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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I voted SmallWorld.  My ds12 loves that game, and we had gotten for him. It's a lot of fun and doesn't take too long to play.  We have Dominion, but he finds that game too difficult.  He can't seem to keep up with the pace.  I will say that it is my dd16's favorite games, as well as my ds15.  We have 10 days in Europe and none of my kids like it.  I don't know why, but they don't.  

  2. I haven't been on here in weeks!  I've been so busy, but I have been trying to read a bit.  I had finished The Pearl That Broke its Shell, by Nadia Hashimi.  I can't remember if I reviewed it here.  I enjoyed the book.  It was a bit long, and needed some editing, but the story was interesting.  I stuck with it because I love reading about other cultures.  The only issue was that it was hard to know if that is how women in that culture really think/respond/behave since it was written by a woman who grew up in the US.  Her parents were from there, but the writer's thinking patterns are modern, Western.  But still, I enjoyed it.  


    I'm still reading The Interestings, by Meg Wolitzer.  I'm not quite half way through.  It's a long book.  The writing is excellent, and her technique with flowing back and forth time wise is well done.  The characters are complex and compelling, but still, I'm finding it a bit boring.  It's about their lives, and doesn't have a compelling plot. I'm enjoying it, but it's not a page turner, and each time I pick it up I do so just to get through it.  I plan on finishing it.  I'm a sucker for good writing.    

  3. On Sunday I did a kettlebell strength workout.  Lots of squat and lunge variations as well as snatches and high pulls. I was also able to get out an enjoy a nice walk.  It was sunny and in the mid 60's.  It's going to get much colder this week, so I'm trying to enjoy the warmth while I can.


    This week my kettlebell workouts are more cardio focused, and today's was 42 minutes of high volume work.  I was shakey by the end, but it was nice to get my heart rate up. 

  4. Yes, it is hard.  The child is becoming an adult, and wants to be and adult but not be an adult at the same time.  There is uncertainty, school stress, relationship stress (friends who come and go, some who've moved on to college already, etc...).  Everything is hitting at once.  


    I've been getting whiplash too...........

  5. Well, this won't help.  I'm getting mine a Playstation 4..:)



    But my youngest son is also getting a skateboard, middle son is getting a new football, 2 boys are getting neck pillows for the van. I will also get them Doctor Who stuff, most likely shirts, but I'm unsure.  Plus some iTunes gift cards.  My dd16 is getting luggage, a lined flannel shirt, makeup, my oldest dd is getting her contacts, a clarisonic mia 2, and makeup.

  6. Yeah, this was an episode where I like the parts, but not the whole.  The acting was excellent.  I think the actress playing Missy nailed it.  I enjoyed her and the Doctor's interactions.  I loved Osgood (the assistant) and Kate, and was angry they killed Osgood.  Loved all the references (the Bond moment, Mary Poppins) as well as references to past episodes.  I liked Danny as a Cyberman, even if I still couldn't stand him. I thought Clara was brilliant in this episode, especially when she had to "kill" Danny. I even loved that Danny sent the boy back.  But I still fear he will not stay dead...... I even liked both the Doctor and Clara lying to each other.  She has become, "the Doctor" as she was saying. She was almost a better Doctor than he was this episode, even telling Danny that she was, "so sorry" (I still hear it in David Tennant's voice".


    I hated that, once again, the answer to it all was "TRUE LOVE".  Blah.  I'm sick of that.  And while I liked the salute, they made the Bridgadier a Cyberman.  No, no, no.......  And the plot had so many holes.  I kept thinking, "Really????"  


    Overall, I did like it, because the acting was so good and so fun.  



  7. I'm just starting to feel better, I hope you feel better soon, Snickerdoodle.


    Yesterday I did Bikram yoga for the first time.  I missed having any kind of flow, but it was still fun.  It was very calming which was good, since the night before I spent an hour (on the phone) trying to settle down my oldest (who is sick and stressed) and then in the morning, I dropped my phone in the toilet.:(  It seems to be working now, but I was very stressed by the time I got to yoga.


