk breaks every 5 minuets, but my hamstring hurt from the moment I stepped out my door. :(  I feel like crying.  But I determined to have it push me further in other ways.  I've been focusing my kettlebell and yoga on rehab, but now I just want to focus on them. Lots more kettlebell and yoga, more KB swings for cardio condtioning and no thought of running, not for at least 6 weeks, maybe longer.  I do have to be careful with yoga. Last night I did a 1 hr fast primary series (I love Astanga Primary), but even though I didn't push it, all of the forward bending was too much.  So I have to stay away from Astanga, and stick to Hatha or flow.  I want to work on opening my hips and backbends.  With KB I want to be able to get up to squating my two 12kg bells (52#) I had been able to do a 44# 1 rep max, but I've backed off the strength of the squats because of running and then rehabing, but now I want to go for it. :)  


    Sorry, I'm rambling.  I'm sad and angry all at once.  I need to get myself to together, we are heading out for a 5 mile hike. :)

  11. Yesterday was my weekly yoga class in the city.  This new teacher is incredible.  I wish I could take multiple classes with her a week.  


    Today I've done nothing. I didn't sleep well (the wind was incredible) and I'm normally wiped out on Friday's.  Thursday's are co-op days, which means leaving the house at 6:40, droping the kids off at 8:00, yoga at 9:00 and a full day of running around town doing my shopping.  I pick the kids up at 4:30 and we get home by 5:45 if there are no traffic issues (there was yesterday, so an extra 30 minutes). The routine seems to wipe me out, and on Friday I have no energy for anything.  The wash is getting done, and we will eat dinner, but I want to just lay in bed all day. 


    I'm hoping for a short run tomorrow and maybe a short hike.  

  12. There were so many things about Broadchurch that made it good.  The tight filming, the very realistic actors (everyone's emotions were raw, I don't believe I've ever seen that on a US tv series), the places that looked real, like the small house, the tight and slightly out of date police station, even the church.  US shows try and made inside look wider/bigger.  


    I have zero confindence that a US production could pull it off.  The trailers I've seen make it look typically "American" in it's filming and acting.  Just too polished.  


    I will not watch (in case that wasn't obvious. :D )

  13. The only other things I've seen him in recently besides Broadchurch is the one where he played the lawyer who defended an pschyopath.  He went free only to go and kill Tennant's wife and... .well, I don't know actually because when I saw that coming we decided it wasn't for us.   It looked promising, but I didn't want to go through scary torture of women and children scenes either.  Don't remember the name.    I'll have to go check out his IMDB list and see what he's been up to. 



    The Escape Artist.  I enjoyed that.  He was very good.

  14. You listed oatmeal, but I've been making steel cut oatmeal in my crockpot.  So far I've done apples and raisins with cinnamon, pears with ginger and Chinese 5 spice, and peaches (nothing else, just peaches).  In all of them I use either almond or coconut milk (Silk, not the stuff in the cans).  I don't add any sugar, but you could add a little.


    Also good in eggs with avacado.  I usually have it with a slice of toast, but you could use a gluten free bread. 

  15. I ran this morning!  It was 3 slow and a bit difficult miles, but I ran.  I could feel my hamstring.  It was hard for my left leg to open up, but I'm unsure if that's from the injury or Sunday's 11 mile hike. :)  I came back and did kettlebell, TGU's with added presses, squats, push-ups, pull-ups and swings.  I have a goal of doing maybe 200 more swings today.  I would also like to do some restorative or yin yoga before bed, but I don't know if that will happen.


    And yes, Lisa, when you whole body is focused on just getting through your run, everything else melts away, at least for a bit.

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