    Today was kettlebell with lots of presses, and tonight, my dd and I are going to yoga again. :)  

  8. Oh, you guys are SO right! There are a million reasons why this would never work long-term for me.


    So now, I nave to figure our when to do it and thats the hard part, ugh. Thanks for snapping me back to reality though. The idea of getting into the van at 5:00 (losing 1.5 hours of sleep) and driving in the cold, dark, snowy winter does not sound ideal.



    I'm not saying you have to do this, but why does it have to be long term?  Why can't it be for 4 weeks, or 6 weeks?  After that time, reconsider.  


    You should find time for yourself, and do something that will be phyiscally good for you, even if not this, something. 

  9. Skipping my workout today, which frustrates me.  My cold has taken a turn for the worse, and just sweeping the floor is making me overheat and sweat.  My body should not do, "10 minutes of intensity" followed by 30 to 45 minutes of yoga.  I hate being sick.:(  


    Reishy, I hope iceing it helps and that it's fine tomorrow. 


    I have more injuries when I'm tired, but I haven't noticed it with my cycles.  

  10. I'm a morning person, and I know that would be hard for me, BUT I think it's worth trying.  Give it at least 2 weeks, maybe even a month and see if your body doesn't adjust to it.  


    My dh wakes up at 5:30 to run, I get up somewhere between 6:00 and 6:30.  After a while, your body expects that AM workout.  


    I would look at it as a gift to yourself.  A chance for some you time, and a chance to start a new pattern for your life.


    Good luck!

  11. If she's running, and wants running pants then I would search for those.  You want to get tights at the approprieate thickness.


    Try this site.




    That page has the tights on it, if you scroll down. You will find a few different styles, but most are tight fitting.  You can search them by temp range.  The thin ones are good right now where I am, but I use the mid level tights most of the winter, until it's too cold, then I use my treadmill. :)  You can also put sweats over top of tights for more warmth.  

  12. It is so sad.


    I just have random thoughts--


    I'm a Christian, but unlike some other dear Christians, I do not believe my life is my own; I have yielded my right to myself to God. So, I don't think I would kill myself. I've been suicidal in the past due to depression, and that is different, but the idea of not wanting to suffer is the same. I just came to a different conclusion.


    I am not sure there is any more dignity in planning and following thru with one's own death. Or, better, I'm not sure that there is LESS dignity, true dignity, in living all one's given days. I don't think of being incontinent or on a feeding tube or unable to swallow, or all the "yucky" messy stuff people go thru in end-stage disease as "lacking dignity." So I guess I define it differently.


    I sure do feel for her family.


    And I'm not judging her--I'm really not. I hope she is at peace, and I don't know what I would do in her situation--probably not what she did, but I can't say for sure.


    Lastly, I don't see her actions as quite the same as someone who stops their own treatment and dies a natural death.



    But I want to add, while I don't think I would do the same, I think the politicians should stay out of it (meaning using it as a divisive issue).  There needs to be a legal framework in place for health care providers to be able to provide the care the patient needs and wants.   

  13. Time for new shoes, Lisa. :)



    Today was more kettlebell.  Lots of lunge variations today, as well as snatch to negative (which is a great exercise) and high pulls.  I also did the "abs of steel". On the DVD, she used a skateboard, but we don't have one, so I did everything on my stability ball.  Every time I use that thing, I'm reminded how weak my core is.  It is so hard to see strength gains in my core. I know it's happening, but it's a slow process.  


    I hope to get a short walk in later while my son is at his piano lesson, and I'm also planning on some yin later, targeting my hips.  I did get to so about 20 minutes of yin/restorative last night.  It felt good, but didn't help me calm down before bed as I had hoped. :(  My late night on Monday (we get home 9:45) makes it hard to sleep well.  

  14. I have a head cold, so I took it a bit more slowly this morning with my kettlebell workout, but it went well.  I followed it up with some gentle yoga.  


    My dd and I enjoyed the yoga last night, and we plan on doing more together. :)


    Negin, there is some stuff from Ayurveda I like, other stuff that doesn't work for me, but I do find it fascinating.  

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